Time to execute Plan B and attain the goal.

Getting used to Plan B

This brief page covers the interval between the Plan B milestone of ignition, milestone 3, to its milestone of sufficient benefits accumulation to form the Keystone Syndicate and establish syndicate stop rules.

The key indicator of Plan B maturity in reaching milestone 4 is positive reciprocity expansion. Unless everything is happy in streaming Plan B mode, positive reciprocity does not take place. No one can be fooled about which Plan is being followed by the organization. While Plan A cannot detect corruption, in Plan B corruption is detected as an error.

The accumulation break allows time for making local and particular adjustments and measuring the changes that streaming Plan B brought to the party.  It gives the head shed time to get used to the windfall.

At this point of indisputable streaming prosperity and good will, with Keystones firmly in control of this organizational flourishing, the final act is a joint preparation of syndicate stop rules. In Plan B the windfall is not used to confront the head shed with a Magna Carta, but the coalition stop rules.

The workforce bill of rights, inalienable rights, is not made viable by appeals to the ruling class. This common error just reinforces the prevalent notion that a square deal between management and labor is a zero sum affair, a contest that management can never lose because it has the power to withhold resources.

The syndicate stop rules are issued to make clear the power of the syndicate of keystones to control organizational prosperity. Unlike a Magna Carta, stop rules state the conditions under which maintaining Plan B will stop. Unlike zero sum wrangling with the head shed over an inalienable right, the keystone coalition is in full control of stop rules. The stop rule statement takes the place of negotiating with management. Neither demands nor threats to strike are made.

Using stop rules after accumulation of benefits ramps up solves the square-deal problem. Management knows all about Plan A performance, a Plan it fostered. From the perch where Plan B largess is in hand, it sees the contrast. It knows full well that Plan B can be returned to Plan A in a second by the keystone coalition. The keystones, not the ruling class, controls Plan B prosperity. It’s up to management to accommodate the square-deal stoprules.

No zero sum. No threats of strikes. No losers. No demands from the keystones to management. Management defines its version of a square deal. The syndicate defines its stop rules and does the comparison. Experience shows this approach, over time, cannot fail.


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