You hit the Jackpot


You have landed on the MitM website created and designed for the Man In The Middle. It is concentrated on the utility of actionable-quality knowledge about the operational reality and a unique process that puts its developed knowledge into proper service.

That the progressive-build process discussed on this website is “new and useful” has been established beyond dispute. We have gone through the comprehensive, tedious patent application process and been awarded the “patent pending” designation by the USPTO. That signifies the end of the beginning. As you may know, patents take years to issue.

The title of the pending patent discussed here is “Positive Resocialization of a Tall Hierarchy.” It is a process covered by the USPTO utility category conducted by an interventionist with MitMs in a master/apprentice relationship that takes a dysfunctional organization as-is and transposes it into a flourishing, resilient, sustainable operation we call “Plan B.” An example in application is provided by the Amish.

The Plan B resocialization process, completely psychological, halts the cascading consequences of organizational dysfunction (OD) and delivers a streaming benefit package that enlarges with time. It transposes intramural competition into intramural collaboration. Few have experienced the dramatic difference that collaboration makes over competition regarding workforce productivity. Fewer yet have any idea of what their organization is capable of achieving by collaboration towards objectives in common. They suffer with an archaic, obsolete reference standard far below what is readily achievable, called business as usual.

The biggest scam in universal human socialization is that no one knows what their social systems are capable of achieving. They accept what their collectives actually do as meeting the venerable standard encoded in their genome – “We’re no worse than the others.”

When the attainable top-flight capability was brought to life in 2013, everyone involved was astonished at the various conspicuous advances. The reaction of the workforce was to migrate the innovation, positive reciprocity. The reaction of the ruling classes was to kill the program, a reaction that authenticated the source of universal socialization.

The purpose of positive resocialization is to reveal the scam of universal socialization and the great damage it delivers to humanity and displace that menace with a socialization based on the best performance proven to be attainable.

The cascade of consequences from operating on business as usual, we call Plan A, the path of least organizational resistance, does not point to a fix. We learned by enactive doing that the only meaningful reference standard for full scope damage assessment of Plan A was the delivered product of positive resocialization, Plan B. You can’t measure the full scope and depth of the available streaming benefit package of the achievable by OD damage control. The benefits include far more than just stopping the hemorrhage of Plan A. For example, the resocialized workforce in Plan B is a disinfectant to the widespread corruption that attends every hierarchy in OD mode. Plan B doesn’t detect corruption after the fact. It detects corruption as an error in implementing Plan B and corrected as such on the fly as an error.

Today, everyone experiences the consequences of organizational dysfunction, to a degree that can only worsen with time. Business as usual, applied out of its element to tall hierarchies, delivers significant losses in:

  • Inalienable rights
  • Workforce efficiency
  • Security and welfare
  • Trust
  • Physical and psychological health

Just like the “Deep State” of contemporary political systems, the widespread wreckage inflicted upon its constituents attests to the handiwork of widespread corruption enabled by a multi-tiered legal system. Today, Themis wears no blindfold and her thumbs rest on the scale of justice. Her bias is the cornerstone of inflation.

After determining the scope and depth of OD by comparing its performance to Plan B performance, you can then determine the streaming benefits of Plan B that accrue beyond stopping the hemorrhage of Plan A. These benefits are always of great utility. Another example, like systemic corruption discussed above, is positive reciprocity. Once people in relationship to a Plan B organization recognize the happy, productive state of affairs they want a piece of the action. After ten years of enjoying the benefits of positive reciprocity, we are still amazed by its impact in everyday living at work, at home, and in the community. On average, the practical value of positive reciprocity is 10 times greater than the effort it takes to set it in motion.

Significant measurable gains are delivered by Plan B as a set, appearing simultaneously when Plan B collaboration clicks in. Psychological changes have no inertia to overcome. Functional areas of organizational life that are benefitted include:

  • Safety – losses drop by 50%
  • Health – psychological and physical, improve by 90%
  • Productivity jumps by 25% or more
  • Administrative costs – drop by 50%
    • Workforce turnover plummets to background levels
  • Competitive advantage – jumps by an order of magnitude
  • Resiliency – jumps by an order of magnitude
    • Scope of problems that can be tackled
  • No labor unrest

At this junction, it is important to recognize that, by role, senior management and organizational administrators are hostile to the FLLP and Plan B. The amazing, substantial benefits demonstrated by the transposition are immediately seen as a threat to their authority and the chain of command illusion. They are plagued by the imposter syndrome. You can run this test for yourself on anyone.

Although expressly focused on MitM world, this website contains benefits for anyone and everyone. It is the foundation and structure of social intelligence that everyone needs in these turbulent times to lead a happy fulfilling life, chaotic social environment or not. You are your choices and social intelligence is essential to risk-informed choice-making.



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