To flourish or to languish

That is the Question

The largess of flourishing is progressive. You have to be enjoying the previous-level benefits you earned to attain the benefit package awaiting on the next level up. These windfalls appear spontaneously when the requirements have been met. They manifest out of thin air, from the “cloud” where, urged on by the Establishment, you previously and obediently parked them when it took away your inalienable rights. Know that:

  • There is no article to buy, everything in play is psychological. No inertia
  • Veterans are always available to help you stay on track
  • The psychological processes that enabled authoritarianism work equally as well to bring prosperity

The windfall is delivered in six progressive benefit levels:

  1. Health, psychological and physical (Everyone)
  2. GYAT (Everyone)
  3. Plan B flourishing
  4. Positive reciprocity
  5. Competitive advantage
  6. Franchise of Plan B

Nature’s rationale

The rack that holds the awaiting benefits is forced into consecutive layers by the speed at which your subconscious mind makes task action choices for you to execute. In less than a centisecond, your standard-issue subconscious mind ranks the trustworthiness of others. This blinding speed prevents any sort of checking on the quality of its inputs (GIGO) and the logic used to arrive at the choice. The result is that choosing by intuition is inappropriate to the circumstances at hand far more often than random chance. Powerful Brainiac is loaded with an amalgam of junk information and biases, fueling GIGO. It is untrustworthy in the extreme, but dependably so.

Your subconscious. Powerful and untrustworthy. What a combination!

Nature’s operational reality, as you suspect, does not respond kindly to lies and other attempts to defy its laws. Throwing defiance at Nature, reality denial, has nothing to recommend it. She never overlooks an insult and punishes your audacity without remorse.

The concept of reality “denial” has a rich history in mental health and started as purely a psychodynamic concept of Freud defined as a defense mechanism. Basically, reality denial, like repression, protects the individual from information too painful to accept (trauma or abuse or prohibited sexual longings) which results in symptoms like anxiety or depression. In this view, symptoms are surface manifestations of deeper issues of the unconscious. The concept has greatly expanded in meaning over the years to include anything that is too uncomfortable to accept. For example, the concept is widely used in addiction treatment and the individual is said to be “in denial” about their harmful use. I would also say that “reality-denial” is a part of being human in general. Barry Duncan

The design of the benefits rack is set by the requisite step-wise progression (flow) of Plan B attainment. It is kept honest by the speed of choice-making and the penalties for skipping a rung in the ladder. For example, if you don’t get the required internal energy supply liberated by angst blowdown, forget about getting your act together.

Do you really think you can be fooled by a person crippled with angst and reality denial who cannot make prudent choices under any circumstances? Well, you can’t fool them either. They will instantly detect your calm togetherness and vent off to your lower pressure as much as they can. It costs you nothing and the fear-crippled person benefits greatly, automatically triggering his instinct of positive reciprocity – the psychological lubricant of a flourishing social system.

Your opportunity here in the factory showroom is to overview what has to take place and choose the benefit package you think you can reach, all things considered. It is a multidimensional trade-off exercise that only you can do for your situation. You are free to stop anytime, including before you start.

Everything in social behavior is psychological. There is no inertia to account for. Each of the six progressive benefit packages is obtained by a surge of hyperlearning. That hyper term calls for casting out the false mental models of reality that muddle your subconscious mind and replacing them with concepts that deliver their stated purpose. Each displacement is validated by performance tests in your operational reality.

While we can mentor, you design the concept tests for your situation and you perform them. You discuss your experience at the proving ground of life with Plan B veterans who have been through the process and are enjoying the streaming benefits. They are your on-call insurance policy against failure.

In this Plan B arena, there are no negotiated, compromise choices. With Nature, there is no accommodation for an A/B amalgam. All A/B mixtures are unstable and transient. Fail to reach the next Plan B milestone and the default is plummeting back to where you ended the previous step. Attained benefit packages remain yours for life. The first two levels are for everyone. The levels 3-5 are for MitMs and covered in the MitM gallery.

Relevant subtopics for each level are connected by hyperlinks so you can expand your knowledge of social intelligence as you think best.

Hyperlearning always includes concept testing by you in your environment. The Plan B paradigm is absolutely generic, a quality that comes to all schemes based on the laws of Nature, a priori. When you go through the process of designing and executing tests, you build knowledge at high rates. Whatever tests you concoct, you know that a Plan B veteran has done the same before you and is available to help. He will not let you fail. Everyone needs a boost to get past the inflection point. Remember, everything involved in this exercise is mental, not physical. No inertia.



The compelling purpose

The first benefit package, psychological health, is relieving your stress and anxiety acquired from Plan A dysfunction and abuse. Since your supply of internal energy is finite, it is essential to make your forcibly-captured energy available for making the slog going forward to Plan B. Right now, your internal energy is being consumed with anxiety. This milestone “angst blowdown” cannot be bypassed. Yes, it takes cognitive effort to release this energy from captivity. No energy, no progress.


The angst-blowdown event has a long history. Languishing was first observed and documented as an effect by some engineers tasked to interview twenty thousand workers at the AT&T Hawthorne works in Cicero, IL in 1928 AD. The goal set for the interview program was to increase productivity and the standard interviewing practices at that time were getting nowhere. Engineers, being engineers in a clinical setting , began changing the interview approach by the process of elimination, trial and error. Their big advantage, having the standard process as benchmark, was that results of a test strategy were instant (no inertia). When they hit upon the winning formula, it was obvious to everyone. And that, exactly, is why the Hawthorne experiments in process productivity (1928-1937) were so fruitful.

Stress relief is entirely personal. No one can blowdown your accumulation of fear-driven angst for you. As an internal psychological process, it is organizationally neutral. No permission is needed and no one needs to be told of your goal. Angst blowdown is a hyperlearning exercise. To the individual concerned about his social status, there is no risk of social pushback from angst blowdown.

Human nature has endowed man with the ability to detect anxiety in others, instantly. Stone Age man used the attitude-recognition competency to detect levels of aggression in large carnivores and neighboring tribes in less than a centisecond. You are subconsciously measuring angst levels in others all day every day. Motorists reveal angst levels in their driving style.

As no one drenched in anxiety can fool your subconscious-mind assessment, you cannot fool anyone sizing you up either. Besides, hormone blood work can settle anxiety-state questions by itself. To delude yourself into thinking you don’t have an angst-driven health deficit just makes your health deficits worse. You are constantly exposed to fear mongering by authoritarians, your government, and the media, social media in particular. This assault is very effective.

It is assumed herein that you are, by role and inclination, a producer. If you are an entitled consumer, getting rid of your angst is practically impossible. You are socially forbidden to engage anything about a-priori Plan B. The entitled consumers have no way to reduce their accumulating angst, especially when it reaches the imposter syndrome stage. As you may know, science says 70% of the population is plagued with this syndrome. Most of them are committed consumers.

Stuff to unlearn

Your crippling fear-driven anxiety is an end product of your social conditioning, a pack of lies that became part of your nature. Languishing never fails to trigger a cascade of consequences that block the path to Plan B.

There are several lies that fail you, socialized into your subconscious mind, that have to be displaced with the truth about reality that works. Included in the jetsam is the whopper lie that social authority equals positive social power. The giveup list is interesting but long and it is handled by hyperlinks.

Prominent principles

The inalienable right to blowdown your angst is foremost among your inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (prosperity). While these rights cannot be taken away from you, you gave them up some time ago in voluntary exchange for the promise of herd protection by the fear-mongering authorities, who turned out to be all hat, no cattle.

The angst blowdown process of Plan B is centered on acquiring the knowledge of its cause. Our results show that social anxiety comes from enduring the consequences of organizational dysfunction, knowing it is counterproductive to everyone, and being clueless as to its cause. If you don’t understand the mechanisms of action that produce angst, you don’t know what to expect next. The uncertainty is maddening – and quite unhealthy. You don’t yet see that the authoritarians who offer you herd protection are the very same fear-mongering potentates who intentionally amplify your insecurity. History has no larger example towards fear-mongering than what is going on now. You did know the tall hierarchy guarantees class warfare and corruption. Right?

As with the concepts to unlearn, the pack of relevant laws and principles is handled by hyperlinks.

Stuff to learn

What, for you as producer, is attainable (reality) that is not available to a consumer (reality denial).

You learn about the intrinsic social power of the producers. Consumers, deliberately ignorant of cause and effect (C/E) are not able to cope with the vicissitudes of the ever-changing operational reality. They are sitting ducks, future-defenseless. The world of opinions is detached from Nature. Producers have all sorts of positive social power no one can take away from them. Your security does not come from the empty promises of authority, but by your own performance.

Social intelligence

  • No losers, equipoise
    • Inalienable rights
    • Square deal
  • Equal opportunity for pursuit of happiness
    • No class distinctions
    • Social status by performance
    • Platinum rule, Rogerian Triad
  • Sustainable


In starting from scratch in the FLLP, angst blowdown comes by the end of the first month. In a running Plan B, new MitMs joining the organization obtain stress relief before the end of their first shift. You are always in control of your efforts.

The time it will take for you to vent off your angst as a solo effort cannot be predicted. If you choose to be coached over the rough spots by a veteran, the time will be cut in half.

Benefit package contents

The health benefit package includes physical and psychological health benefits. Regaining control over your health is announced by releases of your happy hormones and big cutbacks on your stress hormones, such as cortisol. The improvements in your health are not subtle. Yes, the folks at home appreciate your attainment. As you release pent-up energy you automatically become proactive with your physical health.

A side benefit of Plan B is a 50% reduction in personnel accidents and errors. While the 50% drop in losses is recorded in all implementations of “Plan B,” we can only guess about the actual connection embedded in the unknowable subconscious mind that is behind this. We did not predict this monster side benefit before we measured it in Plan B’s maiden implementation (2013).  We didn’t know then that angst and safety were covariant.  The authoritarians hate the tight connection exposed by Plan B because it spotlights their long-standing contempt for workforce health and safety. Is it challenging to imagine the potentates refusing to go Plan B because it rockets workforce health? You can demonstrate this ubiquitous choice for yourself anytime. It’s surprisingly easy.


This website introduces and frames our lifelong quest to reach and maintain a state of psychological contentment, psychological health, and psychological success – be happy. You have to zero-in on happiness for yourself before you can help build a flourishing social system. Unhappy people don’t even know where to begin the process and most of them don’t want to learn. Vague goals produce prolific waste, no results.

Born free, like you, we grew up in rural society composed of people who were always happy with their lot and those who were not. Through our formative years, we learned it didn’t matter if the people were poor or rich or anything else. All classes, all cultures featured these opposites in personality profiles. Flourishing social systems are happy, languishing social systems are not. It’s never the other way around. Neutral is impossible.

Early on, we wondered how people were arriving at these highly disparate mental attitudes having the same human nature and social envelope. As most collectives of society contain both happys and unhappys, we concluded the choice was personal. That observation raised the question: what motivates an individual to willfully choose to be unhappy, as so many do? What are the roles of social conditioning and social norms in delivering this unfortunate human condition?

Those questions are not easily answered. The psychological states of happiness and unhappiness are effects of your mental choosing processes intersecting reality, the task actions you choose to perform in your context. These are measurable states of mind.

There are many disparate causes for each state, happy and un, and each generates its own set of consequences. It turns out you can’t certify the causes of organizational dysfunction (OD), aka Plan A, until you solve its riddle. Then you notice you can’t certify the span of effects of OD until after you compare the before to the after processing states. It seems ludicrous, but you have to possess the answer book of Plan B before you know the fruitful/frightful questions to ask about how did these intelligent humans end up supporting unhappy Plan A.

We conclude, at present, that social norms dictated by the ruling class are the primary coercive forces of the choice to forego happiness. After all, foregoing your inalienable rights is a standard condition of employment. It’s plain the social status incentive didn’t ride in on our Stone Age genome because it never manifested in Stone Age society. It had to arrive by social conditioning. Remember “Do as you’re told!?” “Curiosity killed the cat?” Behave or the boogie man will get you? “I’m the mommy, that’s why!” “Remain in the station to which you were born.” “Obey me: don’t believe your lying eyes.”

One nifty thing about having the fix for the primary cause of OD in your toolbox is that it is demonstrable to any audience, at any time, in any situation. In fact it is so easy to demonstrate that anyone can do the demo, regardless of their knowledge and experience. Think of the naïve boy in the Emperor’s Clothes fable. You’ll get it right the first time.

More proof? Just being told that the primary cause of OD is known and has a fix put you in a psychological quandary, one which you already feel. “Do I really want to know the cause of unhappiness? Do I really want a fix for OD?” You reflexively answered yourself “No,” just like everyone else.  Why does everyone immediately choose “No?” Well, that’s another process of elimination chore of great significance that centers on your unknowable subconscious mind. For now, it’s mostly guesswork from failed experiments.


The reality centered Life is ancient common sense.

General remarks

Since sociology science didn’t derive the top down causal cascade from reverse-engineering its vast working knowledge of effects, that fact alone explains much about the grossly-unhappy state of hierarchical society today. We surmised there has to be a motivator (our guess is social standing) that ranks higher in value priority than personal health and happiness. As everything in and about this state of affairs in social behavior is psychological, our bet today is placed on “norms and values” of the culture you live in. The absence of that factor is why, exactly, Robinson Crusoe survived his social isolation intact.

Social behavior has no mass, no inertia to overcome. There is nothing to buy. There is no central control room. Social behavior is but the product of a wireless entanglement of individual, unknowable subconscious minds. Everything you witness about the engine of social behavior is intangible and some of that is eternally unknowable to boot. There are no permissions to obtain to learn about this psychological stuff about happiness. The pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right.

We conclude, at present, that social norms dictated by the ruling class are the primary coercive forces of the choice to forego happiness. After all, foregoing your inalienable rights is a standard condition of employment. It’s plain the social status incentive didn’t ride in on our Stone Age genome because it never manifested in Stone Age society. It had to arrive by social conditioning. Remember “Do as you’re told!?” “Curiosity killed the cat?” Behave or the boogie man will get you? “I’m the mommy, that’s why! Remain in the station to which you were born. Obey me: don’t believe your lying eyes.”

This website fills in many of the particulars in our ongoing quest to certify the apex causation of organizational dysfunction (OD). Every day we ask ourselves anew: “What primary cause must be addressed first, upfront, before any of the other causal candidates can be decisively neutralized?” This question is absolutely primary because if you get it wrong, you can’t reach flourishing Plan B.  And, the only way to find out which one is top gun is by the grueling, thankless process of elimination, a royal PITA nobody wants to have to go through.

It’s mentioned above, but you have to knowingly, deliberately attain the happy Plan B state before you can validate primary causation of Plan A’s OD. Since no one before 2013 had ever gotten there, everyone was working on second order causes of OD with nothing but failure to show for their efforts.  If history had exceptions, OD would have been eradicated by now. The wreckage of Plan A is global gigantic, far more carnage than all the wars of mankind put together.

One nifty thing about having the fix for the primary cause of OD in your toolbox is that it is demonstrable to any audience, at any time, in any situation. In fact it is so easy to demonstrate that anyone can do the demo, regardless of their knowledge and experience. Think of the naïve boy in the Emperor’s Clothes fable. You’ll get it right the first time.

More proof? Just being told that the primary cause of OD is known and has a fix put you in a psychological quandary, one which you already feel. “Do I really want to know the cause of unhappiness? Do I really want a fix for OD?” You reflexively answered yourself “No,” just like everyone else.  Why does everyone instantly choose “No?” Well, that’s another process of elimination chore of great significance that centers on your unknowable subconscious mind. For now, it’s mostly guesswork from failed experiments.


Breaking Silence

A sample

Field explorations with operating social systems regarding the social-mind blindspot, super-significant to everyone’s way of life, are nonstop. Our curiosity about an anomaly concerning the most important functionality to Homo sapiens existence, began the quest: ‘How does context influence the choice of task actions?’ How does knowledge of the operational reality, or the lack of it, impact choice-making? Hundreds of live experiments have been conducted over the years and computer-driven dynamic simulations of social behavior, based upon mathematical physics, are in the millions.

It didn’t take long on the social battlefield (battyfield?) to affirm that the paramount knowledge and skill set for engineering a healthy, successful way of human life is routinely sabotaged by the Establishment – with the full cooperation of its socialized victims. This self-defeating, lose-lose process of reality denial, is on display everywhere, right now. Just look.

Because of its great significance to mankind’s health, welfare, and survival, breaking silence on this menace to society is top priority. You will soon realize this breakthrough, in attaining happiness on purpose, is for you. Before 2013, you and your hierarchy didn’t have a choice.


⇒ Announcing what has been achieved⇐

Since 2013, the capability to take a hierarchical social system languishing in dysfunction and transpose it, as-is, into a flourishing, self-sustaining, futureproof collective. Incontrovertible.


What is rendered undiscussable?

The reality-denial blindspot blocks knowing that:

  • Your inalienable rights have been taken away
  • You have been bludgeoned into mindless obedience to authority
  • Your curiosity has been locked to “idle”
  • You have been depersonalized and herded into a baitball configuration
  • Your knowledge of cause and effect has been restricted to low-significance matters, always “digging down” to effects, “getting under” the data, never working upstream towards primary causes
  • Methods for locating the primary cause of organizational dysfunction have been made undiscussable as well
  • There are successful social relationships, such as the master/apprentice schema
  • There is a proven fix (Plan B) for organizational dysfunction, Plan A


To name a few.

What’s within reality-denial’s scope?

Crippled functionalities

  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Goal setting
  • Making prudent choices of task action
  • Distinguishing right from wrong
  • Planning
  • Forecasting
  • Selecting
  • Communications
  • Research
  • Design
  • System control
  • Education
  • Operations, producing
  • Adult learning
  • Maintaining
  • Problem solving
  • Innovation
  • Responsibility


To name a few.

Reality centering is a task only the conscious mind can bring home.

Lock List

The benefits of having reliable, proven social dynamics knowledge, stream to you every day, all day. Nothing is in your way to start your benefit stream here and now. The samples taken from the knowledge bank, when deployed, can immediately reduce your angst levels. In this unknowable affair of the mind, there is no mass, no inertia to overcome.

The stack of causation lists attributes of social behavior you can observe in action and validate on an objective basis. These are discrete causes locked to the right stack of cascading effects, guaranteed to coexist. You can validate the effects associated with their causes by objective measurements. No permissions are necessary.

Once you gain confidence in the social behavior lock list, you can start adjusting your social behavior accordingly. The first benefit to flow to you is angst reduction. You will discover first hand that understanding the mechanisms of action of social behavior, especially those that drive you bonkers, takes away the sting on your security and self-confidence. The second streaming benefit is that your forecasts of the trajectory of the social system are spot on and timely.

To any who refuse to absorb and deploy what can be learned about social system reality, pure windfall, nothing more is available. They have chosen to enter a sociological black hole from which escape is impossible. Disconnect and distance.

To those who have experienced the power of social dynamics knowledge and wish to extend their social intelligence, the website is a bonanza.

Because it is simple, direct, and powerful, the lock list is a stalwart first milestone on the cognitive toll-road to Plan B. Make sure you double check the cause with ground truth. Once satisfied as operational, look for the associated cascade of its effects. You can immediately use that knowledge to navigate the social minefields, predicting the trajectory going forward. Your peers will notice the reliability of your forecasts. You can separate the producers from the oblivious entitled consumers for Rogerian-Triad personalization and trust building.

Partnering with reality is a clinic in cause and effect.

Operational Cause  ↔  Assured Effect


  • Hierarchy ≥ 3 levels of command ↔  Business as usual, Plan A cascade, 3D corruption
  • Turnover ≥ 36% per annum ↔  Organizational dysfunction (OD) lock
  • Depersonalization of workforce ↔  Withdrawal of efficiency
  • “Drive” management  ↔  Sabotage of productivity
  • Rule-based behavior ↔  Helpless in disturbance, unable to extract entropy or provide competitive advantage
  • Class distinctions ↔  Upper class entitled consumers abuse of producing classes
  • Top-down paramount operating assumption ↔  Locked in Plan A, progressively degenerating
  • Denial of inalienable human rights ↔  Corruption, health degradation
  • Mutual distrust in transactions ↔  Ever higher administrative costs
  • No legitimate outcome responsibility ↔  project failure blame game, stakeholder damage
  • Too big to fail ↔  In self-generated crisis, government bailout rewards corruption
  • Head shed focus on social standing by authority  ↔  No social power to do good for the collective


Each of these locked associations is discussed at some length on this website.


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