Every producer can choose to be healthy


The website opening page presented the site theme – we are our choices.

Making choices is an intellectual activity of an individual brain, an effort philosophers call thinking (2) responding to a “call” (1) also originating in the subconscious mind. Our target is confined to the significant sociotechnical system problems we call Category three.

“Thinking” underwrites choice making by comparing the knowledge about candidate fixes to a prioritized value system also held within the individual’s brain (3). Choices made that turn out to be good attest that high-stakes thinking took place. 1 2 3

The theme is so central to our life’s trajectory it is expressly connected to this page:

  • Scope of page subject matter
  • The logical couplings between theme, the sociotechnical system, and this page


Scope: This page presents the case for a producer who is not a MitM to take control of his health. It’s 100% a psychological matter, not a virus.

Connections: The same knowledge transfer the interventionist uses for his MitMs can be used by any producer. Consumers cannot be helped by Plan B knowledge. They’re on their own. Most of them catch the imposter syndrome and fear being found out.

Producers have the choice regarding their health.

Producers are in control of their health

While he is prevented from bringing Plan B into the organization by the iron limits of his role, there is much the individual producer who is not a keystone can do to improve his health. Angst blowdown is milestone one.

As we reckon it, there are some compelling reasons for a solo producer to grasp, apply, and profit from the Plan B library:

  1. He can understand the mechanisms of social psychosis that go on about him. Avoid the bait ball
  2. He can relieve his angst from the insecurity, get his psychological health together
  3. He can attain stellar positive control over his social relations, become socially intelligent
  4. He can realize the benefits of mutual trust
  5. He can recover his inalienable rights


There is no material reason for anyone to suffer angst infused by social relations with people who treat you as a number. It’s 100% psychological and mostly contrived. We have demonstrated that the cause of victim angst is the distortion of reality infused by social conditioning and a corrupt Establishment. While solo producers cannot change organizational dysfunction for the better, anyone can learn to avoid a psychological attachment to the system that causes their angst. There is nothing to buy.

The skills of trust-building that power Plan B can be developed by anyone. The benefits of these competencies in improving your social life cannot be exaggerated. Trust-building skills pay off at work, at play, and at home. There is nothing to buy.

The prominent fact in sociotechnology is that nothing about social system behavior is sound-bite simple. Dealing with organizational dysfunction successfully takes cognitive effort and skills effective on complex matters, skills which your intuition lacks. While in the case at hand, the successful fix requires no mathematical genius, it does require following the prescribed task sequence and a milestone map. Much of the process goes against the grain of hierarchical culture and social norms. That’s our excuse, exactly, why the fix took so long to work out.

Social behavior is a classic system dynamics affair. The piecemeal remedy to Plan A is doomed because of system laws, not human nature. Once a system disturbance is detected by the system, especially a good one, all the other parts of the system act to restore the original state. You have experienced that scene several times. That’s why the main push must be a frontal assault on health and getting your act together.

Once the fix is in place, new social norms displace the old ones and everything about Plan B suddenly becomes “obvious.” With the template for organizational prosperity in operation, streaming benefits and positive reciprocity reinforce the Plan B ideology. While Plan A always takes the organization to hell in the same way, the benefits of Plan B are predictable only in general terms. Every pathway to prosperity worked out by the workforce is unique.

The map of Plan B and its order of battle.

Lessons Learned

The conditions, laws, and logic for understanding social behavior do not call for high education or extraordinary intelligence. Everything requisite for comprehension is either already stored in your experience or on public display 24/7 for your examination and evaluation.

As a social species, we interact with reality exactly like all other social species, and we are constrained in making task action choices by the same laws of indifferent Nature impinging on our invariant genome. Everything, absolutely everything functioning in the realm of social behavior is psychologically driven. That means the only game in the endless social-behavior Olympics sits between your ears. If you infuse tangibles into the arena of social activity, the rukus it brings will prevent you from learning the necessaries.

The sociotechnical realm of social behavior is dynamics, not statics. What can be learned about organizational behavior from its organization chart, its head shed vision statement, and its written policies? Absolutely nothing.

While learning about the mechanisms of action of social behavior encounters no elements or modules that are complicated themselves, there are many non-obvious building blocks of knowledge to assemble as a system. Leave out one module and your “system” model will not initialize. How do you know when you have it all together? Your predictions become spot on.

Roadblocks, obstacles, and barriers

  • Society does not want you learn about the dynamics of social behavior
  • Your cranium contains two functionally-separate kinds of “mind” and you have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each and both interacting.
  • The details of the decision factories of your mind are eternally unknowable. Intervention to control is impossible.
  • You will have to use your conscious mind to gatekeep your subconscious mind at full cognition strength. This is a lifetime commitment. Along the way you’ll learn more about glucose and the blood/brain barrier than you want to know.

There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.  Sir Joshua Reynolds

At some point in your learning you will have changed enough to be noticed by your local circle. When that day comes you will start getting pushback for nonconformance to social norms. This is the Nash Equilibrium effect.

If you don’t embark on learning the realities of social behavior, you have demonstrated to yourself the primary cause of organizational dysfunction (OD). You have exposed that you value your happiness less than maintaining your social status. Note that the streaming benefits of happiness and a flourishing social system are insufficient incentives to change your vote.

It’s always your free choice to be unhappy.

The path to happiness includes learning how to control your destiny in uncertainty and disturbance. You have to make peace with the operational reality and that comes with understanding and aligning with reality. In short, stop trying to defy the laws of the universe.

Only by accepting objective reality and dealing with it on its own terms can you hope to control your trajectory into the arriving future. There’s no more direct and quicker way to hell than denying reality.

So, the adventure to attain and sustain happiness is mostly about getting familiar with the mechanisms of action of reality and gaining competency in leveraging the knowledge to your purpose.

No matter how polished your political skills, you cannot deceive reality. Truth is all it responds to. Fiction just bounces off. When you stick with ground truth, you don’t have to worry about being manipulated by other people. Reality is always pristine nature. It cannot lie to you. A critical factor in assessment of how other people view you is the character-recognition programs in the subconscious mind. They set the standard because the recognition programs run in the first second of the encounter. While these subconscious programs can be in error, over time even good acting doesn’t cut it. When the truth comes out, the auditor feels betrayed.

There is no safer place to stand your ground than on your inalienable right to pursue happiness.

For those who desire clarity and meaning in their social relationships – within a world and condition that offers neither – you’re home.

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