Plan B Equifinality
The proof of Plan B by implementation audit and veteran interview is a fun, quick, definitive process. Measuring the streaming benefit package and engaging the MitMs that make it happen speaks for the validity of Plan B in quantitative and psychological terms. It is impossible to make an error in A/B social system classification.
There is an equally-valid proof of Plan B and the “rights” of mankind, independent of implementation audit and empiricism. In spite of our social conditioning on obedience to authority (infallible), social system dynamics is largely channeled by the laws of nature and not, as advertised, by personality and unflagging determination. Both Plan A and Plan B are stable social systems precisely because they operate within the zone natural law supports.
Organizational culture, an integration of manners, morals, and an inherited reservoir of assumptions comprises unexamined ideas and habits infused during social conditioning. It is the stew of reason, passion, knowledge, bias, superstition, hope, and denial through which our actions are chosen. Its cluster of beliefs is taken for granted as the social glue and the rules of the road.
Since the play of the subconscious minds, always so different in perception and intention, is distorted by dissimulation and self-deception, it’s much too complicated to follow from point to point to point. When the choices default to the subconscious mind, mankind thinks it has a spiritual essence that rises above the laws of nature that apply to other species.
There is only one Nature, one set of Her laws. Since defiance of natural law is impossible, any attempt to do so will prove futile even while the intended action to defy is in process. Any attempt to explain social behavior via supernatural agency, such as the human subconscious, guarantees that counterproductive choices will be made. Everything that wants to be viable has to deal with that fact to survive. Social system behavior is no exception. Indifferent Nature does not grant indulgences. Wealth cannot buy immortality.
Just as refusing to audit a Plan B implementation does not refute the Plan B paradigm, failing to comprehend nature’s laws that unequivocally determine a Plan A or a Plan B in no way refutes the mathematical physics proof. In Nature’s scheme, you don’t have to understand Her forces to obey them. You are not given a choice. If you wish to be self-actualized, Nature makes you an offer you can’t refuse. Could you trust anyone willfully turning down Plan B?
A subconscious phenomenon
There are many books in social psychology that make the case for the unknowable subconscious mind being the master architect of your social behavior reporting to no one. To the sociologist, it is a very convenient way to dispose of any questions about social antics without having to think. Blame the unfathomable, fickle subconscious brain for anything you espouse that doesn’t pan out in reality.
Some social functionalities determined by the subconscious brain are described as survival-worthy and others as not-good, lose-lose. What the disciplines of social behavior never get near is that the part of social behavior determined by natural law is independent of the human brain. That is, most of the behavior of any social system of living creatures is channeled by natural law – and nothing else. This verity is, exactly, the scope of the life-work of the Plan B genius-mentor, Rudolf Starkermann.
One benchmark for sure: the mere fact that the subconscious mind automatically controls hundreds of systems vital to our viability quite successfully, means that the subconscious powerhouse is controlling vital systems via adherence to control theory. There is no special magic set aside for Homo to get by with false information, no feedback, and large time delays. When your vital organs stop doing their function, you’ve got just a few hours left.
The MitM champion
Professor Rudolf Starkermann worked up a complete proof of Plan B social functioning via mathematical physics with the idiosyncrasies of the human brain having nothing to do with his Plan B derivation. Visit his website, provided by Byron Davies, to read his books on the relationship of natural law to social system behavior.
A product of WWII in impoverished Switzerland, Starkermann was an outstanding engineer and an independent thinker and implementer, not confined to disciplinary boundaries. He spent half of his career above the mentor line alone before we bumped together in 1986 at a technical conference in Orlando, FL. As practicing engineers, we felt privileged to be apprentices to his unique perspective on life in general and social behavior in particular.
The power in Starkermann’s approach is mechanizing the process of elimination through the use of intelligence amplification. His use of Nature’s laws, especially that set generally referred-to as control theory, has no parallel. When you get through the list of social designs that can’t operationally succeed, the only place to look becomes too bright to miss. Every social paradigm that can’t survive can be found in the history of mankind – and there are no exceptions. When the operating paradigm chosen by the system bankrupts the organization, it does so in every social system that chooses the same paradigm. The inevitable excuse? “We’re fine and neither are you.”
It is Nature Herself, not the particular psychotics running a Plan A culture, that assures Plan A civilization downfall. Globalism and socialism are blaring examples of a theory of social Armageddon via Plan A about which one need not feel curious.
That said, presenting Starkermann’s proof of Plan B, oblivious of the social sciences empiricism, on a website, faces a dilemma. Mathematical physics for control theory involves mathematics as challenging to the socially-conditioned mind as relativity, quantum mechanics, and Schrodinger’s entangled Cat. Looping physics, where the outcome of one cycle of action feeds back to alter the conditions for the next cycle, cannot be understood by the human mind without powerful computers to do the mathematical heavy work. The combination is what Ashby called “Intelligence Amplification.”
If we publish his proof as developed in his books, no one will follow the recursive math featured in all dynamic simulations of viable systems. The good professor assumed his audience was familiar with the various mathematical elements he used to connect social experience to industrial control theory. Failing to follow the mathematics in the Starkermann derivation does not refute his conclusions. Ditto quantum physics.
Rudy had the habit of venting his displeasure of the ruling class robbing and punishing the population at large in class warfare. He never missed an opportunity to knock the Establishment icons that abused his early years so profoundly. When as a child he challenged some of the principles being taught at the local church, he was severely punished and his family turned against him. All that experience did was to cement his resolve to silence-break the truth at every opportunity.
If we publish only his narrative attending his mathematical physics, questions will keep coming up about his basis in engineering principles for reporting his outlandish conclusions. It’s the complex, iterative physics and computer-based calculations that tie things together. Some configurations of his basic models are provided below.
Unavoidable subconscious constraints
The core of the understanding problem is the computational limitations of our cognitive powers and the treachery of the subconscious with 90% of the computing power available to the brain.
It (the subconscious mind) defends and glorifies the ego… with a tendency towards self-delusion. Unbeknownst to us our brain – vain, emotional, immoral, deluded, pigheaded, secretive, weak-willed and bigoted – it pushes, pulls, twists and warps our perceptions….. and prevents us from seeing the truth about the world. Cordelia Fine
People have little idea about the monster role the subconscious mind plays in our viability and way of life. People don’t want to hear that its processing is unknowable, that most of what the subconscious concludes is fiction based on the fiction it stores in its memory. The subconscious mind never waits for the labor of validating information quality to take place. It abhors formal logic. It cannot embrace novel complexity. In social relations, the subconscious mind acts immediately. If it needs information to draw a conclusion, it makes it up on the fly. It has no remorse when its decisions go wrong in application.
Starkermann never came to a conclusion about social behavior that didn’t derive from his mathematical physics. In his work with Brown Boveri on industrial control, a job that took him around the world, he ran into social behaviors that only manifested when the process being controlled was complex. In one case in Africa, he was sent in to a gold-mining operation that had not worked properly from the start, loaded with Brown Boveri trouble-shooting engineers. By getting into the details of the control implementation, he identified the problem (gases trapped in the sensing lines) and fixed the crisis.
Of course, the Brown Boveri staff at the beleaguered operation hated him for “making them look bad,” and Rudy made note of the irrational response. Undaunted, he joined Honeywell in the USA and found the same social behaviors. In 1965, Starkermann started wondering if he could rationalize the irrational behaviors he observed in organizations using his industrial control theory competency. His early dynamic simulation work in 1960 was done on university mainframe computers.
Any of you who wish to understand the mathematical details of Rudy’s methodology will be supported. A collaborator of Rudy, professor Joseph Mario Franceschi, is still alive and available. Starkermann has passed.
The crux of Starkermann’s work is, exactly, bypassing the subconscious mind constraints. There is no place here for opinion and conjecture. The computer program runs on hard data and formal logic. GIGO is made conspicuous and mistakes in data or logic exhibit when the simulation program fails to compile.
In recognition of the inherent constraints to understanding, Starkermann’s work in social behavior will be presented in two forms:
- The configuration of his models used for various study initiatives
- His commentary on the results of his dynamic simulation investigations
The model structures come directly from his books. The basic strategy he worked out by 1960 carried him through until he went blind in 2007 and couldn’t use computers. Every model he designed, using modular modelling software, worked from the starting block. The commentary on his models is a blend.
Starkermann mused about everything he encountered in his life. He had a tendency to be fixated on and unshakeable about his conclusions. We drove him crazy trying to get him into investigating the hierarchy. It took him ten years and he never mentioned his involvement to us until he finished his book. Only in the last decade of his life, communicating frequently by Skype, did he accept our habit of taking his work and riding off with it in all directions in application. When Plan B was proven in 2014, he said he didn’t have the time or energy to participate. He had gone blind and soon passed.
Our commentary included in this page is taken from his many publications as relevant to Plan B. Some will make sense straight away. Others will take time and conscious-mind thinking. While his philosophy about life has many precedents, his basis in mathematical physics is unique and sets him apart. It’s one thing to have an opinion. It’s quite another to have an opinion based upon trustworthy calculations produced by intelligence amplification (Ashby).
During his investigations, Starkermann ran millions of separate dynamic simulations. When we ran dynamic simulations under his supervision in 1992-1995 on teamwork, we logged about a million runs. After a spell, you get at-one with the data. You start to notice patterns and the shock of finding out the true significant variables. Since running field tests never failed to validate the conclusions, your confidence in his models as robust becomes absolute.
So far, no one has ever correctly guessed the significant variable(s) before running the dynamic simulations. In our investigation on teamwork, weeks of effort were lost trying to show that our entry ideas were in fact correct when the computations proved them wrong. Our worst assumption and largest blunder to date was thinking one could add a brilliant manager to a high-performance team and increase productivity. Ouch!
After concepts are established by operational data, you can reverse engineer to locate their logical derivation from the evidence. Because there is no inertia in the network of entangled minds, changes in operating results are immediate, however long it takes for the output data to accumulate. For example, in Plan B, safety-related losses plunge in half. It takes time at that new level for the data to collect that proves things beyond dispute.
Starkermann commentary on social behavior
We had lots of face time with Professor Starkermann. He was full of commentary about social affairs and had strong opinions when he saw nations trying to defy natural law. The EU formation drove him bonkers. He knew it had to fail before it was born. Our selections of his viewpoints, verbatim, follows.
The ever-changing complexity of social life forms is so diverse that flared up political issues, such as the currently high-impact, global campaign for democracy, as the somewhat naive, worldwide demand for human rights, or as the more misleading effort to combat the world wide hunger, all fade away in the totality of all the problems that appear so questionable.
It is a wicked irony when you want to create with acts of war from dictatorships democracies. The call for human and ethical values is in combination of increasing population density and the dwindling resources of life have not worn well. And so it is with even the melodious word democracy from which it incidentally, have many species and varieties.
Spread across the globe you can find different forms of government. In each of these there are social normalized characteristics, in which personal freedom is excluded. Each democracy has tremendous amounts of law books expressing that you are free if you obey. Since man is an aggressive creature – from peace-hungry philanthropists on the blessing clergy up to the common criminals – are such books for the record.
Also from every single human being with different properties it follows that a general story for any number of people not into obedience without conformity and even without mental mutilation, can never be found. In social considerations as we intend such here, individual variety must not be minimized.
We will see that meaning and effect in a democracy according to the behavior of people change greatly in it. Since all that happens is the passage of time, therefore, the obsolescence of each individual keeps changing. In this respect is mutilation of the individual to standards necessary to obtain long-term sustainable social conditions.
Using a mathematical model, which basically comes from far back brilliantly from the technical automatic, we look into a socio-biological fixed point. But it just shows the enormous diversity of functional life. Why should a model to ever have a reasonably acceptable level to be able, from the complex reality. Only in this way can calculated data become guidelines for a constant daily use.
What one can enumerate forms of life circumstances and social behavior always, our brain is far from being able to capture the reality. It will never be able to. So we know of morality saturated concepts such as freedom, equality, charity and the like ethical views, are extremely appealing, but its scope is tiny and it can never be authentic.
With our current knowledge and our intuition, we capture the contemporary world and deal with it. When a slightly deeper insight into the events is to be achieved, it doesn’t work. New aspects are necessary. Such is the fact that we operate automatically to almost 100% that our brain is a vibrant, ever-changing entity in an autonomous world, and that we can see never ourselves strive. For these reasons the current thinking to understand the automation comes closer to our behavior.
The subconscious mind is a continuously working world of each brain. It produces all the different ideas, phenomena and fantasies of heaven and hell, gods, sanctities, devils and of political views. But views also of the freedom and war, and probably fictions of soul, mind and spirit and much more are born in the unconscious. From this vast world we only accept the two values: opinion about the others and make out with it one Dualism of friendship and enmity.
In the automated dynamic simulation system, such as in the self-orientation and its ability to learn or even in the processes of social wrangling of fellow men rule, is enormous, far unknown biological functional-dimensional control behavior. Such automatically operating processes are strongly interwoven to build special benefits for each other, resulting in the recognition and understanding. One of these unknowns of automation in our lives we put here as an issue to investigate.
The subjugation of the individual to the authorities is the social system approach. It is basically immaterial whether this behavior belongs to humans or to the animal kingdom. One must keep wisely in mind that man is an animal, and that man, like every animal as individual beings ultimately wants to survive against all other living things.
Man is still too underdeveloped to understand what would be reached by means other than competition and wars, banal enrichment of himself, and some other even more valuable life skills. However, the road to such qualities such as knowledge of each other and next to each other, either via the striving of a monetary prosperity to reach even on guaranteed human rights. Global human rights we do not have by far a collective conscience.
Global wealth, which the political powers want to get hold of by industrialization, and we simultaneously express the desire for the various rights, should come to all men, as right to food, right to work, right to right, etc., remains largely inaccessible. At the same time the individual wants to live in security. Such utopian claims that act without deeper social understanding of survival can be debilitating.
The word Democracy, which we want to investigate, says everyone is entitled to equality before the law. There are some quite different forms of this claim. And social terms, a social stratification embed itself in any form of democracy, similar to an unspoken caste system. Such stratification in a social democracy holds our interest. Here, one can think in parallel on religious stratification or military structures. However, our functioning is finite and therefore our humanity is mortal. Any notion of eternity and infinity is our subconscious brain.
Since each element is a machine that receives information from other machines, processes it and transmits information to others, we come to the complexity due to the delicate problem of biological-social homeostasis, stability. Systems, whether individual elements or composite systems they have stable states, otherwise they fall apart, dissolve or destroy itself. Because life is time functional substance, and because this substance must obey natural laws is functional modeling. Models can be equipped with numerical values to go thereby corresponding to behavior values. Of course, a bio-social model with empirical values must match if it should have a useful, real value.
Social habits and customs, how they show up in everyday life in communication are not conducive to expression in cause-effect-cause analysis. We live from processing similar point interests, so to speak phenomena of the instantaneous, of events. On the other hand, it is more and more obvious, that social functioning natural laws subordinated is that we inevitably, whether consciously or not conscious, must obey. And all these laws are physical, that is, they are functioning, neuro-biological matter. But to embark on new paths of thought, is usually a tedious and prolonged process. So it makes the human being in the ordinary events of the day short and easy and everything writes simplicity, an innocent holiness.
The diverse complexity of social life is so enormous that circumstance deviations only due to substantial simplifications and restrictions are tangible. Therefore, parameters describing the individual must be of major importance and are highlighted; less important parameters are neglected. The cardinal objective of autonomous individual is his self-realization. Whatever an individual does, physically and mentally, it is always in the state to realize themselves exist by applying his will that forces to action.
Physical, social and biological systems are composed of time-dependent elements. This means that elements transfer, process it and convert, always respond to an input command with delay information. These delays can cause a system to become unstable. We think the loop is a gross contradiction, because the loop phenomenon is not by thinking, but by count detectable, including the stability problem is a cunningly opaque phenomenon.
It is certainly understandable to the reader that with an event of three humans entangled with each other continuously operating loops can be determined in any way but by intuition. We therefore deal with a physical-mathematical set of calculations that will help us in such a situation.
Every individual in the hierarchy is as it were a slave in unilateral submission when in obedience to rulers and when he orders down. A most delicate and opportunity quite complex! Another insight means when obedience is demanded by devotion. It is only the man dwelling in isolation who is not forced to respond, through defiance or submission, to the commands of others. With this structure, the hierarchy Bottom is really the slave who only can be obedient. The Supreme Commander, however, is actually the king who only has the power to punish. He has no devotion. This corresponds to democracy one for one.
One can see from this table, how enormous the realization Will G of each partner with increasing and strong interaction of S increasing and strong interaction of S increasing and strong interaction of S increasing and strong interaction of S ik ik ik ik = = = = ± 1 must shrink when technical or biological-social ± 1 must shrink when technical or biological social systems should remain stable. This enormously important fact is completely lost in unconscious man. The greater the involvement, and the lower the self-will of a being, the lower in society.
The authority wins by the devoted subordinates, although the authority is not intelligent, that does not mean the larger target achievement will exert for the subordinates. This is the seed of evil fate to be exposed! The paramount authority does not have to be smarter. He can be very much even more stupid than the subordinates are, and he achieves the highest reputation!
He sits authority-less, so hopelessly in the caste of untouchables. There is no prospect of redemption. And of course, all the authorities have great interest in that submissive hierarchies remain undamaged. The Supreme class can ultimately only win. The worker should take care not to go on strike. His fate is finally in the control of the authorities.
As history has shown countless times, the chances are low that terrorists can improve an unsatisfactory situation. They are from the same carving wood, as what they intend to eliminate. If they succeed to remove those in power, things get ugly.
An essential point is to be noted that the purely submissive hierarchy works slower, the ever more complex it is, whereas the pure aggression group, regardless of their Gain remains at the same speed. Devotion requires a high deliberation and decision restraint, Aggression is with great rough going at targets. Those people who are prone to aggression and wickedness are in much greater numbers than the people who are not.
Keep all goodwill and all leniency towards ethics, mythology, dilemmas, and incompatibilities. They were created by nature as possible; so of course an availability of contradictions and ignorance creating ethics and mythologies – and also of aggression with their strife and their wars. We believe that nothing can be found that has not once existed in the cosmos. Everything that is happening and will happen, has a right to exist, independent of man’s laws and history.
The stability limits, and their conduct of behavior, are not dependent on target formations of the systems or their interference, but only from its inner dynamics.
The fact that we cry for thousands of years for a leader, a savior auspicious, shows how helpless we are and dependent still to us to find our way in world affairs. The earth-dweller is shaken constantly by strife and wars back and forth, and we are destroying repeatedly not only what we built, but also our habitat.
Confidence can be gained with a knowledge of social-functional, interdisciplinary events, as we have indicated here with a socio-mathematical model. We have to use mathematical formalities and an awareness that everything is connected functionally with all that, so to speak every being everything else necessary to its existing, a move could be down to a world of tolerance. What a dream, however, as long as aggression is much more attractive than reflection. Each domain in their fenced garden has the right to their jurisdiction.
The evolution, as we see it, could get us. It works very, very slowly and it is unreliable. Evolution is an empirical approach, not a foreseeable development. Once achievements are made they can easily be canceled out. What a dream at the time of globalization, which is associated with the desire for prosperity and security for all. At first, more necessary, is a close step towards expansion of consciousness and the agreement of the social status of man with his real character.
The character, especially that of politicians and secular rulers, should frankly be allowed to fail, and should not, as was done until now, be protected under the cloak of infallibility and immunity. But on such coverage was already required an unimaginable insight and enormous knowing more about people and their actions, as we can imagine. Infallibility, immunity and holiness are unwarranted self-assignments.
Maybe our brains at the present time are not yet able to see myths and fairy tales as such and to grasp the reality so far that the old idea can be dropped that men rule for security and prosperity. The deeper you can see into it, the more obvious is that our ideas are insufficient and our current understanding is useless to nurture nature. How can we reach the vast unconscious in us and around us to raise awareness?
Examples of Starkermann’s models used for dynamic simulation of social behavior
This model structures the ten-level democratic hierarchy. Factor-in the loops and tracking results using only the human mind becomes impossible.
Selections of plotted results of dynamic simulations
This curve shows the drop off in attainable results as a function of the number of levels in the hierarchy.
There is no surer way to misread any document than to read it literally. As nearly as we can, we must put ourselves in the place of those who uttered the words, and try to divine how they would have dealt with the unforeseen situation; and, although their words are by far the most decisive evidence of what they would have done, they are by no means final.
Starkermann’s evidence-driven insights
Aggression, Drive (+)
- Fast (+)
- Immediate reciprocity
- Impersonal, indifferent
- Immune to disturbance
- Mutual distrust, no maintenance
Supportive, Benevolent (-)
- Slow (-)
- Delayed reciprocity
- Intimate
- Sensitive to disturbance
- Mutual trust, preventative maintenance
CEO best:
- Understand, accept, and endorse role of natural law in hierarchy ops
- Understand the mechanisms of action of Plan A
- Accept keystone social power to benefit the organization
- Offer assistance to subordinates, as requested
- Wait for the benefit package to actualize. CEOs automatically get the credit.
General Remarks
- The world is not just; it is indifferent
- The feedback loop is the only way to mitigate disturbances
- The subconscious is the lead factor in social behavior. It transmits information by entanglement
- Life is made up of a series of judgments on insufficient data, and if we waited to run down all our doubts, it would flow past us. In modern times that scheme has not worked.
- In the end it is worse to suppress dissent than to run the risk of GIGO
- Life in a great society, or for that matter in a small, is a web of tangled relations of all sorts, whose adjustment so that it may be endurable is an extraordinarily troublesome matter.
- The mutual confidence on which all else depends can be maintained only by an open mind and a brave reliance upon free discussion.
- Their origin remains their future.
- A self-governing organization can only exist with self-governing individuals.
- Humankind rights are enshrined by natural law and demonstrable.
- Culture is easily unmoored from experienced truth.
- Plan B is a just society.
- It is clear that the common target must be unanimous.
- As soon as we cease to pry about at random, we shall come to rely upon accredited bodies of authoritative dogma; and as soon as we come to rely upon accredited bodies of authoritative dogma, not only are the days of our liberty over, but we have lost the password that has hitherto opened to us the gates of success as well.
- A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is the possession of only an oppressive few.
- We accept the verdict of the past until the need for change cries out loudly enough to force upon us a choice between the comforts of inertia and the irksomeness of action.
- That community is already in the process of dissolution where each man begins to eye his neighbor as a possible enemy, where non-conformity with the accepted creed, political as well as religious, is a mark of disaffection; where denunciation, without specification or backing, takes the place of evidence; where orthodoxy chokes freedom of dissent; where faith in the eventual supremacy of reason has become so timid that we dare not enter our convictions in the open lists, to win or lose.
- Fuss and fume as you will, you are obeying the laws of Nature. Models by Nature = reality by Nature
- Not cause and effect but logical looping – requires Intelligence Amplification magic
- To be goal-attaining requires self-control
- As hierarchy builds, the bottom switches goals from congruent to prosperity-destructive
- Nature works us as she does machines, as systems
- Humans live for self-realization. Man wants to know what he has achieved and what he wants to achieve, his process of self-realization. Control is adjusting the process.
- The human is so dynamically complex he can’t understand himself
- There are no absolutes in social behavior
- Applying the will (G) forces action, its purpose
- Labor obeys for sake of survival
- Stable homeostasis is ability to act
- As hierarchy builds and grows, G of members goes down
- Ca’canny slows down motivation for prosperity goal and makes easier to sabotage
- Excess willpower is instability
- Distrust feeds a harsh suspicion of moral wrong-doing
- No system parameter has one and only one effect
- Life is action to reduce error signal measured in last cycle of action
- Subconscious is suited to loop control of dedicated systems. The alternative is death
- Disorder can come from inside and outside
- Failure to overtly extract entropy on a regular basis means inevitable collapse and extinction
- Complexity is a tyrant
- The discipline ceiling is like the shell to the chick, it protects until you are strong enough psychologically to break through and develop the universe of knowledge up there waiting for you
- Unstable social systems cannot be goal directed. Excess Gain (willpower) thwarts goal attainment
- The loop is there to reduce error and deal with disturbances
- Loss of autonomy ties to others and impacts performance
- Maintaining the final state takes a continuous loop – to pay the bills
- Cannot stockpile time
- It is the unconscious mind that ultimately keeps you alive
- Subconscious imperatives can be gatekeeped by the receiver
- Life automatically runs in us without our knowledge
- The essence of social behavior never comes to a standstill
- Accessible Goal and energy to act are requisite
- Capability is willpower G and target accessibility
- Nothing without time
- Trust is two people and a task. Details matter
- An opinion going viral is always subconscious
- The subconscious mind is a continuously working world unique to each brain
- All individuals in social action are subject to disturbance
- Ca’canny is siege mentality
- Neither love nor hate can be hidden
- What you cannot explain by thinking and investigation you have to anticipate
- All efforts to understand social system behavior without intelligence amplification (IA) are futile
- To be logical with social behavior is a waste of effort. Needs IA. What we are really matters
- One and only one partner is responsible for a relationship
- There is only one Nature
- The coupling loops are permanent
- Spoken subject matter is about the discrepancy between the two individuals
- Only the autonomous can be intelligent (G=8)
- Instability cannot goal seek. Instability sucks up all internal energy in angst
- In a system, including a network of entangled subconscious minds, no parameter has only one effect
- Tenacity is goal-seeking with high-stakes trust
- Errors – exogenous or endogenous
- Something can only come from something
- It’s the subconscious that determines survival
- Self-control is by subconscious to conscious processing
- Nature has automated us
- Nothing without time
- The control loop works not by thinking but by computation. The dominant factor in the control loop is subconscious. The subconscious is the coupling loop. Conscious mind is gatekeeper
- Only one of two coupled individuals can be responsible for trust/friendship
- The hierarchy G-gradient sucks away the very stuff of creativity, problem solving power at the only levels where it matters to prosperity and survival
- Trust is unilateral submission
- Affection and hatred are urgent
- It takes two to make a dispute
- The cross signals between the two is essential for trust
- Positive feedback (lies) leads to explosion. Negative feedback leads to harmony
- There is only a natural, nature-driven condition of humans, nature and natural law
- Distrust cycles twice as fast as trust cycles
- Point by point reasoning is invalid. Always control cycle and time
- The human subconscious process can never be understood by a human.
- The subconscious-mind processing excludes the idiosyncrasies and credentials of the host individual
- Trust requires the restraint of will (G) from subconscious. The subconscious does its job at full power (G) regardless of hierarchical constraints of G
- Janus view: submissive up and aggressive down. Submissive to authority, aggressive to subordinates. Get autonomy and you don’t have to be submissive
- Plan B must live in time – be viable, husbandry. Plan A is always viable, omnipresent, no maintenance
- We express what is produced by the subconscious mind with efforts filtered by the conscious mind.
- An individual alone can neither be submissive nor aggressive.
- Aggression causes big damage
- CEO has maximum G, will power. In the Plan A system, the keystone can exert practically none.
- High-stakes trust is mutually beneficial. Distrust damages both. Hostility is massive damage.
- Unconscious processing is more important than overt actions.
- Group stability is determined by subconscious loops only, not external disturbances.
- Nature assigns the hierarchical roles. Roles come with G constraints
- Management drops workforce G until it can’t deliver what management says it wants
- Must have Gain room to be intelligent
- Distrust and enmity feed themselves. Trust takes husbandry. Trust takes demonstration.
- Cannot change a ++ Plan A to a +- Plan B from the inside without the FLLP
- In Plan A, G must shrink by level as size grows.
- The head shed cannot be Ashby intelligent. 2.5 rule.
- Stability requires servile subordinates.
- Trust aim is to grant autonomy for goal responsibility
- The CEO gets no aggression from above
- Trusting a mal-aligned trustee can be very damaging
- Trusting groups do not depend on goal or error for stability and viability, only network dynamics.
- Plan A can be stable only in the short term. Unsolved problems accumulate until they destabilize the organization.
- Problem solvers must have high-gain leeway to operate responsibly. Intelligence cannot be inhibited
- Feels error reduction by supportive partner
- Feels forced from his target by untrustworthy partner
- Can’t deal with betrayers unpunished
- A phenomenon of interaction. Participating individuals cannot understand the whole
- One has to own target seeking control
- You start off free and soon become servants
- Hostility causes far more damage than cooperation can build
- All middlemen are Janus. The CEO keystone reports to no one. The worker commands no one but himself
- Participants in social intercourse are from the same mold
- Opinions are subconscious untrustworthy
- Only a man in isolation is not forced to behave by role and social circumstance
- Globalization is a disaster
- Only activity functioning over time makes life possible
- The obedience of the underlings concentrates aggression to the top
- MitM – no help from below only aggression from the top
- Workforce admires leader for exploiting his role-power
- Head shed only wins with low G (averse to change) in subordinates. are punished for high G
- Head shed gains from adding levels
- Acting oblivious to destructive circumstances of performance (education)
- Corruption is head-shed terrorism. Workforce is indifferent since their fate is unchanged
- The head shed cannot compensate for terrorism or corruption. Can only punish which gives more G to terrorists
- Who wants to be deceived?
- Corruption, parasitism, antagonism – negative target accessibility = Ca’canny
- Corruption hurts head shed. Punished to the max, rank and file in Plan A can’t be hurt more than they already are.
- Plan B is where corruption hurts everyone
- Putting own life to risk – a cultivated terrorist
- Dehumanization by malevolent head shed is bad news
- G @ 0 = do nothing. Doesn’t affect hierarchy. Notice that doing nothing (Wally) doesn’t disturb hierarchy
- Terrorists can only destroy. They can’t win
- Abandon self-realization to damage organization Ca’canny
- Pushing back to superiors is applauded by workforce
- Speed of aggression is constant. Speed of devotion varies.
- Progress is all subconscious network, not goals. Goal accessibility of individual sets his limits
- Social stability is a purely subconscious affair, network dynamics
- Disturbances act first on the subconscious. Can’t disturb aggression only benevolence
- All minds are slaves to control theory
- Behavioral change requires context change. Individual gets his clues for behavior from context
- Cry for leadership shows helplessness
- Naïve invincibility of authority
- No one wants to wait for a better life. Have it now.
- Current understanding of social behavior is impotent
- Ruling class lives rich from united fraud, justified with lies of infallibility.
- The CEO is not responsible for prosperity
- Can’t change one system part without changing others
- Trust is the universal precondition of social action
- Have reasons for optimism for the future
We may win when we lose, if we have done what we can; for by so doing we have made real at least some part of that finished product in whose fabrication we are most concerned: ourselves. Our dangers are not from the outrageous but from the conforming; not from those who rarely and under the lurid glare of obloquy upset our moral complaisance, or shock us with unaccustomed conduct, but from those, the mass of us, who take their virtues and their tastes, like their shirts and their furniture, from the limited patterns which the market offers.
The Informed Wisdom of Rudolf Starkermann
The professor, working alone above the mentor line, repulsed by everyone for his thinking outside the box, developed a set of knowledge modules about which he was unshakeable. We mined his books and papers to extract them for our use. Learn these concepts like the multiplication table. Tell your subconscious to read and heed. By all means try to controvert them.
We well remember stoic Rudolf freaking out when the EU concept first was let out of the cage. The pursuit of the impossible that ruined millions of lives is playing out its last act before implosion, as he predicted. So much for the social intelligence of the establishment.
It was found that the structural formation of the brain of mammals, that is its neurological control organisation, is similar to the structure of technical, automatic control systems. A similar structure was found that applies to social, interrelated behaviour. In technical, continuously functioning, multivariable automatic control systems, an enormously large number of closed loops can be traced. In all these loops, the information is of constancy in change, which means that the information changes continuously and simultaneously in all parts of the system. – By induction, a formula is derived with which the total number of all loops in any size of a generally interwoven, multivariable control system can be determined. – The technical, automatic control system of one loop exemplifies the general concept of such kind of continuous functional behaviour.
Assuming that one loop is defined as the unit of structural complexity, then the total number of loops of an entangled system reveals a basic measure of its intricacy. This number is particularly interesting, because the similarity of the structural formation of the brain of mammals with the structure of technical, industrial control systems, or social multiply goal-oriented organisations, can offer a measure of the trickiness of our psycho-social conglomerate. – However, the structural complexities of all three kinds, the technical, the social, and the cerebral one do not contain the dynamic characters, which are, indeed, of a much higher level of complexity than the structural ones.
The perspectives we experience from the stellar universe down to our globe with its variety of life, from there to the world of molecules, and finally to the subatomic realm, they all reveal a dramatic diversity of phenomena. It is impossible for a human being to comprehend such an immense complexity. A three dimensional boundlessness of the infinite space with its countless galaxies is already incomprehensible for our limited brain. Although we are aware of the colossal variety of events on the globe, of the past and of the present, we are still fully outdistanced from knowing the inherent functioning of this immenseness. Already our view of the architectural structure of the human brain and of our animal fellows must make us conscious about our helplessness in conceiving the world’s marvel.
With the continuing progress in biology, especially in neurobiology with the newest knowledge of plasticity and neurogenesis, the certainty grows that even what we call feelings, spirit, mind, and faiths are based on physical-biological functioning. But the real discernment of such functioning, especially the time-dependent behaviour involving homeostasis, is still out of reach for us for a very long time to come. We mentioned that we still know nothing yet about the very operations of the single neuron. And our brain consists of billions of billions of those tiny interacting things.
We risk assuming that each neuron could be a sub-brain within the large brain, because a single neuron can receive up to thousand different signals of which it is capable to handle. It then sends the response, its output, out through its axon into innumerable directions to supply other neurons with its produced information. For starting life, nature supplies us with enough knowledge to survive within a certain territory and to live in it for a certain period of time. This knowledge is, unfortunately, by far not enough to establish – what we are longing for – peace. This is so, because everything is interrelated with everything, consciously and unconsciously, and nobody is knowable enough to behave and act within this huge, mysterious entangled network without running into conflicts with himself, with his neighbours and with the world at large.
Looking into the world beyond the human realm, a peace, according to our imagination, cannot be found anywhere. We only see excessive reproduction and intensive struggle for survival. And considering our human history of peace and wars, there is about the same: love and hate for reproduction, struggle for survival, and the poor fellow feeds the wealthy one. Since long, we make much effort to find a definition for consciousness and an explanation for time. But sooner or later, we come to the conclusion that our brain is way too small to come to crisp with such phenomena. Nevertheless, hopping by staying engaged in serious endeavour, we will eventually find out how miracles should work.
On the other hand, in regard of such overwhelming intricacies, it is understandable that the person, who is devoid of the necessary knowledge, needs a perceivable explanation of the world’s construction within the limits of his beholding. His faiths in the story of Creation and in life in heaven afterwards serve his purpose quite well.
Compelling purpose
The motive behind this work is to more clearly see and understand that reality is beyond our perception and, therefore, that all of our attempts to understand and control our daily life the way we intend and want it is entirely in vain. It will never be possible to comprehensively understand our immediate environment, nor will it ever be possible to manage our surroundings to any desired and programmed behavior. We can act within our surroundings but not control them according to our intentions – and exactly because of this inability we can easily destroy our surroundings. The cardinal motive behind this work, however, is to provide a mental picture of the dubiousness of globalization. We will confront the enormous effect that globalization has on the population that is caught in any sort of globalized structure; and particularly the enormous human deterioration that will be the result of the economic-capitalistic financial globalization of the world will be discussed.
With this perspective we keep in mind that the hidden end of nature’s doing is the entropy to its maximum. Economic world globalization is falsely called democratic. In the end its failure will occur due to the fact that we simply cannot handle situations that are beyond a certain complexity. Many politicians, lawmakers, and financial moguls think incorrectly that a worldwide economic liberation can be established through a democratic world. They believe this is so because they only partially see the complexity of human behavior. Their own or the world’s tremendous unconscious cannot be taken into account. The unconscious of the individual’s character is one point we focus strongly on in this work.
Life occurs, takes place, and passes in command of its own rules and laws, without our awareness, without required knowledge of anything in life and about life, and whether we exist or not. This means that not any one specific individual is necessary, is needed in order for nature to continue. Everyone is but a temporary guest for a minute fraction of time. Nevertheless, most of us still think that we can take the future into our own hands and manage it. – Nature does not respond immediately and does not complain instantly to what we do with it and to what we do it seems that it just goes on, but it presents the bill to us once the consequences of our right- and wrongdoing become too harmful for all life.
A further point we want to emphasize here is that we must accept that life is fully automatic in its own way, that it is an automatism that operates beyond our perception, and that this automatism is time dependent functional, and that time dependency is unperceivable for our intellectual capacity. – Life existed before we contrived our Gods who – some like to assume – created life; and life exists with or without all these Gods we created in our imagination. However, we do not dare say that we are all somewhat dumb in assuming Gods as a superior might. With what we know about the environment, some try to do their best. But human knowledge is limited and the time we live is short. In this short while we want to push the boat out – everyone in his way. But as we are – concerning reality – lacking awareness of unconscious circumstances, we are largely groping in the dark.
We look at reality and we look at facts, but we cannot look into them, into their functioning. On the other hand, it might seem that we do not need to have great knowledge about life. If we are able to feed ourselves, reproduce ourselves and defend our territory, then it seems that we are well on our way to surviving – simultaneously being carried along by nature’s automatism. If we can satisfy these three conditions: feeding, reproducing, and defending, then our brain’s capacity – it is mainly the neo-cortex we work with – appears to be large enough. However, the facts are not as simple as that. There is a tremendous neurological world underneath that thin cortex layer with which we perceive the world outside of us and that stores mainly the world-knowledge acquired over time. This is extensively our consciousness. Concerning this consciousness, every brain has a different content, has a different part of this total world-conscious knowledge and can only make use of that part of it that is of its active disposal.
The additional world-behavior underneath the thin cortex layer is a huge complex of a functional system consisting of trillions of interconnected nerve cells, of neurons. This deep layer is our unconscious. It is highly interconnected with the consciousness. This unconscious world creates the enormous crux for us. Beside a fundamental common survival package in this unconscious, needed for survival, there is a creative personal involuntarily acting complex. The unconscious world cannot be recognized by the conscious part of the brain, therefore we act – have to act – as if the unconscious did not exist. This is the reason that we are mainly very far off of the subject we are dealing with. A paroxysm of additional evolution might be needed in order to become aware of the fact that the unconscious is a fundamental part of any event, of any doing. As the unconscious is of a higher complexity than the consciousness, we will struggle forever to find a workable and truly satisfactory solution in the domain of human relations. Hope and failures will continue, and so will war.
Complexity and multiplicity
It can be recognized that there are many interacting closed loops in social behavior where information goes round and round. A similar activity but at a much greater magnitude and complexity happens in our brain. This fact is the ultimate point we want to emphasize. We are not far away from the truth if we assume that the subconscious is to an enormous degree an independently operating composite, a full world in itself. The subconscious takes engrams from the Mneme in the cortex and produces its own pictures and stories with the help of its own functional net of neurons. As we can operate and interpret facts and situations only with our consciousness, we do not really know how the unconscious works. With our consciousness the unconscious is out of reach.
We have sensations as feelings, impressions, irritations, anxieties, and apprehensions produced in the unconscious, but we are not capable of describing and defining these sensations with words from our consciousness. We, for example, sense the beauty of a flower, but we are not capable of describing its beauty with words in such a way so that its color and shape can be reproduced by another person by using the words of our description.
We also have dreams in our sleep that we cannot describe and explain with words of our vocabulary, because our vocabulary is conscious. We are in no way master of these phenomena, although uncountable books exist on the market attempting to provide a conscious interpretation of unconsciously produced dreams and fantasies. One may read them, but one does not know more afterwards. Unless we receive a feedback information from an unconscious dream, which brings it to the consciousness, we are left in uncertainty.
An example of a dream that provided a feedback information to me: Some time ago, one of my two daughters asked me to put some material together for my eulogy because she does not know, she said, much of my life. On doing that, although in a poetic and rather somehow sarcastic manner, then in the following night I saw in a dream in front of me on a flat large cart my corpse laying on the far left side on the cart. The corpse was wrapped in a colored cloth. I knew it was I, dead. The cart was not moving and there was no animal to pull it. What could all this mean?
I didn’t know and nobody knows because the dream happened in the unconscious system of my head. Then, constantly wondering about this occurrence, a few months later, one morning, immediately after I woke up, everything was clear. The dream told me that I was, even as a dead person, “left lying on the left side.“ I grew up in the German-speaking language area of Switzerland. In the German language the two words “links liegenlassen” or “links stehenlassen” mean literally translated “to leave (something or someone) lying or standing on the left side.“ The psychological meaning, however, is “unseemly despised.”
In German, the word links or link has a long list of socially and morally negative interpretations. So then, as my desperately alcoholic father did not like me at all and did not pay one cent for my education, as my mother took us three boys firmly in her hand with a piece of rubber hose, as I was thrown out of the Protestant Church because I disagreed with the divine walk of Jesus on water, and as the company, where I luckily could make an apprenticeship as a draftsman, wrote in a letter to me after I ask for a grant for further schooling, that the social situation of my family did not justify a university education, the dream, I think, was symbolically correct!
This unconscious world in us is inconceivably gigantic. It creates all the uncountable forms in the arts, in religions, fantasies, and inventions. But as we have to cope with our consciousness within our environment in order to survive in it, we project these unconscious images into the outer world where we think they really exist. In doing so we create all kinds of Gods and devils, of heavens, angels, purgatories, and hells although none and nothing actually exist there. They are products of our subconscious.
If the world were perceivable in its details we perhaps would have become able in the past few thousand years to establish peace – maybe at least within family circles. But there is no hope for such an arrangement forever. What – in comparison with such perspectives – are we going to do with world-globalization’s complexity? We will see – if we will live long enough – that globalization will come and go like everything in life, and at the very end we will go with it. But we also will learn simultaneously how enormously difficult it is to perceive reality.
But the worst of the terrible fact of forming subconscious images is that each greedy power system finds a justification of its songs and that such heavenly inventions become projected out of the subconscious brain through the conscious part away from earth into the outer world – thus – forming innumerable Gods and angels, spirits and eternally living souls. And under the pretext of purifying the faith, these erroneous fictions committed horrid crimes. Even grown-up children, adults, live from fairy tales because reality – we say it again – cannot be perceived with our limited brain capacity. We live, have to live, with surrogates.
There is no doubt that nothing has changed in the fundamental concept of nature from primeval times to today’s recognized immense complexity, because everything is subject to the perpetual functioning of Nature’s laws. All of these elementary laws, which we live with, must have been in latent existence before what we call the Big Bang or must have existed simultaneously since this event. Every endeavor to comprehend reality with our limited brain capacity and our short lifespan is related to these laws and is connected to them.
But due to the colossal complexity and functional profoundness as well as our only partial knowledge, we are in need of simplifications whenever we want to describe, to understand, or to investigate some part of our environment or of ourselves. In attempting such an undertaking we very often oversimplify real facts or fall even into falsifications of them, because we can only see small parts that we cut out of the entirety. Simplifications are formed with substitutes and surrogates of the incomprehensible reality. The less of natural laws we know, the more we need substitutes.
Such substitutes are, seen from our standpoint, foremost religious images, conceptions and icons, but also figments of our imagination, illusions, suppositions and self-deceit (by the pronoun our, the author himself is meant). In the case of being fully ignorant of nature’s laws there are no alternatives but to apply our intuition, our unconscious power by assuming that Gods exist, or by creating those that then take care of our fate from some extraterrestrial location.
This has been a longing for all times, and it has been a satisfactory concept since beings became able to have the capability to assume so. We dare assume that animals and even plants might have their own unconscious world. Making images of gods took place thousands of millennia before the structures of physical sciences became established and began to develop. These sciences are slowly taking over now by tiny steps and reducing the world of miracles and fantasies. The process is demystification; it is a shift from divine causality towards explanations based on natural laws. We recognize clearly that the deeper the world is penetrated, the more it becomes obvious that it is functioning by universal natural laws. But progress is slow, and potentates have a strong interest in keeping the halo for their claim of power.
Knowing thyself functioning over time
A thorough understanding of the entire spectrum of nature’s laws will never be possible, because whilst we penetrate deeper into reality, evolution continues enhancing its world and will always leave us more than a few steps behind. There is also the possibility that our intellect, in connection with our intuition and all our knowledge simply cannot manage to understand life’s concept. There is a world beyond of everything we perceive, a multidimensional indescribable colossal something.
To describe a scale of similarity: a virus has its limited world, an ant has its world that is larger than that of the virus; the cat has its own world that is larger again, and we humans have our world that might be the largest of all, but it is, no doubt, limited, tremendously limited as well. It is appropriate and reasonable to assume that our perception can only reach a small part of the whole of life’s significance.
Within such small a part we have to accommodate ourselves with our limited brainpower, and we have to operate with humility and without preconceived notions. Another of our thoughts here is – and we have already mentioned it – that in the unperceivable functional complexity of our brain there is an unconscious world that has – referring to our limited conscious thinking – an ability to be independent.
This independent element takes parts of stored images from the consciousness and creates new forms, new functions. Our attempt to tap some facts of our reality – despite such severe limitations – can add to our understanding and leniency when being confronted with unchangeable opinions of our fellow men that think that they know better. As presented in this treatise, we follow a rather elementary path, although for a meaningful understanding, this path still can create some bewilderment.
Losing one’s way can arise to the reader, because his perhaps not adequate or non-existing mathematical-physical understanding might be hindering or rather confusing, and he then could not undertake the consequent steps on his own way to higher complexities that would be a continuation beyond our efforts herein. We make the way easy and, sure, hope to have some success. As far as our awareness is concerned, we are convinced that life is matter that is functioning over time, where the emphasis is on functioning over time.
We do not believe that miracles happen from a naive point of view, but we think that there are phenomena still unknown to us or that are inconceivable and even can never be detected. Beyond this awareness that matter functions over time, we depend on abstract substitutes. But even with acceptance of this term matter that functions over time, the obstacle we stumble over is the notion of functioning over time.
Everything in life is constantly in motion. And to follow the motion is an aspect of real hardship. There, normally our brainpower breaks down because time that carries a motion along with it cannot be stored and reproduced. We are in the time and go with it. We cannot go out of time and look at it in order to measure and store it. Life occurs – from the viewpoint of the limited conception of our brain – fully automatically. And automation is a concept that lives from time, happens in time and dies once its time is over. Therefore, any attempt for a conceptualization of life requires some insight and knowledge about events that happen automatically.
Such events reveal themselves in self-government. Such self-governing concepts must have their automatic self-control in order to function properly over time. In addition, automatically working devices must have their goal that they are striving to reach, and they must accept information that comes from outside, and they also must respond adequately to stimuli. Last but not least, they are also vulnerable to all kinds of disturbances. Our body and its biological functions repair themselves foremost automatically if something goes wrong. Through our five senses we are conscious of, we are needed to the extreme to handle our survival within the environment in which we exist. All that goes on in our complex bodies is automatically performed without our direct knowledge.
An example of matter that functions automatically and that has automatic self-control is our heart with its multi-functions. As the functioning over time of this wonderful pump is paramount to staying alive, heartiness suggests welfare, whereas heartlessness means the opposite. A thesaurus mentions a dozen related words (e.g., heartbroken) and a few hundred words related to these heart-words (e.g., core). This example indicates how we often apply symbols without knowing much or anything about the physical functioning of matter that functions.
All of our biological actions and operations are automatically working as well. There are innumerable activities performing countless tasks through day and night. And they all have their self-control, and that is that we mean when we say that they have a consciousness of their own kind. We become aware of this self-control if something goes wrong and we become ill. Many disturbances, recognized or not, enter us or originate inside us continuously in some parts of our automatic control systems. The influence of harmful disturbances occurs and they are fought by our immune system or by our unconscious mind or by our consciousness, i.e., by our intellect.
Any particular device that functions automatically and receives the necessary energy can be left on its own. It lives by itself, in other words it lives and has consciousness in its own way. It has constantly a goal in mind and works constantly toward that goal. And once it is there it holds that state. This state is called flux equilibrium, or in technical terms steady state flow.
It is such an automatic device for the form of an individual that we take as the social element in our study. The goal that the individual carries in his mind is his self-realization. Self-realization exists in whatever we human beings do in this realm of what relates to us and what is called consciousness. The individual is the basic element for forming a globalized society. It is this sort of a triple concept – awareness, consciousness and unconscious – where we try to get closer when we talk about social elements in organizations and in further precision: elements in globalization.
We want to answer the question: what is the structure of an individual that is prone to become globalized? Must an individual become dehumanized in order to fit into a global world pattern, or can he maintain all human qualities of a democratic society? The dictionary defines global as involving the whole world, comprehensive, total. So, everybody must become synchronized to the same purpose in mind, to the same mental concept. What is the compulsory consequence of fulfilling such a requirement?
Our conviction is that integral and individualized persons in their social interrelation form too high a level of complexity to be handled by any government or by any politician or political authority. A dressing-down of the individual is indispensable to make him fit for a globalized structure. A predominant question that is not easy to answer is whether the person with a genuine consciousness first has to become fully deprived of his self-reflecting awareness in order to become ready for globalization, or whether he first loses his integrity through other social circumstances and then slips automatically and easily into politically and socially globalized formations, or whether he never really possessed a wholeness.
The most anti-survival Establishment concept of all time
Currently, the word globalization is in everybody’s mind, and it seems that every financial and industrial institution is inclined to become globalized – for the good or for the bad – because of a fear of being left out and shrinking. We use the term self-reflecting awareness as a criterion for a person’s integrity. There are many nouns with the prefix self, from self-abandonment through the alphabet to self-will. The Webster’s Dictionary mentions almost 120. Not all of them are human-related and by far not all of them can be clearly defined.
Self-awareness or consciousness of one’s self may be two terms we will take along for our purposes. The unconscious in a person is always present; it cannot be avoided. It is a firm part of a brain. We will come to the reasoning that a globalized and therefore a low leveled social element, an individual of a globalized herd, can no longer live fully as his own self if the globalized conglomerate is supposed to function well.
Although the globalized individual requires a structurally simplified personality, although he becomes dispossessed from his all-inclusive individuality, globalization increases the social complexity nevertheless to such a degree that in the long run it in itself creates the potential for conflicts. The empowered individual that handles and operates the globalized structure is not able to manage such structures over time in a sustainable formation. Globalization will, after it is built, eventually run into anarchy and entropy. And from this achieved state it will break itself down into smaller social agglomerates in which the individual will eventually regenerate to a higher degree of self-awareness.
The forming of super-markets, of super-information, and of super-financial transactions in a globalized world, available to everybody, is stimulated and provoked by super-empowered individuals, individuals that are concurrently psychologically trimmed – and so is the globalized herd. Globalization is a form of equalization what means that a lower level of consciousness of the individuals is needed and has to be accepted; and this for both, for the empowered mind.
We shall find that the basic social individual cannot maintain his existential values, which he is trying to attain if globalization has to have an expected outcome, that of ultimate importance – if it has to have a political stability. If globalization has to show favorable advantages, e.g., of equal welfare for the worldwide population, such a concept requires a configuration of widespread and almost complete slavery for individuals that constitute the basic human material necessary for such bringing into line. The deprived individuals can no longer have their entire self-realization, or their intact self-esteem, or their individual integrated self-awareness. The requirement of discipline in the Darwinian brutality of free-market capitalism, as it is proclaimed, becomes an element of survival, and the globalized individual is left with no choice but to obey the fierce, unavoidable trend. His welfare will disappear.
As there is no way to escape the trend, the way is open to a new form of slavery for the big herd that cannot share the benefit of the super-empowered, superimposed money greedy flock that constitutes and handles the world-wide super markets. The pay envelope of the empowered winners will become bulkier; the one of the herd will shrink further to almost zero. The challenge in this era of globalization – for countries and individuals – is to find a healthy balance between preserving a sense of identity, home and community and doing what it takes to survive within the globalized system. The individual of the former healthy democracy will become impoverished in the globalized structure and will become deprived of many social, cultural, and mental characteristics of his former integrity and lifestyle.
Each fusion of independent, integral elements that results in an amalgamation into a unified viable whole – what globalization is supposed to be – enforces a loss of characteristic forms and behavior of the united elements and thus, will end in simplifications that – in turn – tend toward a final decay of the democratic structure of the involved people. On the other hand, it is a fact as well that only the man who lives in full isolation is not obliged to adapt to the requirements and need of others. Even living in a healthy democracy requires some minor sacrifices of individual peculiarities and subjective demands but not the sacrifice of basic attributes such as the freedom to express oneself.
Where is the end to curtailing the healthy unimpaired individual in a viable democracy headed toward the tragic mind-slaughtering in globalization? We do not know, but we think it will be the very bottom. We come back to the crux of the matter, to our limited thinking capacity. Therefore we do not really know what the end state of disintegration of the individual will be. Life is time-dependent functioning. An awareness that everything changes continuously in time will be necessary to acquire a deeper insight into the occurrences of life. This functioning in time has to become conscious knowledge not as a melodious philosophical term or a mathematic-engineering discipline; it has to come in terms of accurate knowledge acquired by any particular subject that is interested in the future of mankind.
Without this meaningful thinking of time-flow, the enthusiasm for globalization will remain a superficial perspective. Time-functional thinking will be the huge and important branch of science for the coming decades or centuries. As we cannot store time and reproduce it – a crazy idea to store time – time related thinking is indeed impossible for our brain. We can remember a picture we saw, but not the time length we looked at it. We can remember a story told to us, but we cannot remember the length of time it took for the story to be told to us. We are connected to the time flow and cannot grasp time and hold it. We think in snap-shots and jump from instant to instant. This fact is a barrier to perceiving life over time and to evaluating the changes that happen with the flow of time.
We cannot observe how time flowed through the past, how it flows over into the present and how it will flow into the future. The one way out of this time-dependent straightjacket is through the complex subject of – alas! – differential mathematics. Further on we will come a little bit closer to this topic but will not go into that, because for most people it is an unapproachable terrible matter. To know how something functions in time is crucial to really understand behavior, especially if the time functioning behavior is related to automatic functioning.
Due to the circumstance of our limited conception of reality, only relatively simple time-functional systems can be investigated and therefore be understood and handled properly. This is the reason that whenever big political assemblies of free individuals become formed they degenerate soon into rowdy, uncontrollable crowds, into social atrophy, into entropy. Their social-functional complexity is so immense that no human brain, not even the brain of the utmost intelligent politician has the potential to control and manipulate a group of independently acting people. In order to be able to handle accumulations of people – or animals and plants – drastic simplifications of social structures and also rigorous reductions of the individuals’ freedom are inevitable.
Animals have to become domesticated and separated in fenced cages, and plants become constrained (in agronomy and gardening). Every now and then, indeed quite often, an assembly of chaotically arguing individuals eventually becomes separated into parties, politically or socially, each with its own mini-globalized ideology. Then, a consensus can sometimes be reached by reducing the manifold groups into two opposing mainstreams and by voting. But be the group political, social, or religious, its members have to conform to the doctrine, otherwise the integer individual becomes an apostate and will be expelled or annihilated.
We will come to the conclusion that no politician, no public or religious authority is masterful enough to perceive the behavior of a togetherness of people of integrity and to keep them under control without damaging the peoples’ integrity first. On the contrary, it is pitiful to see how politicians, clerics, connoisseurs and experts of all kinds reduce individual peculiarities and properties and dictate them into elementary behavioral forms in order to maintain the power of the dictatorial level.
It might be too late to expect a great global-success because the human brain evolves continuously further with the biological and technological progress. Ancient simple images to lull people in hopefully will eventually vanish. But first we have to become able to handle complexities in their time functional organisms. Otherwise people still have to give up their self awareness in order to fit into dictatorships – and globalizations. On the other hand, it is a tendency in nature that not only every being but every institution as well, once it begins to live, wants to grow whether this being or institution is considered to be an enemy or a friend of another being or another institution.
Thus, small, limited globalizations always exist. This tendency of growing and therefore of growing into each other’s sphere creates aggression and the potential of mutual destruction. Only bringing diversity into a uniform line – generally by the stronger party crushing the weaker party, can such a tendency of growth be controlled.
The focus in our investigation is always on the complexity in one way or another. Social agglomerations of cohesive masses require stupid or ignorant people to form viable, controllable herds. Whatever authorities undertake in manipulating and dictating human behavior, they cannot succeed unless they obscure the individuals first, i.e., make them simple in their behavior. The underlying thought is that globalization destroys, first cultural and individual values, then the environmental variety and with it the capability to survive in this environment. But the actual trend to globalize is of hurricane force and has pandemic extent. There is no escape. If the losers want to survive they have to go with globalization and hope to get along in it.
It can be assumed that an authoritarian person or a government senses unconsciously, unknowingly their incapability to handle extreme complexities and that it is therefore a natural law that persons of integrity have to relinquish their personal characteristics to be molded into globalized structures. Big hordes require simple people. Therefore authoritarian persons or governments only can handle hordes of people that are denuded from their integrity.
Our concern includes not only the suppression of the exchange of information among beings, but also the renunciation of the self-realization and the self-reflection of the individuals. Only a breakdown of cultural diversities and disintegration into behavioral platitudes guarantees a global construct with big hordes. Globalization requires a collective way of life toward a unified, common goal. The fact that the human being is the most intelligent beast of prey still holds true in the globalized society.
The cry of the global manipulators is: be faster, be stronger, be more powerful, be richer than the neighbor-or kill him in order to take away what he possesses and to exert a higher position even among the other empowered kings of finance. This killing has the nice term fusion. The dis-empowered part has to give in and to sacrifice accordingly its live substance. Hordes have to be poor so that a few can be empowered and be rich.
Our look at globalization does not involve any specific financial or industrial topics. We have in mind and consider formal compounds of individuals that are leveled and synchronized on an even social basis with the globalization promoting authority on the superior level. The higher level is the empowered command. It is the level of the emporium of authorities that will be acting in their interest in globalization.
The lower level, the fundamental mass, just has to hang on and obey if it wants to survive. The benefit will be on the higher social position in the globalized structure. There the winners will be located. The loss will be on the low, disintegrated individuals that were or could have been formerly whole individuals. The opinion that the low-level crowd, the world poverty masses, can eventually take part on the globalized cake is a flattering illusion. Instead of having the top-affluent global-wide millionaires assembling in gold plated five-star-hotels conferencing about fighting poverty, they would be better off fighting their own riches. But this is even a greater illusion. There is no such way on earth.
Foremost, there cannot be any logic, not any physical understanding in such a taught dogma. The teaching is based on images, icons, illusions, parables, fables and moral stories. The global idol is the one God in the monotheism, and the goal of the religious internet-authority is the following up of the brethren to the preached doctrine. The individual believer must become trimmed in order to follow a global way of peaceful worshipping.
Even in a genuine democratic friendly society, where each individual has his self-reflection, his self-esteem, and his self-determination, the behavior demands repression and restraint in the face of which the instinctual feeling for autonomous willpower and of self-determination cannot be fully satisfied. Freedom is not free.
In a citizenship school in the USA the following sentence was told to me when I was a Swiss emigrant to become a USA immigrant: “If you obey you are free.” But globalization – under the pretext of democracy – is based on aggressive reaching out with the purpose of eliminating individuality and individual self-determination and concentrating power and labor gain in a series of top power-hands.
The enslaved individual becomes the tool for the global market. If he fits well into the system then he will survive and will be satisfied after his individuality is clipped, shaved or cut off. On the extreme other hand, if everybody wants, or if too many want to realize their own ideas and satisfy their pure biological urges of survival, a huge social difficulty is immediately in blossom. War will be programmed and eventually break out.
A partial reduction of integrity toward a minor form of slavery is inevitable for maintaining peace – temporary semi-democratic peace at least! Concerning the slogan human dignity in peace we can say with confidence: no holocaust anymore, no inquisition anymore – until the next one comes.
Intelligence amplification
The social unit, the individual, is structured with one single self-reflecting functional information loop, an automatic feedback circuitry. And that is the crux of the matter. As our limited brain capacity cannot perceive the secret of life and as life goes on without our knowledge of its functioning, there must be immeasurable interactive automatisms that dictate our actions. Furthermore, as automatic circuitries cannot be perceived with thinking processes or spiritual imagery, it is – in our opinion – an unconditional necessity to apply mathematical formalism of the natural sciences. Indeed, if an abstract formalism is able to investigate what plain thinking cannot do, the elements that constitute the functional loops must be known so that the mathematics to formulate the togetherness of elements can be handled!
Reducing ourselves to a togetherness of uncomplicated, manageable elements requires a hypothetical approach. This approach is originally taken from technical highly complicated multiple control systems and boiled down to a social parallelism:
- consciousness and unconscious of individuals
- Clusters of individuals
- power to reach goals
- time functional flow
- potential of interacting with other elements
- Fighting the effect of disturbances.
Whenever undertaking some investigation with our mind about ourselves, we must keep in mind that life is – must be – enormously more complex than we can perceive. It is no wonder and no surprise that throughout time people have created images of gods to find a way out of this dilemma. We must be humble enough to admit that our brain is small and short-lived, although we must act with these gifts that are given to us by God-Nature.
Perhaps it can be said in a nonchalant way that the less a person knows about physical facts the more he is tempted to believe in gods, and the more he knows about natural laws, the less he is obliged to believe in supper-natural mortal or immortal creatures – both in order to find himself a concept of his world.
A further important point of is the complexity of the characteristic equation – or the character of a system. This perspective is – beside the structural complexity – another mathematical proof that life in its functioning entanglement cannot be perceived. Unless the characteristic equation – or in short the character – of a system is known, nothing can be changed so that it is known in what different functioning the change will result. A characteristic equation is time dependent because any action is bound to time and changes with time. Time changes the information when it flows through a system.
The same is true for human beings. Whether a person is tall or short, white or black, fat or slim, these factors are not really applicable to his character. But his dynamic features have to make part of his character: is he or she lethargic, rejecting, restricted, introvert, anticipating, extravert, hysterical, etc.? The social models show that the more the individual can exert himself and the more he has information exchange, as the ideal democracies pretend to allow for its individuals, the more a democracy falls far behind being able to be handled and to be understood compared to an enslaved population. The difficulty to perceive a multiple goal democratic system and to understand its character is incomprehensible compared to understanding the one goal monocracy with its enslaved mass. This fact explains the tremendous tendency to form configurations of slaveries be this in social, in political, in religious, or in military alliances. The saying viribus unitis is double- edged. Its value depends on its application.
The greater the web of individual interactions and the more self-assured the individual is allowed to be in the web, the more slowly and less efficiently an agglomeration of individuals operates. But globalization requires quick action otherwise another system or other subsystems reaps the benefit. The fierce competition demands lightning quick and precisely aimed action for efficient operation. Therefore the superior party, that is the winning party, cannot consist of a huge populace. The populace is caught in a servile form: many low-leveled people have to be poor so that a few upper-leveled can be well off – and amass more.
It has to be noted that the term efficient operation has no ethical value. The efficiency is related to the goal or to the goals toward which a system is working. Nature in its functioning has no ethics. It knows nothing about terms of peace and freedom, about civil war and political oppression, about legal behavior or crime. It knows nothing about gods and devils, about eternal life in heaven and resurrection on earth. It also knows nothing about adultery and any sexual abuse or about human rights. In the very depth of our existence we are tightly bound to the biological requirements of nature and we have to obey to its laws. And at this point of insight globalization hooks in with its justification: anything that brings benefit for me is allowed because I am myself the next.
Although any mathematical approach is based on some hypothetical approximation, only calculated facts give real insight into the depth of the matter in operation. In pursuing this path, all the used terms have to have a firm definition and a dimension. The human understanding requires tangible definitions and the computer needs concrete data. As an example for the term – information is transferred – the definition is speed and the dimension could be meters per second [m/s]. Toward the end of this treatise we will become convinced of the inconceivability of the behavioral characteristics of life and that the making of freedom – as a rather human invention – is an elusive thought. The word peace is a very tempting one. It is especially used and overused and even abused by politicians, peace campaigner, humanists, and speculators for peace-prizes – and warmongers.
With our simple model we derived some time ago the fact that nature prefers hostility over friendship, that enmity acts twice as fast as amity does, allows twice the willpower of amity and has a much greater capacity for stability than amity. We do not deny the existence of an infinite power with respect to infinity. But such infinity cannot become personalized as Godfather in the heaven of our brains. As almost all occurrences and events in life have a purpose – that means they are goal oriented – and therefore happen automatically, the concept of automatic control is of paramount importance. That is why the social unit is already structured as an automatic control loop that has a goal, has self-control about its proximity to the goal, and has the ability to fight the effect of disturbances.
Disturbances are always around to drive the loop off of its path on the way to its goal. Because we live from eating living beings, beings intend to seize hold of other beings, what means at least a disturbance of each other if not even a direct killing – as a daily occurrence. We know that these attributes: goal oriented automatism that is functioning over time provide this mystery which we call consciousness. Therefore every goal oriented being or structure has consciousness. Such consciousnesses can be very different in their forms. The consciousness of the human being is only one of innumerable many consciousnesses.
Based on this axiom of a loop representing the social unit and of a triple bilateral information exchange of loops in social interrelations, it will be illustrated that between two individuals who have the common goal of globalization and who work toward that one goal (as a defined structure of viribus unitis) there will already be circular information loops within their dualism where information can flow back and forth.
That means that two autonomous individuals with their 2 loops, one loop for each individual, increase the complexity from 2 to 32 loops when they go into a triple bilateral interaction and have the common goal of globalization. It is therefore no wonder that the globalized marital togetherness of two people already bears tremendous potential for conflicts that never can lead to a desired or guaranteed peace. We generally tend to require peace for ourselves and to an already much lesser degree for our close fellow man in connection with us, but not at all for remote beings.
Unfortunately there are only limited groups of people who deal with the meaning and simultaneously with the mathematics of the single self-reflecting loop, our basic circuitry – not to mention studying and handling multiple automatic control systems. Our endeavor is to take a cautious step into this complexity of loop-interaction, although without pretending to teach the reader automatic control theory, but leading him far enough to enable him to get an idea of the matter in mind. In doing that, we want to emphasize clearly our unpretentiousness with the following thoughts.
The emphasis is on the fact that the human brain cannot understand itself; we cannot understand ourselves. To provide an analogy to the above statement, that an identity – in our case a human brain – cannot perceive itself, the following short story may serve. A wooden match as an entity cannot perceive itself, namely as a match in its inner completeness. The match does not have a consciousness. A match does not know that it is a match. But the machine that produces matches fully automatically (after it is fed with the necessary material and energy) knows what a match is, because it makes them without needing help from outside. Thus, we attribute a consciousness to the machine. It is its own kind of consciousness, not ours.
But the machine as an entity itself does not perceive itself, does not know itself. It is the engineer who designed and made the machine who knows what the machine is in its entirety, because he designed the machine. The engineer has his consciousness. Now the engineer, as the next higher entity, cannot perceive himself. He needs the mightiness of Nature-God as an entity who made, who created him and who knows what the human being is in his entirety. This short parable indicates the tremendous increase of complexity from a match to the match-producing machine, from this match-producing machine to the human being, and from the human being to Nature-God. Perhaps, and very probably, after Nature-God there might exist a next higher-level god – and even many more so!
The match has no goal it knows of, and its simple form knows nothing about the tremendously more complex machine that made it. The matchmaking machine has a goal. But it knows nothing about the enormously more complex human being who created the machine. In this extension of point of view, the human being knows nothing about the unperceivable Nature-God who created him. We cannot perceive something that is more complex than we are. We do not think of evolution the way we can see it with our brain as the builder of our biological world. There must be a greater Existential and Creative Something behind the scene, more than just evolution in our human terms. And we will never know this Something. Our brain cannot perceive, or create, or imagine something that is greater than our brain’s potential.
The gods of our brains, made with our brains, are some kind of vicarious satisfactions. The increase of complexity – just in setting a scale – from a matchmaking machine to its product, the match, may be 104 (10’000). From the human being to the machine we take the higher grade, 10, and from Nature-God to the human being – to be extremely modest – about 108.
The conceptual God we attribute to this Nature-God is still a construct of our mind, is still an icon of our interpretation. Therefore, any attribute, any quality, we put to the word ‘god’ is somehow ironic or ridiculous because the context of the word comes from our limited language content. Wherever and whenever we have to deal with human life situations, we must take into account that we still have our reptilian brain that making it necessary for us to survive under all circumstances. This part of our old brain does not hesitate to harm, even to wreck and kill our fellow citizens if our own life is in danger of survival. A look at history confirms innumerably this maxim.
Even in a fortunate state of globalization that is more or less open to everybody who wants to take part in it, the empowered individuals or empowered groups want to put the money into their own pocket. We think that applied religion and the intention of market globalization is for both: Take as much as you can before somebody else takes it, be what you take either money, social power, land, or an individual’s basic welfare.
Under what circumstance do people let themselves become globalized? We think that it is a creeping influence that can have many different reasons. In our Western world we see the negative effect of the anti-authoritarian education, resulting in spoiling and mental weakening, the softening of punishment of the criminals with the excuse and the justification of human rights, the Geneva Conventions, and the intemperate affluence of our time. If the educational system does not, cannot put firm and definite limits on every arising generation Mother Nature will do it eventually in her harsh way.
The unconscious archaic power of grown up people can no longer be controlled with goodwill that is handled with the consciousness of educators; and this is the ongoing tragedy of all ruling authorities. What is the cure? There is none. With the globalized Internet we have global-wide communication exchange. Terrorism is already a global network. The trend of it is strengthening and it cannot be stopped anymore until a balance between the two terrorist groups, the commercial-financial globalization and the terrorism’s globalization become even – very probably in a long war of mutual destruction.
Globalization in any aspect shows three characteristics:
- The individual in the globalized herd no longer has the goal as his self-realization. The total herd works for the common goal that is set by the leader or the empowered elite of the globalized agglomeration. In the present so eagerly emphasized industrial-financial globalization, it is the capitalistic elite that sets the goal. In political-military situations has always been the highest ranking authority that set the aim. In religious denominations it is the spiritual clergyman who defines and sets the divine goal. In short: it is the boss that dictates the destination.
- A common goal requires a forcing into line of the subordinate members, i.e., of the herd that constitutes the globalization. Such forcing is scaled in its severity. Formerly independent individuals become behaviorally synchronized into an assemblage. The bigger the herd is, the stronger a functioning constraint is required.
- The forcing into line requires that attributes of the individuals’ selves have to vanish according to the needed severity.
Such selves of formerly individualized people become oppressed, as there are, e.g., self-will, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-satisfaction. The individual has to become disintegrated in order to fit into a globalized formation. In other words, formerly independent and autonomous, socially and psychologically integral individuals become collected into a slavery structure. The integral individual becomes disintegrated. The disintegrated individual is no longer critical with respect to the globalization’s goal. He believes, or is forced to believe, uncritically, gullibly what is told to him.
The globalized individual has lost some or all of his self-features. Within the frame of the unification, i.e., within the herd, the disintegrated being feels safe and protected. Leaders know consciously or unconsciously about this herd instinct and they know artfully how to make use of it. Supporters and promoters of globalization, and especially of the presently growing economical-financial globalization, must suffer themselves from a disintegrated awareness of human integrity; otherwise they could not intend to set about and boost such a social-industrial development. And, admitted or not, they must be possessed by a greedy overvaluing of pecuniary and social-industrial power. Simultaneously, they must regard the herd as beings socially below par and of lower human quality.
Where will the amass feature of globalization end? There’s the devil to pay! First, it is the man in the herd that will have to pay the bill for a considerable time length. Later on, when nature recognizes the damage done to it, everybody will pay. Well, we are not there yet. The human being is extremely ingenious and adaptable when facing great danger. The point, however, is that we have to recognize that we destroy tremendously faster than nature produces and can correct.
Overpopulation requires a disintegrated population of its constituents to keep them in line. The disintegrated beings support globalization, be globalization based on social, political, military or religious doctrines. To obey to the herd renders the feeling of safety. The larger the herd, the more urgent is the synchronization of behavior, i.e., the formation of globalization. The process is a cycle that people in it can no longer recognize once the disintegration has reached a certain degree.
As in nature, aggression and hostility are domineering strongly over peace and concordance, the radical disintegration of the human race – not only of the western world – can easily be foreseen. We harbor the suspicion that the far eastern people might have had a longer span of evolution than the population in the western world and that they could possess, therefore, a higher unconscious survival capacity and a higher latent intelligence then the western world. This higher survival capacity and the higher latent intelligence could overrun the western world despite its momentary higher developed technology.
Technology can easily be copied by conscious rationality, but not so the unconscious capability of survival. As the human being functions automatically, i.e., unconsciously automatically, global reflective rational and irrational thinking about our survival does not only seem not to be a necessity, such thinking is even impossible. And because thinking in real physical terms to understand the automatism that controls us is so extremely difficult, the already partially disintegrated western population might look into a bleak future.
Rational, analytical thinking that is needed to correct deviations from damaged survival tactics cannot be done by the individual of a disintegrated mass. It is a dominant fatal fate that our behavior is based on unconsciously produced reflections and pictures that were transfigured into icons, fantasies and myths. In history many of these images became transfigured deeply into sacred, religious facsimiles that are supposed to inhabit the outer, transcendental world. They shall assure life after death.
And with progressive disintegration in growing herds, religious dogmas and doctrines are being revived and they easily become shifted over to financial-political globalization assuring life before death. God in the fictitious heaven comes down to earthly values! God in the unknown becomes replaced by an earthly and universally appreciated substance: money – with its potential of survival.
We anxiously come to believe that the radical opponents of globalization might possess a higher status of individualization than the promoters of the globalization trend (the elite). The outbursts of the opponents’ aggression could seek healing. The healing is called terrorism. Terrorism becomes a balancing necessity that harbors in the collective unconscious. And to fight the collective unconscious will be action in vain. We mention here in this regard two thoughts:
- A war sustains itself
- War appears to be as old as mankind
But peace is a modem invention. In other words, a war stimulates resistance and active opposition and, in doing that, is gaining strength. We are stuck in a dilemma. The explosion of the world population makes a globalization necessary in order to control people. People have to become synchronized and dulled. They have to become disintegrated in order to postpone mass wars that will be initiated by anti-globalization terrorists. But there is no likelihood of avoiding such events to come. There is no continuity of the individual social conscience and awareness from one generation to the next, and there is no global conscience either. The greedy individual wants to have power, to live in convenience and, if possible, not in the herd, although the herd guarantees some safety if another herd attacks that is more intelligent.
We see four reasons why there cannot be a peaceful world:
- Enmity is domineering over amity.
- This part of the world that can be recognized consciously is too huge to be perceived and to be handled by any individual.
- Every one perceives only a tiny part of the immense totality.
- The powerful unconscious part of existence cannot be reached by means of the consciousness. Life functions automatically and therefore we do not need to know much of the totality for our survival.
The critical dependency on intelligence amplification
Before modem times, mathematical formulation of biological-social elements of human behavior could not be applied. One reason for this might be the impossibility of measuring psychosocial behavioral functioning. A second reason might be more deeply imbedded and sealed in our unconscious. This might be the fact that we think we are the superior creation compared to other beings and that therefore a mathematical approach to humans is inappropriate.
But perhaps it is rather the unperceivable complexity we humans possess that cuts us off from any attempt to try to apply mathematical formulas to ourselves. Our brain is definitely limited, and it is a truism that an entity cannot perceive itself. That means that a brain cannot perceive and describe itself. A living being that is capable of investigating another living being in its functional behavior must be estimated to being close to a few thousand times more complex than the living being it investigates.
Therefore, whatever we investigate is considerably simpler than we ourselves are. Our endeavor to seek nevertheless some insight into the intricacy of ourselves comes from the awareness that life is ruled by natural laws and that living beings function in a wide range of situations without imposed governing interactions from outside. Due to such independency, the beings’ functioning must be bound to automatisms.
This concept of automatisms, which is of unconstrained, self-supported operation, came from the knowledge of automatic controls in technical sciences. Thus we bring some knowledge over into the realm of human dynamics. And within the broad field of automatic controls, it is the specific class of multiple automatic controls that opens this perspective more clearly. The term multiple means that a system has many individual goals it is automatically and simultaneously striving to attain, and also that a system simultaneously fights any harmful effect of disturbances that try to penetrate into it and to turn it away from its paths toward its goals.
This concept that a system has a goal toward which it is working continuously leads to the analogy of a human being who strives continuously toward his self-realization as his ultimate goal. Therefore, we consider the social unit, the individual, in the form of an automatic control unit as the foundation stone for building social networks. The description of this unit has to be, therefore, rather refined and detailed before we challenge it by applying mathematical terms to systems of more than one individual. We are fully aware that in such an undertaking hypothetical assumptions cannot be avoided. But compared to for example Establishment hypotheses that depend solely on ideas, fantasies, traditions, established rituals, and presumptions, we, to the contrary, stick to earthly, physical material. We rely fully on natural sciences.
The first necessary abasement toward the globalization of the democratic individual is the elimination of the self-reflection, which means the destruction of the self-image. All aspects of one’s own image arise through the feedback of the unconsciously felt own doing, i.e., the individual’s own existential value. Self-reflection generates self-control, and this feature in turn provides awareness of one’s own self, and in the case of interaction this characteristic self-reflection provides awareness of the environment.
The deprivation of individuals of their democratic integrity makes social structures simple enough to become manageable for authorities to rule communities and crowds. This can be observed in political dictatorships as well in political and religious denominations. We show the gradual disintegration of the social structure of a dualism from the individual democratic conditions down to the enslaved status.
We come now to the peculiar verity, namely to show how people are handled or let themselves be treated, be this in politics, in military groups and hordes, and in religious denominations. Most people look at the world from a simple perspectives and believe in the request or the fantasy that everything can be achieved with the help of the society we live in or with divine help from somewhere above! The fact is that the society helps if it is obliged to do so by established laws, and that faith in heavenly contributions might help in private personal matters but does not work in social circumstances.
Meditation can provide temporary, subjective mental relief. Unfortunately, the justification of simplicity and preaching to put our fate into the hands of potentates can also lead to self-destruction of oneself and finally even of mankind. We have to realize that nature does not care what we do to ourselves and unfortunately neither does mankind as a whole.
Mankind as a whole does not have a consciousness for self-reflection of its doing in regard to the individual. There is no collective unconscious that tells us in what good or bad direction we, as a whole global cohesion, are headed toward. The process of decay, once it starts, is stretched over generations. Individuals can recognize it, but a herd cannot. On the contrary: if any elite of whatsoever and of what-ever-kind benefits from any social deterioration, this elite will work in such a direction. Therefore, do not trust the hyping up globalization by the winners!
Nature works automatically in the deeply embedded processes of surviving. Therefore rational thinking is not of much success. This kind of thinking is even a painful strain for a minority, and is impossible for the multitude. Believing, as a surrogate for rational thinking, is much more comfortable. Wishes and fantasies establish themselves at the spot. As they pretend to offer eternal life after death, many just look forward to this paradise; we are convinced: purely in futility.
But as there is no life once our biological functioning has ended our earthly existence, we would be better of trying to take our fate into our hands and coming to grips with complexity before the dramatic self-destruction of our race begins or progresses further. Unfortunately such statements and intentions might seem to be cheap, ridiculous or even pretentious. We see here with our simple social structures that physical functioning is extremely complex, and that our brain capacity is too small, indeed much too small, to perceive the real intricacy of life situations. The only consequence is that we have to survive and try to become convinced of an unchangeable colossal gigantism and to accept the fate that comes and goes with every one of us.
The characteristic equation
As a measure of a system’s complexity, beside the number of loops, the system’s character is the next best piece of evidence. Before a defined modification of a system’s behavior can be performed, the system’s character must be known; otherwise the endeavor is almost a shot in the dark. What the character of a human being means in terms of his characterological frame is in the technical world the characteristic equation of a system. From the characteristic equation the eigenvalues, meaning the specific symptoms that form the character in their togetherness, can be determined.
We know that the description of the character of a single human being would easily fill a book. However, our perspective here does not want more than to give an idea of the fact that humans in their individual characteristics and especially in their group-behavior, i.e., in a conglomeration, cannot be handled by any authority, be the authority a political or religious. Any group requires that the individuals most undergo a severe trimming of their individualism before they fit into an assemblage. Our analysis of the different structures clearly emphasizes this fact.
Our ascertainment that it is a necessity to cripple the individual before he can become globalized is not new. There is the already mentioned old saying: Quem deus perdere vult, eum prius occaecat; Whoever God wants to destroy, he firstly dulls his mind (Publilius Syrus). It was demonstrated how an individual becomes socially disintegrated down to a non-reflecting, simple forward striker. Therefore a pandemic dispossession of all the individuals’ distinctive features is a compulsory condition in order to become capable of handling globalized structures by superior (money and power greedy) authorities. The objective to globalize the world is indeed insanity.
It is to be kept in mind that a dull person does not recognize that he is dull. A being of a certain complexity cannot perceive a being of higher grade of complexity and diversity. Therefore it is in vain to argue about the pros and cons of globalization with a person who defends this aspired world structure. If such a person sees an advantage to the subordinate, globalized individuals – he wants to see it and he sees it in his constricted view. He is, must be, probably already without the necessary self-reflecting capability that is needed to recognize the destructive outcome of such a social pan-form.
We repeat: A person cannot perceive the character of a dualism, that is to say the character of a system of which he is part of. Pi cannot perceive the dualism that consists of himself together with a partner. The reality is that P, cannot even understand himself because he has a subconscious that cannot be captured by his consciousness. But even if a person or a group of leaders does have a broad insight, it is by no means possible yet that such insight is enough to see the consequences of their political doings. The psychological world of today was formed with the capacity and capability of our current thinking. This form of thinking cannot guarantee the survival of mankind. A new way of thinking is required. We mean that this new form is time-functional thinking.
Unfortunately our consciousness is not able yet for such a feature. It is to be emphasized that a system has to be known in every detail not only of its static but as well of its dynamic behavior before it can be determined what the response is upon a piece of information that was introduced into it. Otherwise the undertaking is a trial-and-error method, which is unfortunately the case in the many humanities. In the technical area, trial-and-error methods cannot be applied.
We think, and it shows, that life on our planet – as it became evolved – is so enormously complex that the human brain is not, never will be capable of perceiving its time-functioning operation. What we can do is to look at life in time-spots, but we cannot perceive life in time continuity. The real mystery remains shrouded in the many images of gods. Therefore the outlook for an immortal soul will persist to exist. The reason that we cannot think in time-flowing behavior might be because time spans cannot be stored in our brain. We can store and remember a picture we saw but not the length of time we looked at it. We can remember a story told to us, but not the length of time it took to tell. Who has the perception of the length of his life? It is continuously shrinking to nothing behind our backs.
In a social togetherness there is no longer an independency, and none of the individual systems knows or can perceive the totality in which he or she is involved. This is the very crucial point that has to be understood in order to gain the awareness of the impossibility for a social comprehension and for the recognition of the absolute hopelessness of a world globalization and further on of even a world peace. From our investigation of very simple elements it becomes evident that a system’s character must be known if any behavior can be determined based upon a bit of information that became introduced into the system. Politicians, theologians, and psychologists have no or at best only a very vague idea about this eminent fact.
As politicians, pastors, psychologists and psychiatrists always have to go directly into the emotional jungle of their believers and patients they can never become fully aware of their enormous functional complexity and of the impossibility to treat their problems with engineering-like correctness. Time-functional thinking cannot be fathomed by contemplation and observation without mathematical-physical knowledge. In order to overcome the fact that time cannot be stored yet with the contemporary brain capacity it seems that an evolutionary extension of our brain might be required. Such a process can be time consuming. It is even possible that there is not enough time left, because we perhaps are on the way to destroying our environment and ourselves too quickly to even give nature time to develop the necessary brain structures. But we have to be aware that nature produces and lets go. It does not protect what it created. It just makes more of the same.
Our top gun mentor
Yes, Starkermann left a vast legacy of achievement. His work and his point of view are well worth the effort to understand them. English was not his native tongue and he was always unsure he was expressing what he was thinking in understandable terms. Because of its great importance, we considered it our responsibility to his to understand his work, whatever it took. Rudy never could understand that his work in social behavior was too significant for academics to pursue without jeopardizing their jobs.
While we don’t expect many to invest in Starkermann to the extent we did, it’s still good to appreciate the scope and significance of his accomplishments. He harnessed natural law for a expedition into social behavior where no man had gone before.
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