The social system fix


The website opening page presented the site theme – we are our choices.

Making choices is an intellectual activity of an individual brain, an effort philosophers call thinking (2) responding to a “call” (1) also originating in the subconscious mind. Our target is confined to the significant sociotechnical system problems we call Category three.

“Thinking” underwrites choice making by comparing the knowledge about candidate fixes to a prioritized value system also held within the individual’s brain (3). Choices made that turn out to be good attest that high-stakes thinking took place. 1 2 3

The theme is so central to our life’s trajectory it is expressly connected to this page:

  • Scope of page subject matter
  • The logical couplings between theme, the sociotechnical system, and this page


Scope: This page is an earlier version of the analytical case for the Plan A to Plan B transposition. It has held up well over the years. While there are many refinements, the core principles remain intact and indestructible. This page introduces the “social” world in Plan B sociotechnology.

Connections: By this time in the Front Line Leader program (FLLP), the keystones have shed their angst and are into the hyperlearning routine of learn, test, and evaluate. Getting your act together in this social combat zone is cognitively demanding. The crushing menace of irrational choices of action weighing on their shoulders is no fun. The Law of Optimality is deaf to persuasion.


“Fixing” a mal-performing  social system

There is a variety of learning involved to bring the workforce keystones into alignment with system Plan B and it starts with raising them up to ground-truth reality about their role as workmasters. They are the leaders of the largest class in the organization and the most important factor in its prosperity. Beyond dispute.

The concept in use for the “social” Cat 3 adventure pivots around the system fix for organizational dysfunction (OD), Plan B. The hyperlearning process that does this “magic” is the Front Line Leader Program (FLLP) run by the interventionist/outsider. The goal in the “social” phase is health (mental and physical) and Getting Your Act Together (GYAT) of the keystones, the only entryway into a hierarchical social system available for Plan B ideology to take root. That’s exactly why foremen have been called the men in the middle (MitM) for two centuries. The MitMs are the top guns in social intelligence of the entire organization. For the others, how can you have social intelligence when you are multi-biased and predisposed to make irrational choices?

The master strategy of “social” is to use the collaboration process of  Plan B to override bias and irrationality. It releases curiosity, creativity, and error to be free because “unique” and the 2nd Law means rule-based behavior will not get the Cat 3 job done.

Be reminded that the order of battle in getting to Cat 3 solutions is determined by the recognition programs of Homo subconscious minds – invariant human nature. The key to being trusted so that cooperation and collaboration are possible is entirely controlled by these recognition programs, nothing else. They cycle from the first contact forward in a centisecond. You can’t start them, you can’t stop them, and you can’t change the program. It’s a black box testing occasion. All we can do is learn how to pass their test and qualify to be trusted. Don’t bother trying to cheat these programs. One slipup and trust is permanently impossible. You can verify that consequence from your own experience.

It is the FLLP run by the interventionist veteran that brings the keystones up to the level of social intelligence that justifies releasing the technical system phase of the project for design, construction, and operation to shift into high gear. The keystones decide when they’re ready to head on to “technical” on their own. The interventionist will intervene if he thinks the decision is premature. So far with the FLLP, that has yet to happen.

As often mentioned on this website, the workmaster/ MitMs are primary in Plan B because they have no social status to lose. They are not in competition for higher authority in the pecking order and their worker reports are no bar to growing their social power by performance. They can be objective with the operational reality and they are as creative as they come.

The FLLP is the means used by the interventionist to upgrade the “social” part of the Cat 3 project for goal-seeking. His first milestone is restoring health, mental and physical, in the keystones. Many healthy instincts arrested by OD need to be unchained to express their essential role in Cat 3 problem solving. The second milestone is GYAT.

Organizational dysfunction is the product of structural, cultural, or leadership patterns that undermine the purpose, health, wholeness, safety, solidarity, and worth of an organization or its stakeholders.It’s almost impossible to get your act together with reality without the hyperlearning advantage of the FLLP. If you’re not a MitM, your fear of losing what social status you have by acting “different” acts as a barrier.

Success begins with scoring high on the  relevant subconscious person-recognition programs illuminated by black box testing.

Always first in the fray is the social system ideology in use within which the Cat 3 sociotechnical problem is being addressed. The host’s OD has to be fixed. When work on the technical system does commence, it is in a context of cooperation, collaboration, and coordination, not the usual Plan A obstacle course. You can well imagine the contrast in the productivity and performance to the typical environment of work created by Plan A, business as usual. Ever notice that sticking with standard practice when things are awry makes matters worse?

The difference between engaging a Cat 3 project in the usual organizational-dysfunction (OD) context and solving it in a cooperative and collaborative atmosphere is huge. While everyone has some experience with this contrast, the Establishment wants you to engage the Cat 3 with business as usual. It wants you to make what cannot work work, that is, your generals want you to lose. Review your own experience and that statement won’t seem so rash.

The operation of a dysfunctional organizational results in a bewildering morass of contradictions: confusion within roles, a lack of co-ordination among functions, failure to share ideas, and slow decision-making bring managers unnecessary complexity, stress, and conflict. Often those at the top of an organization are oblivious to these problems or, worse, pass them off as or challenges to overcome or opportunities to develop.

Lesson from politics

On the surface, it’s impossible to make sense of what politicians do. They spend great treasure and efforts to get elected and then work with other politicians to make the life of their constituents worse. That promises made are never kept is a political norm.

By getting elected, politicians demonstrate their knowledge and skills in deceiving the minds of the voters, getting them to make bad choices. But, once in office, what does proficiency in deception have to do with proficiency in delivering on the campaign promises? That is never the goal for entering into politics.

The skill in getting elected under false pretenses is exactly the skill of corruption. Winning political office is an invitation for corruption to commence. Everyone you deal with is corrupt as well so the transition is seamless. Don’t worry, your skills of deception will get you elected next time because the voters have learned nothing from your performance. They are more than willing to keep you in office.

Lesson from Argyris

A key criterion for effective cultural change is to change behavior. But if the changes are to persist, we must identify the most fundamental causes of the behavior. They are:

  • The theories-in-use human beings hold about effective learning.
  • The defensive reasoning mind-sets that they use to design and execute their actions
  • The organizational defensive routines that reward anti-learning, self-sealing processes
  • The ways in which we are all causally responsible for creating these counterproductive features.


Our skilled unawareness and skilled incompetence, which prevent us from producing the changes that we can identify but cannot produce in sustainable ways. Chris Argyris (2004)

Back on Cat 3

Our reference for Cat 3 projects is Thomas Edison, he invented ways to put the process of elimination on an assembly-line basis. That’s how he developed the incandescent light in 4 years and we took 4 decades to develop Plan B.

You will learn about all the benefits that stream to MitMs who have their act together (GYAT) and recognize their powerful role when benefit streaming begins. From that blessed event things go much better than well.

Everyone enters the Cat 3 P/S arena and the FLLP as damaged goods, weary with anxiety and insecurity, with no free internal energy. That’s why the first milestone with the keystones is called angst blowdown. At some point stress relief becomes contagious among the keystones. Releasing the internal energy tied up in insecurity angst is necessary for Plan B service. There is a Yin/Yang clash in Cat 3 P/S that needs attention – dominance v prudence

Organizational effectiveness is linked to collective intelligence. In Plan A there is none. Plan B is dependent upon it. Doug Engelbart 2003


Starting with a cold shower

Using POSIWID over the decades, it tallies that most people think social behavior is a confluence of personalities, that individuals are freely choosing how to act. Accordingly, most people think the way to influence social behavior is done by modifying the personalities of the participants. It’s the simple cause, simple fix syndrome. Having this concept of social behavior fully explains why humanity has made such a mess out of things for itself.

While personality is the primary determinant of social behavior in a 2 person partnership, things change radically as human groups get larger than three individuals. When groups increase in size so that hierarchy has to form to stabilize things, personality rapidly reduces in significance to social behavior. In a bureaucracy all personality has been extinguished in importance, only rules remain.

While natural laws always play some role in social behavior, its effect on choice making varies in step with personality. The reason personality vanishes in large groups is because natural law, not opinion, has compressed the range of choices to singularity. The most powerful natural law in the behavior channeling department is the Nash Equilibrium.



One of the human genome social instincts that clouds, colors, and impairs organizational performance is dominance. The instinct of dominance comes with our genetic endowment package. When supremacy/infallibility exhibits in P/S activities, it is always counterproductive. In the Plan B installation process, pains are taken to assure that dominance is kept in the garage of the subconscious mind for the duration. There are other human traits involved in P/S to monitor, but dominance carries the most lethal firepower. It has no place in a no-losers process.

Repeating escalated conflicts is a hallmark of the competition for social status, played out as a zero sum game. Dominant individuals accrue social influence and receive superior resource access through their greater control over costs and punishments maintained by intimidation and threats against those who do not reciprocate.

Dominance arises relationally. The pursuit of rank is not an individual-level trait. Dominance is the pathway that leads to social status by authority. Selective pressure for traits that enable competition for high rank is associated with leadership. What forced deference to authority does in real-life application is give leadership a bad name.

In top-down command, the dominance victim levels do not reciprocate. Instead, they yield valuable resources they produce to the dominant class.

Dominance plays a pervasive role in Plan A social life. The winners, claiming infallibility, only get the social power to punish their subordinates with impunity. Authoritarians, incompetent with Cat 3 problems, can never directly benefit the society they head (2½ rule) and they know it.

The expression of dominance is greatly modified by Plan B egalitarianism. Norm-governed coalitionary behavior strongly tempers the expression of dominance, but like any instinct, the dominance instinct never goes away. The primordial drive to dominate, which in practice is an exhibit of seeking social status by authority, is a hallmark of large-scale society. Domination is never prudent.

In contrast, social status by performance arises from competence in social benefit generation capability and a track record. Deference is voluntary. Social status ranking by performance neutralizes the coercive power of domination. Social status by performance induces feelings of respect and admiration. Plan B is a leveling coalition. Coalition strength exceeds the combined strength of its constituents many-fold.

Prudence is the charioteer for the other three virtues: justice, fortitude and temperance, which are only feasible when conferred by prudence. Thomas Aquinas 1260 CE

Social status

The value that modern man places on social status by opinion, by appointed rank and by authority cannot be overstated. Since our Stone Age genome evolved for earning social status by performance as a producer benefitting himself and his tribe, we are uncomfortable with the idea of consumers, not producers, ruling our society. Who’s happy with today’s organizational dysfunction (OD)? Who’s happy with a two-tier legal system?

Consider the population that tolerates the rampant abuse. Are they really intellectual peers? Can a social system in OD and a drag on society be trusted to treat anyone fairly?

If you choose to be a conspicuous consumer (Veblen), you enter the zero sum arena where you compete for authority by opinion. It’s not your performance on the issues that plague society that count, it’s your fighting skills with others who think just like yourself in a tussle over gathering enough opinions to be awarded the authority at the polls. Zero sum conflict over a fixed amount of authority produces nothing but losers. Those who get elected become losers just like their subjects. Stone Age man, not Nature, contrived this lose-lose affair. The needless suffering is global and enormous.

To gain in social esteem, it can only be done by forgetting about social esteem as a goal and performing to benefit yourself and your social systems. Esteem is an effect, not a cause. Such ingenuity-earned benefits are never limited in amount or kind. Opinions take care of themselves.



Prudence was a common topic of discussion in ancient Greek philosophy. It is allied with Phronesis, or practical wisdom, a Greek word for a type of wisdom or intelligence relevant to practical action, implying both good judgement and excellence of character and habits, wise in practical affairs, sometimes referred to as “practical” virtue. Of what value might impractical virtue be?

The virtues, which are defined to be the “perfected ability” of man, having intelligence and free will, achieve their “perfection” only when they are founded upon prudence, that is to say upon the perfected ability to make right decisions. And that is, exactly, to say to solve Cat 3 problems.

You must rouse into people’s consciousness their own prudence and strength, if you want to raise their character. Luc de Clapiers 1745

Foresight is an integral part of prudent P/S, for the name itself (prudence) is derived from the Latin providential, which means foresight. Foresight is a means to rightly ordering human acts to the right end. The imprudent among us skip all the cognitive effort of dependable foresight and default to intuition and rationalizing its grokked choices as direct orders from divinity.

When the occasion calls for foresight, and it always does in Cat 3 problems, we create an avatar of ourselves and send it out as a vedette to explore our mental model of futureworld expressed on a simulator. We take our vedette’s report as an input for choosing action in the now. The trustworthiness of the news from our avatar depends a great deal on the fidelity of our mental models of reality, the amount of knowledge possessed by our avatar, and its skill in adapting to what it finds out there in our simulated future world. That is, the avatar has to be prudent to be valuable.

  • As intelligence is a core component of prudent P/S, and you cannot be prudent by faith, the stupid and the ignorant cannot be prudent. Intelligence (Ashby) being a function of knowledge developed means that children should not be expected to be prudent. The only thing children learn from “corrective” punishment is more imprudence.
  • Compulsion to conformance to the imprudent wishes and operating rules of superiors in rank is fundamentally extortionate and counterproductive. There is no beneficiary of this extortion, not even in the short run. All participants are victims, all done in the name of social status. Domination by fear and oppression is patently imprudent in the same manner regarding horses, dogs, etc.
  • Since falsehood is often found along with what is true, and evil mixed with good, prudence needs a caution that is sober about this and seeks to avoid evil and grasp that which is good. Prudence needs a caution that looks to avoid evil—not just the evil of doing something, but also the evil of doing nothing.
  • Imprudence is defended by OTA, blind conformance. No responsibility-taking. If reasoning is out, purposeful imprudence is in.
  • Imprudence brings consequences, usually at a high price. The benefits of prudence come at low cost.
  • When people live without knowing their guiding process or their high-level purpose, there is no chance for psychological success. As measured by comparison to the benchmarks of prudence, management norms are imprudent.
  • Is it possible to reason with the imprudent? Those who cannot solve Cat 3 problems?
  • Prudent Cat 3 P/S is the incontrovertible, generic methodology of attaining goals.
  • The remedy to social dysfunction must include prudence.
  • Being prudent is freely taking responsibility for outcomes in fair exchange for autonomy in choosing action.
  • Prudence is the prime directive for a flourishing life, prudent choice-making, applied intelligence. The ultimate end is a flourishing society
  • Since all flourishing social systems come to their state by ecological functioning, it becomes highly significant that conventional “leadership” cannot be prudent.

In the end, every scheme and every science is justified by itself or it is not justified at all.

Is the establishment your friend?

The strong tie between OD and 3-D corruption is incontrovertible. The connection is so tight and automatic that where you have evidence of one factor, the other is certain to be there as well. The formation of OD, being entirely psychological, has no inertia to slow down its spread. Corruption, also inertia free, migrates quickly on automatic, both vertically and horizontally to fill the organizational chart. Neither OD nor corruption can be fixed by the organization that hosted it. As Alan Turing and Einstein proclaimed almost a century ago, the cause of the dysfunction is at a higher level than the one where its consequences became apparent.

If you stand still and observe, examples will bump into you every day. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made our point for us on the very day this tie was placed on the website.

“We had free access to do whatever we wanted. We would generate money pick-ups in places we wanted to go. And once we got there it was about drinking and girls.”

All this revelry was rooted, Irizarry said, in a crushing realization among DEA agents around the world that there’s nothing they can do to make a dent in the drug war anyway. Only nominal concern was given to actually building cases or stemming a record flow of illegal cocaine and opioids into the United States that has driven more than 100,000 drug overdose deaths a year.

You can’t win an unwinnable war. DEA knows this and the agents know this. There’s so much dope leaving Colombia. And there’s so much money. We know we’re not making a difference.

The drug war is a game. … It was a very fun game that we were playing.

But after years of portraying Irizarry as a rogue agent who acted alone, U.S. Justice Department investigators have in recent months begun closely following his confessional roadmap, questioning as many as two-dozen current and former DEA agents and prosecutors for turning a blind eye to his flagrant abuses and sometimes joining in.

How ironic for one corrupt arm of the USA government to “investigate” another corrupt arm of the government. The whole mess will be covered up by yet another corrupt arm of our government, the media. The public that pays for the corruption to take place willfully donates 100k of its citizens a year without a whimper. Good luck making sense of this common state of affairs.

When you are ill-informed, it is easy to question the choices made by others with feigned sincerity. WLL

Some basic social functions intentionally suppressed by the Establishment

  • Rationality
  • Learning, especially hyperlearning
  • Prevention
  • Resiliency
  • Goal setting
  • Effective goal-seeking methods
  • Inalienable rights

As reality is indifferent to information quality, there is only reality. It plays no role in mutual deception. People that are into opinions and intentions interact in a subconscious mind world apart from reality. Since fantasy has no bounds, debate has no end. You don’t flourish by opinions but by performance with reality first.

Like trust, GYAT is evaluated and validated by performance and results of running a project within time, cost, and rework constraints in the ever-changing operational reality, and its maintenance shoring against the 2nd Law.

Small wonder the complexities of life make it difficult to discern reality from illusion and what is prudent to do or not do. We have gravitated to a simplistic, shallow, and reductionist view of problems that successfully has raised the moral anchors of family and inalienable rights, treating them as redundant or as if they never existed. James Fisher 2005

The right to solve the problems that usurp your inalienable rights is central to exercising those rights. The Establishment does not want you, low class, to think for yourself, to be authentically responsible for solving Cat 3 problems and therefore have the right to autonomy, not just a hall pass.

Putting social intelligence to work

One of the big benefits of social intelligence is the skill to discern those situations where attempting to remedy organizational dysfunctions (OD) is futile. It still amazes us that these pursuits of the impossible are so persistent throughout history when the reality is so in-your-face obvious. In these days of pathological insecurity the amount of effort going into these dead-ends, sunk costs, is ginormous.

The marker of these no-go zones of hopelessness is where the quantity and severity of the consequences streaming by don’t matter to the ruling class. The values in play are so vital to the agenda of the exalted class that the carnage and wreckage from the actions it commands are extraneous information.

The covid epidemic provides a classic example. The perpetrators of the global plague knew exactly what they were doing. They deliberately infected the global population. The consequences were amplified in each nation by political action. The amount of carnage and health consequences from lockdowns played no part in exploiting the political advantages offered by this menace. That one hundred lives lost is the same as one hundred million lives lost and ruined lives did not register in the value system of those called the shots of the emergency government policy. This ubiquitous behavior demonstrates (POSIWID) that the human lives of those governed are not valued by the authorities that govern them. In fact the victims reelect them to office.

What happens with these pursuits of the impossible is covered by the Gödel-Einstein Law – that the level where the consequences manifest is never at the level of causation. In addition, the causes are never simple, one off. You may yield the hammer that bashes your thumb but the reasons it happened trace back to your social conditioning.

Milestones in building social intelligence

  1. One on one with the interventionist, personalization
  2. Hyperlearning via the FLLP
  3. Facts of the venerable workmaster role
  4. You had the means of gaining social status/power by performance, the whole time.
  5. Platform
  6. Health
    • Angst blowdown
  7. GYAT
  8. Restoration of confiscated inalienable rights
  9. Creativity and freedom to err
  10. High strength trust

A map of social behavior is available that provides a handy rack to hang your social experience on.

Silence breaking on social reality

The signs, markers, and telltales are all around us. Human history is replete with the signature social behaviors of Homo sapiens on display everywhere on earth. Some of these ubiquitous behaviors are never discussed.

All social behavior is the product of an entanglement of individual choices. The repeating patterns of social transactions across the planet come about because people with the same brains are making the same intellectual choices for the same reasons under the same constraints. Making choices in how to behave socially is a complex affair with many factors involved feeding an unknowable mental process of selection. There is more than one incontrovertible pathway to derive why things social are as they are – equifinality. These paths involve one or more of the following:

  • Natural law and invariant human nature
    • Control theory
    • Aggression (++) vs benevolence (+ -), trust
  • Cognitive processing of reality
    • Subconscious mind, conscious mind distinctions
  • Personalization, the Platinum Rule
  • Class distinctions
    • Value system distinctions
    • Corruption
  • Invalid zero sum and the Nash Equilibrium
  • Social conditioning
  • Obedience to authority, groupthink
  • Balance between producers and consumers
    • Rise of the entitled consumer age
  • Distinctions between maintaining Plan B and Plan A


Understanding the engine of reality

As you well know, sometimes psychological process delivers choices of social behavior that are appropriate to the situation, sometimes not. For multiple reasons, the rulers of society have deemed those choices that turn out to be inappropriate as undiscussable.

The first undiscussable pattern that caught our eye a quarter century ago was the glaring fact that “Ain’t it awful” is a total loser. It is a passionate plea to an audience that doesn’t exist. The notion that if you brought blatant dysfunction and corruption of a social system to the attention of the people involved and affected somebody would do something about it is beyond naïve. The only ones who could do something about it chose to be the cause of the dysfunction. This pursuit of the impossible takes up time and effort with nothing to show for the investment.

The second undiscussable pattern of social behavior revealed by organizational dysfunction (OD) is that the Establishments, governments, upper classes, bureaucracies, and large institutions are incapable of reform. Any and all efforts directed to get the menacing and corrupt actors to change behaviors for the better is a waste of time. It’s as true today as it was in the Bronze Age.

For one example, trace the huge history of “leadership.” Start from the communities formed after the last Ice Age. From collective #1, the Establishment created diversions to protect their social status as entitled royalty. It proffered that the “right” leader would use his authority to take their society to prosperity and happiness, for everyone’s sake. All the people had to do is identify that profile and elect those in its possession to office. The Establishment funded all sorts of research and university departments towards that end – for five hundred years.

The industry that formed to pursue the magic formula for leadership is still in business, producing a thousand books a year on the qualities of leadership. No one looks for evidence that, just maybe, personality at the ruling class level doesn’t matter. The role is fulfilled no matter who gets the nod.

The record of this “industry” of deception and diversion away from the mechanisms of action going on to determine which social behavior will manifest speaks for itself. Track the performance of the business-school graduates in the real world. Note the rise and fall of large institutions and “civilizations.” Not only is leadership impotent, it increases the rate of degradation when it acts. Golden parachute in hand, it encounters no pushback after the organization fails.

The impossibility of Establishment reform joins the futility of those occupied with “ain’t it awful” as a means of remedy. Those who are successfully wrecking society have created an environment which holds them legally harmless for any atrocity they commit. Acting with impunity, it is easy to identify their central purpose. What they accomplish is what they value.

As you must abandon “ain’t it awful” because it is ineffective, you must give up pleading with a network of corrupt authorities to fix the problems they caused in the first place. It wields its legal power to wreak havoc on the lower classes to survive. It works until the treasury runs dry.

Pushing on

Accepting these realities as constraints, not impasses, is how we got to Plan B. Now that Plan B exists, the impasse of social classes that cannot be reformed blocks the path to migration of the innovation to humanity at large – our purpose. We’re back into the process of elimination (POE).

Progress always starts with understanding the mechanisms of action (MoA) that produce the malfunctional behavior observed. Knowing that personality is not a factor, we ride off in all other directions.

Because of its ubiquity and lack of counter examples, it’s quite likely that invariant human nature and natural law are principal players. The qualities of both factors as omnipresent and indifferent fit the experience.

The incapacity of the perpetrating classes to reform themselves is unalterable. They could not exist in any other ecosystem. Change the players as you wish, the script and performances do not change.

This characteristic, that social behavior in Plan A conditions is independent of the actors, instructs that the individual players are not themselves culpable for the wreckage. They are seamlessly replaceable actors of well-worn scripts handed down through the ages obedient to authority.

As nothing can be gained by blaming natural law for being what it is, ruthlessly indifferent, there is no reason to blame human nature for being invariant. What you end up with is humans encountering natural laws as it engages life inside of an ever-changing context.

This predicament comes about in part because the value system of the ruling class, worldwide, is geared to garnering social status by opinion. Although illegitimate, the persuasion process is conducted as a zero sum activity, like the elk rutting season. The participants, all consumers, abdicate the control of their behavior to the Nash Equilibrium. In order for Plan A to be viable there must be losers. That’s how, exactly, class distinctions are created.

The value system of the producer class is geared to social status by performance. There is no zero sum gaming and no coercion from the Nash Equilibrium. For Plan B to be viable there can be no losers.

Plan A cannot benefit from training and maintenance. Left alone or micromanaged by the vested authorities, things get worse faster. Plan A locks in until bankruptcy. To persist, Plan B requires intelligent husbandry and encouragement for curiosity and creativity. There are substantial rewards available for the producers of Plan B that Plan A people could never envision.

The case for the impenetrable fortress of the ruling class, through equifinality, is incontrovertible. While this verity points nowhere, it is the basis for conducting the process of elimination (POE) going forward.

From direct experience we know that the acquisition of Plan B requires zero from keystone management. The entitled upper classes, fixated on social status by opinion, have no role in the transposition to a performance-based collective. The two value systems sit on opposite ends of the Darwinian spectrum of species survival.

Any strategy that avoids this impasse must exclude practices which have proven to be futile. There is no incentive to the upper classes that would reform the aristocratic value system, its groupthink. Like Edison and his quest for a practical incandescent light bulb, what has been achieved so far is a thousand strategies that won’t work. It’s the same predicament we were in before the advent of Plan B in 2013.

Intermediate summary

For any collective with three or less levels of hierarchy, the disturbances of life are faced in ways that would be entirely familiar to our Stone Age ancestors. We possess their genome by inheritance. There is personalization, the security of mutual concern, and a propensity for cooperation and collaboration towards social system goals. The Nash Equilibrium is parked in its subconscious-mind garage and the master/apprentice relationship is doing its job of maintaining productivity of the collective for what it needs to prosper.

With ≤ 3 hierarchical levels, individual personality is important. While some corruption is possible, it is short-lived because it is found out as an error. Everyone is aware of the immediate productivity situation, knowing that degradation is a threat to their own security. The working classes have a vested interest in organizational prosperity and, with the keystones doing design and assign, they have full scope and power to take the appropriate actions.

For organizations with ≥3 levels of hierarchy, there is a catastrophic change in the value systems that run the collective. New social behaviors spontaneously emerge that have great influence but no positive impact on the bottom line. They can cause havoc, but they cannot make improvements.

The disconnect between influence and scope that occurs marks the advent of class distinctions. They are invented and maintained for two reasons.

  1. Being above the 2½ rule, the supreme commanders receive information that has been stripped of its validity for taking constructive action. It is both false and woefully out of synch, making navigation towards prosperity impossible.
  2. Denied the opportunity to benefit the organization they rule, by role, those elected to authoritative positions become entitled consumers, parasites yes, but necessary for social stability. Stymied at contributing to prosperity for their stakeholders and the workforce, the exalted ones focus on maintaining and aggrandizement of their exalted social status. In doing so they have no choice but to deceive everyone that they are in full command of the organization. In fact, their power to punish those who enable their consumerism is legal.


Below the 2½ rule, business owners can be producers. Above the 2½ rule line, the entitled ones can only be consumers who take what they want and leave the company store without paying. The treasure they get by confiscating the production of the working class is used to maintain social status at the expense of the very same producers. Until you can make logical sense of that absurdity in a dispassionate manner, resume your studies.

With three or more levels of hierarchy in the collective, there is a sea change of values, control and security. When the ruling class becomes fixated on maintaining their privileged social status as entitled consumers, even though it is powerless to bring prosperity and happiness to those they rule, they contract the imposter syndrome. They live in fear that their deceptions to the stakeholders and workforce will be found out and go public. Since their fraud is apparent from the organizational dysfunction (OD) infused by their incompetence, most of their efforts go towards diversions and coverups, declaring the obvious drop in productivity to be undiscussable.

When OD takes the helm, it’s a gold leaf invitation to organization-wide corruption and both conditions latch in for the duration. There is no such thing as reform. Note that the amount of damage and carnage inflicted by the incompetence running the social system is never a behavior-shaping factor. Since it is impotent to do good, the goal must be attained by deception. The absurdity of corruption is socially stable until the money runs out.



The big milestone in the FLLP “social” phase is GYAT for the keystones. The GYAT columns of pages are adjacent to the Health column. When you engage this phase of “social,” you will understand why the organizational rulers don’t want the keystones to have their act together. GYAT takes more time to complete than the health fix. It takes the FLLP about 10 months to get the keystones over the GYAT hump, while the health phase takes less than three months to reach angst blowdown. In FLLP hyperlearning, when the first keystones “get it,” the rest soon follow suit. That’s the trademark glory of hyperlearning.

When the FLLP gets the keystones up to speed with health and GYAT, they will notice the change in their social interactions, for the better, that has taken place. They know they have done nothing expressly towards that end.

This blessed change happens because the recognition programs in the subconscious minds around you have determined that you are self-secure, healthy, and GYAT, thus highly likely to be trustworthy. You silently became their go-to man by being your competent transparent self. You have personalized them to believe you have their best interests at heart. You are witnessing your social status/power in the making. It streams on autopilot correlated to your performance.

The no-losers standard of care for managing CEOs was set by George Westinghouse. In a thousand ways he demonstrated his affection for the workers that was reciprocated with loyalty to his enterprises. When Westinghouse asked for weekend work to deliver a rush order, workers considered it a honor to be part of the team that delivered. Fifty companies, fifty years, and never a strike. Note that his record in that regard was never studied by sociology or psychology.  That was a marker we wish we had recognized decades ago.

How to speed up the POE process

  • System think, no reductionism
  • Social always has priority over technical
  • Dynamic simulation of social and technical.
  • Bold changes in candidate systems
    • Discard what doesn’t work
    • Retain what does work
    • Think new, think system
  • No losers
  • Social systems in ++ relationships are aggressive and dominating. They are fast-acting in bringing consequences. They exhibit mutual distrust, zero sum competition and, as consumers, dedicated to social status by authority. They cannot solve Cat 3 problems.
  • Social systems in +- relationships are benevolent and, because they need time to think of the needs another, slow acting. They exhibit mutual trust, cooperation, and collaboration. Their dedication as producers is to social status by performance. They can solve Cat 3 problems.


General Remarks

  • All Cat 3 problem solving is a “project,” unique and temporary.
  • OD blocks the expression of the healthy instincts. The FLLP releases them.
  • Corruption requires losers. As soon as the keystones learn that Plan B can have no losers, everyone relaxes and the fences of social class come down.
  • A natural law is a law that cannot be defied, even by other natural laws.
  • The interventionist does with the keystones what the MitMs will eventually do with their revenue crews.
  • The FLLP provides the framework of task action on Cat 3 projects.
  • The head shed cannot hyperlearn. Competition undermines collaboration
  • What we perceive as reality are both ultimately defined by the complexities of our nervous system and our unknowable subconscious mind. If you don’t cognitively intervene, you spin chained to the wheel of fortune.
  • The social goal is trust-driven voluntary cooperation and collaboration of the workforce revenue crews within themselves and with other MitMs.
  • What makes management engage a Cat 3 project using the business-as-usual social system ideology that has failed in this regard 100% of the time? The bet is even worse that M&A at 90% failure rate.

To get elaboration, background, and derivation on “Cat 3 social,” note the gallery of pages with the same name on the banner menu. One of the pages in the gallery is a table lookup for social behavior, based on the dynamic simulations of social behavior by Rudolf Starkermann. It is organized by size of the collective. This table defines the constraints natural law places on the behavior of each grouping, no two the same.

Memorize the table and test it against your experience. Then, classify the social scene, refer to the constraining limitations, and adjust your behavior. In time, your subconscious mind will notice that the table works. With experience in use, your subconscious mind will start using this bit of social intelligence for you on automatic.

The syllabus of the FLLP is provided for your review. It is the veteran interventionist who brings it to life with silence breaking customized to the particular keystones.

The FLLP covers “Health” in the early going and “GYAT” starts after angst blowdown has taken place. Every episode (2 hours duration) contains a recipe of remedial action that works 100% on the time. With episodes one month apart the keystones are free to experiment with the remedies on their crews and compare notes. As the season wears on, the MitMs are discussing their experience and ideas for an increasing portion of the 2 hr. class time. That’s hyperlearning at its best.

Between the episodes the interventionist visits each keystone in situ for one on one discussion of topics as brought up by the keystone. These conversations are kept sacred no matter what. This exchange gives the keystone some confidence to speak up in class session.

Technical phase outline

  • TFE: The Front End
  • Dynamic simulation of DBEs: Design Basis Events
    • Have the disciplines participate in simulations.
  • Turnover to disciplines for construction and startup


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