Value System Conflicts

Awe is a feeling. It is a feeling of the moment, a reflex triggered by a subconscious-mind driven recognition program. You sense that you are experiencing something important to your well-being that encompasses your understanding of the world at a higher level of abstraction, of generality. Awe sets your troubles aside, temporarily, while you experience something that transcends them. Depending on the value system of the individual in awe, the experience will be viewed either as a positive or a negative event. Awe can never be neutral.

Awe cultivates generosity, compassion, and selflessness. It calms the mind, and diminishes selfishness and narcissism. It lowers stress, enhances happiness and quality of life. Awe enhances the immune system by cutting the production of inflammatory cytokines. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which, in turn, soothes the body’s stressful fight or flight response. And it alters our sense of time, so that it feels as if you have more of it and you feel less busy and with more internal energy available, more willing to devote time to helping others. Awe can help break habitual patterns of thought—especially negative ones.


The social world of Plan B is composed of two highly disparate classes of people:

  • The ruling class of entitled (by opinion) consumers
  • The producer classes
    • The MitM, front line leader class
    • The front line class

Since there is nothing in common between the value system of the consumers (opinion) and the value system of the producers (performance), it is necessary to customize Plan B accordingly. Implementing Plan B for the workforce is a MitM responsibility first and then a grounder (boots on the ground) responsibility in tandem. The ruling class plays no role in the A-B transposition.

Every change in the transposition process is guarded by fierce dragons. Considerable, unrelenting cognitive effort is required. As the roster stays the same, there is much to be unlearned and much to be learned by the workforce. While learning takes time, benefits materialize soon after the process gets underway with the FLLP. Within two weeks of the start, transposition success is assured.

That’s slaying the dragon the hard way. There are easier ways.

The awesome truth about the ruling class

  • They only have the legal immunity to punish their own people and their stakeholders. Forbidden by natural law, they are functionally powerless to bring prosperity to their constituency. Not licensed professionals, rulers have neither the duty nor the responsibility to bring prosperity.
  • Their value system and standard of care in use is to maintain the class distinctions between the producers and themselves as entitled consumers.
  • The culture of this class involves endless zero-sum competition for opinions that backstop their authority rank. Any tactic is allowed, including deception, corruption, sabotage, and reality denial.
  • Since they cannot increase class distinctions by positive performance, demonstrating their superiority by results, they denigrate the producer classes as deserving of their contempt and abuse. The instincts of reciprocity in the workforce respond by withholding efficiency of production. That consequence shows up immediately on the net profit line.
  • Most of the elite ranks contract the imposter syndrome which puts them in coverup and opacity mode for life, sealed in place by the Nash Equilibrium.
  • In order to deceive the producers into thinking they have no basis to think and act for themselves, the Establishment has fashioned a socialization system that features the replacement of personal responsibility to think and deliver with blind obedience to authority. “Don’t think for yourself! Do as you’re told.”
  • Warfield’s Dictum applies: “Don’t ask them to do what they can’t.” Survival-wise, the ruling class is inert matter.


What the potentates have to unlearn


What the potentates have to learn


The awesome truth about the MitM/keystone class

This keystone ply of the producer class is the only echelon in society that has the social power to deliver a flourishing collective. It designs and assigns task actions for 88% of the organizational roster. When the MitMs attend the FLLP and assimilate the Plan B ideology, their value in the job market increases dramatically.

The keystones have been socialized to believe that their rulers are omniscient, in the big-picture seat, and deserving of obedience as superior choice-makers. They have bought in to the belief that their rulers have the same value system as the producers with the best interests of the organizational domain at heart. They voluntarily form a bait ball for defense against the threats streaming against them from the very people they assumed were acting in behalf of the organization. The bait ball configuration of their subjects is the goal of all upper classes.

Accordingly, the keystone/foremen have much to unlearn, tuning their value system, and much testing of the inherent power of their role in their own reality. This unlearning/testing process takes time and guidance from the personalized interventionist.

1909 Graphic: The Man in the Middle. Key to Plan B
What they have to unlearn
  • They are inferior to the upper classes
  • They have no social power
  • Their superiors make prudent choices
  • They are part of management, entitled consumers


What they have to learn
  • Their role in the organization is unique
  • Their role controls the activity of 88% of the organizational roster
  • Their power is a direct function of workforce performance
  • Be transparent and publicize your standard of care, a fun show stopper
The Man in the Middle keystone 1902.  Note under “Delivery” the airplane had not yet been invented

The awesome truth about the front-line worker class

The truth hidden from the grounders is that they can directly inherit all of the benefits of their foremen when their foremen/keystones adopt and implement the Plan B ideology. They have experienced the sociotechnical techniques that work for productivity and innovation. This greatly increases their value in the job market.

What they get they didn’t have before Plan B:

  • Personalization
  • Inalienable rights
  • Dignity
  • Health
  • Encouragement to express the healthy instincts
  • Personal value enhancement by curiosity and creativity and learning the SoC of choice making
  • Square deal, share of productivity gains
  • Security
  • Knowledge of the how and why of organizational dysfunction
  • Knowledge of the prudent choice making process
  • GYAT subconscious recognition-program trust
  • Positive reciprocity


What they have to unlearn
  • They are powerless to improve their lot
  • While at work, they have to park their curiosity and creativity
  • They are, in any way, inferior to other social classes.


What they have to learn
  • The workforce is in unilateral control of organizational prosperity
  • Their positive instincts have great value. Encourage them. Part of inalienable rights.
  • Their choice-making process in use, reality centered, is vastly superior to the mal-informed, natural law restricted, reality denying selection process of the potentate class.
  • The price paid by the upper classes of society to be entitled consumers is to be unable to make prudent choices on Cat 3 problems.
  • Be transparent and publicize your SoC. It’s a show stopper
  • The role of the foreman to design and assign is intrinsic, unchangeable


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