Frequent Visitors
This website has attracted the interest of visitors from around the globe and some have downloaded more than a hundred of its pages. The current list of frequent visitors (FVs) speaks for itself. We never get feedback.
Location and number of FVs:
Paris, France – 9
Istanbul, Turkey – 11
Moscow, Russia – 6
China, Hong Kong – 4
Ukraine, Dnipro and Kiev – 4
Warsaw, Poland – 3
Belgium, Brussels – 2
Singapore – 2
Wichita, KS – 2
Germany – 4
Singapore – 2
Broadlands, VA
Bangkok, Thailand
Boardman, OR 97818 – works for the CIA
Cheny, KS
Langley, UK
Slough, UK
Hanoi, Viet Nam
To the Ukrainians: Natural law is firmly on your side. You will prevail.
Correlating frequency of visits with interest in the themes of the website is part of our performance report. FVs are so diverse on so many levels, learning about common denominators would be especially valuable empirical evidence of our invariant human nature, Stone Age version.
Views: 94