Aphorisms, Takeaways, One-liners, Keepers, and Zingers

The MitM transmutation is an adventure in learning available to no other. The zingers library hints of the span of episode subjects awaiting downstream of the portal. Zingers are insights gathered by application experience and contributors that we find useful every day. Your comments, corrections and contributions are appreciated.

MitM to MitM

Each of these pithy insights and pieces of sage advice came from direct experience in developing and implementing the MitM foremanship program. The “maxims” are not something you sit down and conjure up. They are nuggets of wisdom that catch your attention by standing on top of your toes during implementation. These truths from the trenches reduce complexity by condensing a bunch of scattered items into a single higher-order concept. That duplications occur is to be expected since the spawning conditions are the same.

Although there are group headings, they are not part of a coherent superstructure. They are compilations, a temporary expedient while contemplation of an overarching framework continues. This conundrum has plagued us for years. Zingers collectively are telling us something larger than themselves but so far, no insight magic has come to our rescue.

No MitM can get through a page of zingers without finding something helpful to his goal-seeking. Lots of things in there you can test locally. The zingers compilation gives you a sense of the scope and sweep of what MitMs have to learn downstream of the portal to be effective vectors.


  • The aggressive, combative instinct of domination, a hierarchy norm is always on a collision course with your inalienable rights (I-rights).
  • Contrived zero sum transactions are blatant examples of intentional I-rights violations.
  • Although denied by civil law, you have an I-right to be competently led with your I-rights intact.
  • If you won’t understand the predicament, the betrayal, you’ll never get to use your I-rights.
  • Nobody can exercise your inalienable rights for you. It’s do it yourself.
  • A manager that usurps subordinate I-rights is borrowing a trouble that he cannot fix. In betraying his workers, he defeats himself.
  • I-rights don’t exist if you don’t use them.
  • Only a workforce in complete ownership of its inalienable rights can continually deliver positive change.
  • Since legitimate responsibility varies by role, I-rights scope varies by role.
  • Civil law authorizes management to usurp any and all I-rights of others with impunity. Privilege is always localized to a caste.
  • Civil law protects the rights of management to take its organization to dysfunctional. The step it takes after depersonalization, namely demonization, is usurping your I-rights.
  • We are loaded with archaic reflexes about which we remain unaware until the events that trigger I-rights take place.

Breaking silence

  • The attributes of system that matter most are dynamic, not static.
  • No one can get you out of your cage for you.
  • Good theories always work in practice, in demonstration.
  • How could opacity serve goal-attainment?
  • OD creates insurmountable problems in no time flat.
  • Without an explicit purpose to navigate by, whatever you get by your efforts becomes your goal. POSIWID
  • Refusing to evaluate a potentially beneficial change is self-defeating, reality denial
  • Insecurity of authority and privilege is ubiquitous. Someone is always above you to be pleased who is always ready to pull the plug.

Reminders of the obvious

  • OD is a self-organizing social system without stoprules.
  • Going dysfunctional is progressively going unstable.
  • Achievement is always tedious. Great destruction can be fast.
  • Demonstration neutralizes the auditors and critics. They can’t risk being found wrong in public.
  • You are witnessing that anarchy, PS3, can be beautiful.
  • The ones performing the services have to take, freely, the responsibility for effectiveness
  • When you choose least organizational resistance, going with the social flow, you are choosing OD.
  • Consider management as the cult enemies of the ungovernable.
  • Test all claims for yourself. Not testing the concepts does not make them wrong.
  • Management, intentionally alienated from its workforce, exhibits antisocial behavior, legitimatized by law.
  • Power has no connection to authority, pulling rank is testament to no-power. The 2½ rule controls power by AQI access. Everyone has the power to punish another human.
  • Distinguish what is derivable by natural law and what is not. Avoid attempting to defy natural law.
  • Know what you can know AQI-wise and what you can’t.
  • The hierarchy is rigged first and foremost by natural law. Secondly by social conditioning
  • The insurance industry gorges on organizational dysfunction. OD greatly increases and magnifies the damage and losses over the Plan B state of affairs. Through insurance, the organization covers a portion of OD damage as an administrative expense – just like the others.


  • Groupthink is a study in OD.
  • Groupthink is unable to distinguish between issues that are inescapable from phony issues that shouldn’t even be issues.
  • Trying to get something done, goal-seek, in a dysfunctional organization is wasted effort. As fast as you make progress, it is eroded away by collective groupthink. (Nash)
  • Reacting to crises that are symptomatic of organizational dysfunction is a distinguishing dynamic of groupthink.
  • “We hate to do it (heh, heh) but we have to follow the rules.”
  • “There is nothing I can do. That’s the policy.”
  • If you’re not in the groupthink cage with your social systems, you’re out of social control.
  • Aristocratic groupthink believes in its own importance and the infallibility assumed to be the sole province of the potentate class.
  • Groupthink is a continuous fraud on the lower classes.
  • Groupthink is the end of hope for internally-orchestrated problem-solving. Self-sufficiency is impossible.
  • Cultures are always changing. Forcing cultural status quo groupthink as infallible produces distortions and instability.
  • An imagined social order strives to make large numbers of people believe in the same ideas to work towards the same goals, like Stonehenge. It never admits its strategy is imaginary but positions it as an objective reality inspired by divinity.
  • Groupthink is caged conformity by social force, hostile to change. It is a clique cherishing an aristocratic exclusivism by instinct and by extinction.
  • Failure of groupthink in problem-solving simply drives the faithful members to epicyclical justifications
  • The inferential gap between reality and groupthink cannot be reduced by reasoning.
  • Social striation leads to collisions between groupthink and the law of experience. Groupthink loses.
  • Life shows infallible, divinely-inspired groupthink as the apogee of human intolerance and despair.
  • The unimaginable pettiness of OD groupthink is daily news.
  • In groupthink, members cannot distinguish social critique from personal insult.
  • Looking only from side to side, self-policing –class groupthink, is constricting the opportunities of daily life.
  • The level of resentment and despair by the class below you is a measure of the success of your class. Where else but failure can this loser lead?
  • Look past the individual CEO to the groupthink of the aristocracy cult he embraces as top value.
  • Groupthink held as infallible is immune to the principles of self-regulation.

Statements of truths

  • There are unlimited ways to fail; one to succeed
  • You are a reflection of your choices.
  • No one can transcend their individuality.
  • The pulling of rank is proof positive of incompetent leadership
  • In times of managerial crisis, workers do not instinctively reorganize.
  • Opacity in the network kills the possibility of healthy change while it guarantees that unhealthy change will continue.
  • Without a success reference, what done looks like, you can never validate when you’re failing.
  • The fact of Plan B performance is proof positive of false assumptions in Plan A.
  • It is your choice to waste your time and resources of the enterprise on phony issues manifest by dysfunction
  • The workforce cannot avoid systems think. The whole system of implementation, ground truth, reality, is in their face.
  • The 2013 advent of an authentic Plan B, generic, changed everything.
  • The existence of the 2nd Law leaves no alternative to increasing productivity to remain viable
  • Vector: man-in-the middle, no groupthink, no union, no social standing to lose. Reality-centered is protection from reality denial.
  • A social system is the patterned series of entangled interrelationships existing between individuals, groups, and institutions and forming a whole. It is a network of individual minds. Nothing tangible.
  • Authority and power are independent variables.
  • The foreman’s right to assign tasks to his workmen is not protected by magistrate but he has the de facto, exclusive power to do so.
  • The organizational performance measures of prosperity, security, and the welfare of its members are generic to all social systems.
  • The sole purpose of opacity is to cloak evil, what else?
  • Concept validation is always by before and after implementation measurements.
  • OD is not influenced by predictions about its consequences.
  • Transparency is married to responsibility/accountability. Responsibility is married to autonomy/freedom
  • Power is effectiveness in getting the right things implemented right – important, local and particular.
  • The only way to really learn about social system behavior is to disturb the system.
  • In a black box situation, POSIWID is equivalent to ground truth. It’s the best there is. POSIWID may not lead to the primary cause, but it cannot be wrong.
  • Climbing above the mentor line brings the chance to develop new powers – including the power to put anyone below the line in catatonia.
  • No one is born resentful of class. Resentment, Ca’canny, is the solution to nothing. It’s an affliction of business as usual and not an instance of it.
  • Zero-sum gamesmanship in invalid conditions is a classic example of a testosterone override of intelligence.
  • Claiming outcome ownership in opaque conditions is fraud.
  • The reason you’re marginalized for improving yourself is that you have advanced past groupthink ceilings and clique delusions to implementation reality.
  • You cannot shun feedback, willful blindness, and act with intelligence at the same time.
  • Refusing to audit the fix is statutory mens rea.


Subconscious foibles

  • Syfy is a running example of imaginary ideologies, delusions. Note that when it comes to the structure and function of alien social systems, human imagination has never portrayed any other arrangement than the one we have.
  • Today’s human mind is still that of the hunter/gatherer. The rate of changing conditions has overwhelmed the evolutionary process.
  • Gatekeeping the imperatives of human nature, cooked up by your 90% subconscious mind, gives your 10% conscious-mind control for task action.
  • Human nature, resident in the subconscious mind, does not ordain your actions, it predisposes them.
  • The human nature template, invariant and archaic, is hunter/gatherer, a gross mismatch to modern age conditions. We live in a world that is designed, increasingly so.
  • Human nature, model hunter/gatherer, in large social systems, is predisposed towards dysfunction.
  • There is no evidence that human history has ever been of value to human society, no feedback.
  • There is no evidence of intelligence increasing with time and life experience.
  • In our human nature embedded in our 90% subconscious minds, we are still marginal creatures, hunter/gatherers
  • The formation of beliefs, desires, and interpretations of material reality is a monopoly of the 90%subconscious mind
  • Social conditioning features an imagined, magical social order under a fictional reality – a collective delusion.
  • Gatekeeping your unconscious-derived imperatives with your conscious mind is de rigueur.
  • Embracing caste fiction for navigation in order to be a member in good standing is abandoning control of your way of life.
  • The 90% subconscious mind is always on automatic mode.
  • Stratification of society and social order are imagined by the subconscious.
  • The 90% subconscious mind cannot act strategically. Everything is in the “now.”
  • Set your 10% conscious mind to not mistake the world concocted by the 90% subconscious mind for the real world – the designed one you implement in.
  • The formation of a class accretes into reality ong before the awareness of “class” occurs.
  • While delusions can be understandable, they are hardly salutary.
  • Myth engenders cooperation in religion, money, human rights, laws, and social structures. In implementation, myth isn’t worth a damn.

Grouch department

  • The head shed doesn’t know the best performance attainable, or want to know.
  • The ticket price for getting out of the MitM vise is exile from the social systems running the prison.
  • Anyone can make things worse, some more so than others.
  • Management is a blend of dissatisfaction and irresponsibility that neither knows what it wants nor what it can attain. It does not work.
  • “Fixing” a component of the system, to make it “better” is usually seen by the balance of your social system as an unwanted disturbance to be blamed on you. (Nash)
  • Where feedback goes unused, acting intelligently is impossible.
  • The mooching hordes of immigrants have grandkids who believe society’s problems are due to mooching immigrants.
  • For the population, as history attests, breaking down their prison walls simply means escaping into the yard of a bigger prison.
  • The largest win-win opportunity on the planet, fractal, has no promotional value by virtue of its performance.
  • Deliberate ignorance, a felony, is socialized as a norm. The ruling class is automatically immune.
  • Class only works for itself with every member dispensable. Foremen are classless.
  • While reason is the enemy of reality deniers, the enemies of reason abuse the reality-embracers.
  • Class distinctions makes society brittle and unstable
  • Empires have unlimited appetite for zero-sum. Testosterone mediated, little of it is legitimate.
  • In a universe driven along the arrow of time by the 2nd Law, nothing stays solved.
  • OD is a social situation where everybody on ship is a captive of everyone else on board.
  • Dysfunction of the social system generates real/phony issues that commandeer large amounts of general staff and head-shed effort.
  • In OD, incentive for the individual inmate to escape his cage is just a word for “nothing left to lose.”
  • Change? Workers say management will never buy into it. Management says the workers will never go for it.
  • Don’t bother thinking you’d rather not play in the OD game. You have no choice because you’re already in the game. If you are not proactively implementing the fix, you are suffering OD consequences.
  • As long as inequality, opacity and fiction rules, reason and reality will be absent from the deliberations.
  • The workforce is not fooled by classic management. It knows a square deal. It is intelligent and knows how to use its intelligence to productive ends. It is creative and forward-looking, wherever it can be appreciated.
  • Socialization in big groups gravitates to illicit zero sum, a prelude to warfare and social collapse.
  • All failures with fixing OD are due to the failure of the complicit to treat OD as system.
  • Authorities rush to differentiate themselves from the workforce.
  • Neither science nor disciplines want you to self-improve, to rise above the imaginary competency ceiling or go past the bordering fences, or attain psychological success.


  • The only way to know what is necessary from what is not is to benchmark dynamic performance against the zero dysfunction, zero entropy condition.
  • In the generic paradigm, success is never a surprise, uncertainty does not arise. When the goal is the goal, success is engineered, not wagered.
  • Any condition that is not reversible, phenomena that change behavior in but one direction, can ultimately be connected to the 2nd Law.
  • Face to face with the operational reality is the basis of ground truth
  • Once you are cognizant that the passage of time itself requires beneficial change just for you to hold your position, you treat change as a constraint and not as an invasion.
  • The intangible central control room of social system future is manned by the vectors.
  • Audience selection is ever-paramount. Communications are adjusted to be useful to stakeholders, clients, antagonists, and combinations.
  • No organization can be greater than the integration of its parts. There is no force multiplier but reciprocity.
  • In life as in musical chairs, when the music stops, there, in your face, is the operational reality.
  • As a basic principle of control theory, force any primary system variable to be constant and the system destabilizes. It doesn’t take long to blow up.
  • In social system behavior, don’t claim to comprehend what you can’t demo.
  • It’s a ruinous mistake to conflate the stress of status competition with the reality-informed stress of survival.
  • Don’t stir up psychological conflicts for which you have no fix.
  • POSIWID – trustworthy but not final. While never wrong, conclusions as to primary cause can be mistaken.
  • The social “system” is either functional or dysfunctional, Yin/Yang. There can be no mixed conditions.
  • A life predicated on the assumption that only Plan A, what we have, is possible, is deaf to any facts or history about Plan B. The delusion is reinforced by willful blindness, reality denial.
  • Our social status is visible only through its reflection in the eyes of others.
  • Social design is abstract. Nothing in natural law ordains dysfunctional social systems.
  • Imagination is not subject to all natural laws until its design is materialized. It is taking a social system design into the operational reality for implementation that brings things into the full challenge.
  • Only species Homo can discuss intangibles of fantasy and deities, imagined reality.
  • The OD fix ideology is very deep, primitive, archaic, invariant, and generic. It applies local and particular. It is 100% implementation-speak. It is biased towards prevention. Crisis response as a coping strategy is for losers.
  • The psychological challenge is the staircase of our upward spiral towards self-transcendence. It is positive anarchy
  • Scrutable connectivity to natural law, in one stroke, obliterates the variety of cognitive biases.
  • In non-dysfunctional organizations, the bogus issues on the OD crisis list never arise in the first place.
  • Formal logic is the only way to avoid making silly mistakes in the practical matters of human conduct
  • The practice of system think is necessary for the development of system think science itself.
  • Neural networks work their way towards the truth, AQI, by a tight definition of success and trial and error of multiple schemes to get there. Error is as much ground truth as success.
  • Algorithms don’t have an intrinsic capability to identify, gather, or certify the facts going in; humans must provide them. No algorithm can beat GIGO.
  • Where intelligence matters, the individuals matter.
  • Where infallibility rules, individuals don’t matter.


General guidance


  • Prepare to embrace the consequences of your choices as welded to the privilege of choosing
  • Embrace goal creep. The inevitable change is a constraint, not a veto.
  • Whenever in doubt, take the courageous path.
  • The head shed, in perpetual denial of reality and infallible, can find no reason to encourage entropy extraction, problem-solving.
  • For the man-in-the-middle, MitM, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose by betting on the fix.
  • Before you get too comfortable in rejecting these theses, know that you can see it/try it before you buy into it – first-hand, in situ.
  • Know that willful blindness, when the damage is great, is a felony.
  • When a social system goes unstable, its entropy increases by a massive amount. Entropy extraction by internal activity is overwhelmed. “
  • When in danger. When in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout.
  • Supporting the vectors is supporting the organization.
  • No regulator can be more effective than the state-determined system.
  • How much do you want to bet that Plan B is not viable?
  • The arc of society’s life cycle is invariant
  • “If it was really harmful someone would tell us.” Deadly delusion.
  • “Fixing” OD by roster replacement is an exercise in futility with a perfect track record.
  • An unacknowledged problem may remain invisible to humans but nothing escapes natural law.
  • Time and effort devoted to bogus issues, absent in PS3, drains away internal energy otherwise available to attain goals.
  • The organization in dysfunction is an opaque system drowning in fiction – a third-rail condition. Engage it and you’re zapped.
  • You are not your grades, your credentials, or your awards.
  • Willful blindness, reality denial, is considered a desirable characteristic by high authority as it deliberately injects fear of punishment for telling the truth or breaking silence. Fear of retaliation grips the potential whistleblower.
  • There is no more powerful motivation for change than trust.
  • Information piles, even enormous ones, never tell you the compelling purpose or how to secure the best attainable.
  • Be where you are.
  • “Conform” is a placeholder imperative representing an area of ignorance
  • As long as an issue remains opaque, it is guaranteed to remain insoluble.
  • The God card is used during social conditioning to explain logical discrepancies. When you can derive and explain by natural law you don’t need the god card.
  • Aristocracy’s groupthink is a global constant. All aristocrats are seamlessly interchangeable.
  • No one is trying to fix it. No one who ever fixed it figured out how to sustain the happy conditions
  • When someone is punished for breaking silence, OD is flourishing
  • Somebody did it and nobody knows who (wink, wink). Groupthink
  • No one ever discovered a way to “sell” plan B to a plan A organization. Successes are non-transferrable without an interventionist.
  • There is no reason to believe what failed before won’t fail now. The arrogance of the exception to the inevitable, the god card, speeds things towards an ugly end.
  • Success garners attention for itself at the workforce level in the form of positive reciprocity
  • Any social system considering itself above natural law, reality denial, is going bankrupt. Ignoring the perfectly-indifferent 2nd Law is assured self-destruction by itself.
  • Clutching desperately to elitist groupthink or be marginalized, the roster of authority has a short half-life.
  • Management never engages on an un-rigged playing field.
  • No “official” disciplines commit to solving the big problems endemic to the turf they claim to “own.” Fixing the OD problem which they used to legitimize their organizations of experts is nowhere in their charter
  • Evil cloaks itself in opacity. Success suckles on transparency,
  • Attaining the system goal switches the antagonism to ad hominem. Attaining the complex, significant system goal triggers catatonia
  • Only above the mentor line can you do systems-think long enough to address messy, complex system problems that elude those below the mentor line.
  • There is no OD-encompassing system discipline
  • What they don’t teach you is that getting management buy-in, whatever is entailed, is not equivalent to attaining the goal. Management is where significant innovation goes to die.
  • Going dysfunctional is a nobrainer. Flourishing is an intellectual challenge that lasts a lifetime.
  • There can be no fences or ceilings to goal-seeking. Less than all of it is none of it
  • Assign god to account for your contradictions and ignorance when you are clueless. When you can derive your strategy with theory and evidence, you don’t need the god card.
  • Dictators: While well known to have bad endings, there has never been a lack of volunteers for the office.
  • The gravitational flux of the subconscious mind and social conditioning pulls operations towards dysfunction.
  • Limited to unbridled authority, management has no direct power to bring prosperity.
  • Understanding the gateway to flourishing exposes the illusion of a supreme potentate – all hat and no cattle.
  • Never assume you know how a social system will respond to disturbing events and propositions for change.
  • Groupthink establishes the absolute limit in the size and scope of problems that can be solved.
  • Forbidding feedback to protect infallibility, groupthink is the source of willful blindness.
  • Human social systems possess higher values than survival of their own species.
  • OD is stable because everyone is in 90% subconscious mind, nobrainer mode, namely business as usual
  • Plan B is stable because everyone is in 10% conscious mind mode, free of OD consequences, where the implementation effort to sustain the realized benefits is valued for itself. Natural law does not allow a third stable state. Amalgams of OD and Plan B are highly explosive.
  • By consciously getting your mind above the mentor line, you can explore with system methods what nobody has called into question concerning that which everyone sees.
  • Reality denial cannot raise itself above the mentor line.
  •  When anyone in any collective justifies his delusion by playing the god-card, it is proof positive of a serious lack of basic knowledge about system dynamics. As scientific research has established, imperatives issued by an unfiltered 90% subconscious mind, intuition, are more counterproductive than random chance. 
  • The Achilles’ heel of all groupthink, business as usual, is the 2nd Law.  It destroys any social system fixated on status quo.
  • Rule-based, nobrainer operations, business as usual, inexorably ends at social system collapse.
  • Management groupthink cannot solve significant complex problems. It never has.
  • Stagnation accelerates decay.
  • The key factors operating OD are right there for anyone to see.
  • Any social system predicated on opacity and coverup is unsustainable.
  • You have been socially conditioned for complicity in a culture of the opaque.
  • The big questions associated with OD are undiscussable.
  • Preoccupation with OD consequences, seeds additional consequences in a self-reinforcing cycle.
  • There is no way to raise the big questions about plan A, the dynamics of OD, without the reference standard of dynamic success, plan B.
  • It’s impossible to be “authentic” and comply with groupthink at the same time.
  • Like tangible causes, such as a flood or tornado, attempts at implementing delusions bring lots of material consequences.
  • The more the organization dysfunctions, the wider the range of disturbances and wreckage it has to contend with. Dysfunction encourages more disturbances to impale the social system – spontaneous dysfunction enlargement.
  • The trail of M2 is not strenuous, but it is unforgiving of navigational errors.
  • Plan B is serious, incessant work for the 10% conscious brain. The healthy instincts are there for free, but they require attention and suppression of your counterproductive instincts that live alongside them.
  • If the process paradigm is not scrutable to natural law and established principles, it cannot be transparent or generic.
  • Demonstration satisfies the transparency requisite.
  • Kinetically, OD is a replicating assembler of degeneration that has no stop rule.
  • In order for work to proceed with quiet confidence, someone legitimate individual must have taken responsibility for goal attainment. The only level where the taking of outcome responsibility is credible is at the workforce level. All else is bogus.
  • While getting complete understanding and agreement before launch, about status, goal, and process, is impossible, implementation teamwork itself will reduce the discrepancies to background noise masked by comedy.
  • The constraints of inferential gap and cognitive bias must be met by process implementation transparency. Everyone gets to see the same operational reality (ground truth), face to face and cheek by jowl.
  • Recognizing significant challenges and taking outcome responsibility: to be struggling for a goal worthy of our genius.
  • Defensive routines ruin information fidelity.
  • Organizations create an operational straightjacket that does not support psychological success for their inmates.
  • The pressure of unfulfilled needs increases down the chain.
  • The aristocratic class is attracted to usufruct opportunities. It’s another way to milk the population by deceit.
  • Mental health is closely associated with factors of the job
  • The “drive” leadership style creates invisible counter actions (Ca’canny).
  • The worker is so pummeled with misinformation you can’t believe his answers to your questions about his needs.
  • Congruency and dissonance between individual needs and organizational demands determines how employees will adapt.
  • Management responds to worker problems with assumptions about the worker that are fallacious.
  • Laborers live in an impoverished working world and a social culture that values apathy, indifference, resignation and fatalism. The penurious state of the workforce lubricates the self-image of the aristocratic class.
  • Your self-esteem must not be dependent on affirmative strokes from management.
  • Plan B is all or nothing, sensitive to disturbance, and always in high-energy-consumption, conscious-mind mode.
  • OD, a province of the subconscious mind, cannot embrace preventative maintenance. Its time horizon is limited to the here and now.
  • Defensive routines are repetitive, compulsive, destructive, and amplify the need for defense.
  • In dynamic reality there is no steady-state.
  • Organizational adaptive energy reserve margin determines its life span. Unsustainable OD lives off its stored energy.
  • Psychological failure and the defensiveness it compels is self-reinforcing.
  • The amount of the Plan B windfall is equal to the amount lost, material and psychological, to dysfunction – plus bonus: competitive advantage, positive reciprocity, and franchise.
  • The process of viability husbandry, if any, takes on its character from the organization in which it is embedded.
  • When the workforce is experiencing success, psychologically and materially, their reserves of energy and competence for learning and work become increasingly available to increase success.
  • Angst-burdened inmates are carriers of the OD disease.
  • The foreman initiates task action changes commensurate with the anticipated changes in conditions.
  • There is no continua between flourishing and languishing organizations.
  • All parts of the workforce have influence over the whole (system).
  • The responsibility that comes with the role may not be relinquished.
  • Granting autonomy in exchange for responsibility means unconditional tolerance for individual initiatives
  • When they are studied by the Establishment academics, foremen do not score well in human relations.
  • In action taken, POSIWID, the head shed is predominantly a purveyor of punishments.
  • The worker sees the company as a collection of unrelated parts.
  • Under the Plan B paradigm, success and failure are seen as information.
  • Psychological success is its own reward.
  • Transformations from private to government control and back go unnoticed by the workforce.
  • Plan B people don’t need to be told by others how well they’re doing. They are self-evaluating as they go.
  • To MitMs, the trappings of economic success are not incentives.
  • When you are psychologically successful, have high self-esteem, you have no need for the approval of others.
  • Organizations spend money and permit costs that cannot be shown to benefit productivity.
  • Workers take on the coloration of whatever is influential in the operational setting they happen to be in.
  • M2 is a transmutation process that resolves conflicting opinions as it goes.
  • The more skills required in the job, the greater the necessary discretion and control of work.
  • Subscribing to groupthink leads to blindness about the certainty of psychological damage.
  • Plan B acts like a spinning gyroscope against disturbing forces. It is sensitive and corrective to corruption.
  • What good can be done to tinker with head shed perceptions, biased against the workforce, when the viability of the organization can only be maintained by the workforce.
  • Theories in use are the theories of action exhibited in our behavior (POSIWID).
  • In OD, honest people are considered threats to stability.
  • Whenever management demands immediate solutions, it fosters long-range problems.
  • Covert doubt about operational effectiveness is always on target.
  • Psychological success of the vectors is critical to societal success.
  • Every social system is an experiment.
  • If the organization is healthy, 2nd Law entropy extraction activity will be prominent.
  • When labor broke off and formed unions – mostly because the foremen, trained in the shrunken image of management, didn’t know how to treat them – management gained control of the workers way of life by zero-sum gaming.
  • The revenue crew unit consists of a number of workers who take task-action assignments exclusively from the same lead individual, the vector.
  • Labor forms institutions in every way identical to the ones that drove it to organize.
  • Psychological success, Maslow’s self-actualization and transcendence levels, is a big reward and one that keeps on giving.
  • The safety/quality discipline, like all regulators, spends its resources attempting to defy Gödel.
  • Prisoner of their positions, foremen get the responsibilities implied with the role whether they want them or not.
  • If the requisite knowledge doesn’t converge on a single brain, it doesn’t happen.
  • Intrinsic foremanship power can be measured by the extreme lengths taken by the Establishment to usurp it.
  • What OD is not good at, it becomes very bad at. What Plan B is good at, advances with time.
  • Entropy accumulation and entropy extraction are never zero sum.
  • If it isn’t dynamic, it isn’t a system.
  • Nature gives you no leeway in entropy extraction.
  • Immensely successful in fostering OD, people in high angst have no free energy to contribute to prosperity.
  • Management sabotages the foreman’s role on First-Commandment principles.
  • People in groupthink don’t want to understand the limitations in goal-seeking effectiveness groupthink imposes by natural law.
  • In transparent Plan B, everybody knows and advertises why it is successful.
  • In OD, no one wants to know why their organization is dysfunctional. Willful blindness complicity is a condition of membership.
  • History provides no example where an OD spontaneously transfigured into Plan B. There are many examples where prosperous organizations rode business as usual to bankruptcy.
  • Foremen have been sold, by social conditioning and groupthink brainwashing, a bill of goods that poisons their chances at psychological success.
  • The public has trouble recognizing their dependency upon the foreman for prosperity. Not so in 1902.
  • It is quicker to implement M2 than it is to acquire permission.
  • Human nature, version Hunter/Gatherer, is a universal constant.
  • The more you learn, the better you implement. Ashby
  • When management detects that its punishment is failing to have its intended effect, it responds by escalating the punishments.
  • Nothing constructive can begin by compulsion. Only voluntary works.
  • If you think you can, or can’t, you’re right.
  • Instincts, impulses, reflexes, and prejudices cannot be killed.
  • MitMs are not unnerved by social rejection. It is their affirmation. The vectors are able to solve a vexing social problem that society itself with all the King’s horses and all the King’s men, cannot.
  • You take M2 not just to get away from the dead ends of OD, but also because Plan B is a felicitous way of life. The contrasts between the two ways of life are dramatic.
  • There are but two ways to live, 90% subconscious mind directed or 10% conscious mind directed.
  • Navigation by the subconscious mind overrides any need for mental exertion by the conscious mind. Navigation by the conscious mind takes alert, incessant cognitive effort to avoid the rocks.
  • Labor management relations, no foremen involved, is zero-sum where management holds all the cards.
  • OD is operated by people acting contrary to their self-preservation instincts.
  • Organizational health is measured by the effectiveness of its entropy extraction efforts.
  • No social system can evade the 2nd Law.
  • The “right” to dominate moves up with the number of tiers in the organization, while the power and control of the revenue crew to bring prosperity stays the same.
  • Morale is an effect of a psychodynamic processes that cannot be bought.
  • Members act on false assumptions, as if they were true, to comply with the conditions of membership
  • People never think their expectations might be delusional.
  • As gratifying as zero-sum competitions can be to those who rigged the game, it does much to bend the arc of social behavior towards OD.
  • The difference between espoused theories and theories in use is expressed at all levels of society. POSIWID
  • Organizations in dysfunction advertise their condition by progressive degeneration
  • Individual action is greatly influenced by group norms.
  • There can be no sense of responsibility if it hasn’t been freely taken. All else advertises that no one is responsible.
  • Everything doing in Plan B begins with a valid perception of reality.
  • Self-esteem is tied to taking outcome responsibility for something worthwhile.
  • Management creates the failures in the hierarchy that demand more of its attention.
  • The 90% subconscious mind cannot “reflect” on the information it stores and processes. It acts in the now time, impervious to experience and oblivious to the contingencies of the future.
  • Offer to demonstrate your implementation scheme and observe the panic of the delusionists.
General Plan B
  • When the workforce is experiencing success, psychologically and materially, their reserves of energy and competence for learning and work become increasingly available.
  • Organizational effectiveness is increasing outputs with constant or decreasing inputs.
  • The foreman initiates task action changes commensurate with the anticipated changes in conditions.
  • Individual mental health, not neuroticism is necessary for productivity increase.
  • Granting or receiving autonomy means unconditional tolerance for individual initiatives.
  • Under Plan B, success and failure are seen as information.
  • The M2 is a trek that resolves conflicting experiences.
  • MitMs don’t need affirmation by others on how well they’re doing.
  • Psychological success, Maslow’s self-actualization, is its own reward.
  • Psychological success is societal success.
  • Organizational health is measured by the effectiveness of its entropy extraction.
  • By risk-informed prevention, MitMs can be larger than the disturbances they encounter.
  • In Plan B, everybody knows why it is flourishing.
  • The more you learn, the better you design. 
  • Everything constructive begins with a valid perception of reality.
  • As new people are brought in, they are caught up with the milieu of success reciprocally and begin helping to maintain the high state of effectiveness, top to bottom, for the instinct of workmanship to flourish.
  • Plan B is striving and struggling for a goal worthy of man’s genius.
  • The amount of the windfall is equal to the amount of resources previously incinerated by OD plus bonus benefits.
  • Mental health is directly associated with factors of the job
  • In reality there is no steady-state.
  • Without supplies, no army is brave.
  • The necessity of viability husbandry is a need over which management has no control.
  • There is no continua between good and bad organizations.
  • Workers take on the coloration of whatever is influential in the setting they happen to be in.
  • Organizations spend money and permit costs that cannot be shown to benefit productivity.
  • The more skills in the job, the greater the control of work to the worker.
  • People never think their assumptions and expectations might be foolhardy.
  • The difference between espoused theories and theories in use applied is expressed at all levels of society. POSIWID
  • Individual production is greatly influenced by group norms.
  • As MitM, a socially-marginalized role, your primary objective must be self-affirmation.
  • Turnover is an adaption to psychological distress.
  • I like who I am when high on oxytocin.
  • If the organization is healthy, response to the 2nd Law will be prominent.
  • The revenue crew unit consists of a number of workers who take task-action assignments exclusively from the same individual.


  • Self-awareness requires trustworthy information from the environment.
  • Directive leadership creates antagonistic adaptive actions.
  • To define the behavior conducive to dysfunction as essential to compliance is to state a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Organizational adaptive energy reserve determines its life span.
  • Angst-burdened individuals are carriers of error.
  • All parts of the workforce have influence over the whole.
  • The scope that comes with the role is fixed.
  • If the workforce doesn’t trust those pushing for change to their initiative, it will fail.
  • Large groups gravitate to authoritarian control: small groups to equalitarian.
  • Image development is not self-development.
  • Nothing constructive can begin by compulsion.
  • Pressure of unfulfilled needs increases down the chain.
  • The safety/quality discipline, like all regulators, spends its resources attempting to defy Gödel.


  • As drive pressure increases, productivity decreases until the limit, called a revolt, is reached.
  • Instincts cannot be killed.
  • Human nature is a universal invariant that accounts for invariant organizational behavioral patterns.
  • Congruency between individual needs and their fulfillment determines how employees will adapt.
  • Without a Franceschi Fitting functionality, a social system cannot endure.
  • The role of the foreman is a universal constant.
  • Be abreast of the tide of entropy to avoid being swept along with it
  • The more a society clings to its past, the more it becomes unavailable to the present.
  • No dividends accrue on subconscious operations
  • Human myths were put into men’s minds long before they were expressed in language.
  • When you worship one infallible god, you’re worshipping them all.
  • Anyone who lives at odds with natural law, cannot be a positive force in society.
  • What is rational about attempting to solve a problem grounded in reality using fictitious information in futile ways?
  • One part is choice, the other is natural law, the law of experience.
  • You can’t gain psychological success and retain your social standing at the same time
  • One OD, powerless to fix itself, cannot fix another OD. Government fix a bank?
  • Only competence, knowledge and ingenuity, with lots of trial and error, can move things towards excellence and keep things there.
  • Autonomy is the independence to unilaterally do the things you think you need to do to attain the goal.
  • Only the consciously naïve can build actionable-quality information.
  • There is no evidence to assume that social conditioning always drives people towards what’s good for them.
  • You can’t be self-truthful and live according to your social conditioning at the same time.
  • Trust is the foundation of prosperity. There can be no self-sustained prosperity without it.
  • The baseline of oxytocin, produced only by mammals, is near zero
  • Testosterone and morals are mutually antagonistic. Aggression respects no artificial limits.
  • Integration of hormones is determined by Nature’s process and the subconscious.
  • Protocols narrow the choice field to reliable choices.
  • Prosperity without trust is unsustainable. With trust as the platform of productivity and effectiveness, learning about “trust”has no end. Do business with people you don’t trust? You can afford it?
  • The menagerie is proof positive of a lack of trust
  • The head shed is prosperity-crippled by the 2½rule and testosterone.
  • You chose your faith in reality or not-reality and human nature tends to the rest.
  • The Greeks have a word for people who do not take an active part in tending to their own social-psychological health – idiotes.
  • The paramount principle of hell is that you are your own.
  • There are a thousand paths to the asocial wilderness and only one, so far, to the prosocial condition.
  • Low workforce self-esteem is the goal of management.
  • While evil, a privation of good, cannot exist apart from good, good exists only apart from evil.
  • Oxytocin cannot engage illegitimate zero-sum competition.
  • Nature herself is the most mysterious of experiences.
  • Subconscious is the organ of perception. Reason is the organ of truth. Conscious-mind knowledge-building, intelligence, is the organ of meaning.
  • Error discovery is the precondition for reaching truth.
  • To not personalize is to depersonalize. No amalgam is possible.
  • Testosterone destroyed many temples and palaces in its day, but testosterone cannot build a Stonehenge or an aqueduct.
  • Management cannot be held responsible for organizational prosperity.
  • If you fail in performing M2 to become prosperous, you get OD.
  • Testosterone is oblivious to the truth of its consequences – refusing bloodwork. Oxytocin revels in its performance –encouraging bloodwork validation.
  • As the endocrine system is not optional, chemical compulsion is not optional. 
  • If you respect the 2½ rule, you will keep testosterone out of workforce proceedings.
  • Protocols provide veto power over your reflexes.
  • What could be more absurd than one agency in OD trying to fix the OD of another collective.
  • Middle management is assigned a span of authority that does not match its operational power delegated or not.
  • All chains of command stop at the foreman.
  • Managed by a head shed saturated on testosterone to sociopath levels, addicted to zero sum, and unable to give any commands that navigate toward prosperity.
  • The last person management wants to be competent and sophisticated is the vector
  • Assigning responsibility without commensurate autonomy is a hostile act.
  • Roles channel social behavior.
  • Ignoring institutional entropy leads to a turbulent internal environment no matter what is going on outside.
  • There can be no growth without learning.
  • The great bulk of reality is expressed in dynamics.
  • Because of the universal instinct of reciprocity, human affairs always accelerate towards evil or good. Inhumane operations drives increasingly towards collapse. Humanism delivers automatically-increasing benefits.
  • The only stuff you really control is your effort.
  • The subconscious brain can have no humanism or stop rules. 
  • Crusoe survived by his conscious mind and reality accommodation
  • Groupthinks are in a perpetual state of pending obsolescence.
  • The quality of output is determined by the quality of input and the processing algorithm.
  • Violence is the reaction to social instability.
  • Unilaterally raising the production quotas outrages the artisanal sense of autonomy
  • People in power are content with generalizations about prevailing conditions. They make no effort to engage the details.
  • High performance is always tandem to intelligent planning armed with cause and effect knowledge.
  • If you do not accept the proposition of an ascertainable relationship between cause and effect, it is useless for you to engage your rational mind about anything.
  • When zero entropy signal comes in, internal energy immediately frees-up.
  • People don’t want to learn about their subconscious.
  • No plan of operations from management delusion survives the first encounter with the operational reality.
  • You need not wait for the world to come up with something different.
  • Stress leads to magnification of practices known to fail.
  • Objections from those who cannot read a map does not prove that cartography is a waste of time.
  • Placing your psychological health at the service of a dysfunctional social system.
  • The morale is to the material as three is to one. Napoleon
  • The empirical evidence is convincing. The collection is large and covers the globe. The regularities span generations of time. There are no confirmed exceptions. What else but natural law could deliver this pattern?
  • No organization can survive without a viable productivity-gatekeeper function.
  • Domination is the great seducer. The ends justifies the means is a moral evil.
  • The anticipation used in forecasting must be geared to cause and effect of the actual situation about which you intend to take action.
  • Subconscious cannot plan
  • The effect of the implemented paradigm is power; the ability to make things happen.
  • Any officer who pulls rank is confessing to failure.
  • If your central paradigm is incongruent with reality, implementing it will not deliver relief from your problems (GIGO)
  • Management is organizational baggage, an overhead cost for Plan B stability. There is no earthly excuse for their existence or their jobs, except insofar as they facilitate and lighten the effort of those in the workforce.
  • While productivity creates the wealth, no amount of financial control can raise productivity by itself. Consumers are social system baggage.
  • How can you expect to “win” over a labor force who is in absolute, exclusive control of productivity?
  • Denying the reality, for whatever reason, just ensures that no one will ever finish a winner by compulsion.
  • Just because you are paralyzed with angst doesn’t mean you’re right.
  • It is you that has chosen the OD way of life. No one can force it on you without your consent.
  • Management engages business as usual to build a dysfunctional organization and then sets wages based on the consequences of its dysfunctional organization.
  • Millennia of regularity in behavior with no exceptions implicates the operation of natural law on navigational choices made by humans in collectives.
  • It’s always easier to censure than understand.
  • Since the Stone Age, the game plan of tribal potentates has been to sell the idea that there is only one way of life and, thanks to us potentates, you’re already living it. 
  • The ubiquity of organizational dysfunction and its record has convinced the population that OD is all there is for organizational man – that no better choice is available.
  • You have been socially conditioned to live side by side with exceptions sometimes working in them, without recognizing them for what they are, raising questions, or taking action.
  • Trustworthy prediction needs a dynamic model of organizational behavior. It exists.
  • After the war of 1812, it became increasingly common for wage earner to call, in public discourse the class of merchant capitalists as their enemy.
  • The conservators of society are the foreman-labor collaborations.
  • Archaic structures of domination and docility, management and labor are mutually dependent and mutually antagonistic
  • Management is unable to override its taste for autocratic predatory practices
  • Reciprocity of task action changes the dynamics while it is creating the unity. General policy influences policy-making, while it is being made.
  • Aristocracy is a constant. Nothing has been changed since writing was invented.
  • When captive to the bureaucratic devil, no heresy is more damnable that wanting to get on with the job.
  • Feedback must reflect the facts before it is too late to correct adverse tendencies and in time to forecast the future. Keeping up with the facts changes the facts.
  • Meddling is as irritating as it is ineffective.
  • Authority and outcome responsibility never correspond. Management can never be responsible for prosperity.
  • It is well worthwhile to endure human error, which cannot be cured in any event, to avoid the frustrating and paralyzing initiative.
  • Laws of social organization are as sophisticated as the technology and processes of productivity.
  • The organization can prove itself successful only insofar as it is pro-social.
  • The vicious circle of illusions which consists on the one hand of believing what we see, and on the other in seeing what we believe.
  • Every conceivable business decision involves some element of prognostication by those seriously biased by the peculiarities of their temperament.
  • It is the vagueness of objectives which drags undertakings into the most prolific forms of waste.
  • The most important fact about all social systems is that each of them is composed only of individuals, each with unique characteristics.
  • The only way to make it go is to understand how it works. Building knowledge is one thing, putting it to effect is another.
  • Every change in personnel is a crisis, an experiment in personalities. Turnover destroys.
  • Resorting to the rules is a confession of organizational failure.
  • Documentation in OD is not uniform, clearly expressed, self-consistent, readily amenable, logically arranged or current.
  • A dysfunctional organization is a parasitical ecosystem.
  • Perfection in obedience and duty is given to no man.
  • Top down is an invitation to fraud, speculation. So is depersonalization.
  • Workers are ready enough to submit to a necessity which they recognize.
  • The principle of essential procedure is that the only justification of a procedure is that it gets necessary tasks done.
  • Science in method is impossible without respect for facts.
  • Plunging into a fuzzy scheme is much easier than making it deliver.
  • Either the group has no excuse for existence or it is needed in the whole.
  • Potentates, people with hierarchical authority, are inclined to use that unearned device badly.
  • Business is speculation. What it does is never aligned with what it espouses.
  • For organizational prosperity, there is no central control room.
  • It is impossible to have unity of spirit –organization wide. The workforce’s unity of spirit is fundamentally distinct from management’s unity of spirit, if any. They are never congruent.
  • Domination is the great seducer. That the ends justifies the means is a moral evil.
  • Do not wilt from the principles.
  • Those taking part in any business enterprise as employees, devoting the daily service of their lives to it, should feel a sense of worthwhile participation. This sense of team is not an automatic.
  • Where rule-based work is satisfactory, communication is event-driven.
  • Task action design is the running responsibility of the foreman.
  • The integration of theory with practice is accomplished with toolsmithy.
  • A choice is only a moment in a process.
  • Management routinely puts forward conclusions for others to accept with a degree of assurance and confidence it lacks itself.
  • Any network of minds based on delusions is doomed from the start.
  • The job goal can always be betrayed by the way the job is done. POSIWID


  • “Why, I’m devoting my lies to it!”
  • When management engages trial and error, management’s errors become other people’s trials
  • To the head shed, management is merely something which they can do to other people
  • When captive to the bureaucratic devil, no heresy is more damnable that wanting to get on with the job
  • The VP of marketing who can’t make what he sells is balanced by the VP of manufacturing who can’t sell what he makes
  • “I don’t want to be governed by remote controllers. I know them and without asking much of life, I have a fancy to die with a shirt on my back.”
  • It is as impossible to convince a fractally wrong person of anything as it is to walk around the edge of the Mandelbrot set in finite time
  • Violence is the reaction to social instability
  • Avoid placing your psychological health at the service of a dysfunctional social system
  • Once politics enters, everything rational in the enterprise becomes unsafe
  • It is considered practical to be hazy and opportunistic about organizational dysfunction
  • The dominant game in palace politics is zero sum
  • Reliance on procedures and precedents safeguard you from untrustworthy management threats to keeping your job
  • Science in method is impossible without respect for facts
  • Bureaucratic systems of workforce control, resorting to rule-based behavior, are notoriously ineffective and fractally wrong.


  • No self-destructive society can be immortal
  • The ends justifies the means is a moral evil
  • Failure to act is a failure in integrity and a loss of trust
  • Each part obeys the laws of the situation
  • The organization can prove itself successful only insofar as it is prosocial
  • A theory of organization must include human nature as a universal constant
  • To laws, principles and tools, everyone has to bow their head
  • Navigation without a destination is blind drift
  • Perfection in obedience and duty is given to no man
  • Every conceivable network decision involves some element of prognostication
  • Laws of social organization are as sophisticated as the technology and processes of industry
  • The only motive power possible is the will and determination of the individual
  • If you do not accept the proposition of an ascertainable relationship between cause and effect, it is useless for you to engage your rational mind about anything
  • Everyone in the social hierarchy above the vectors is a replica of the same limitations, fractal
  • Every individual in the network is an ecosystem of hopes and passions, loves and hates, fears and commitments
  • Community of interest is the legitimate basis of every constructive organization
  • While the general interest is necessary to balance provincial enthusiasms, the fix is joint implementation.
  • The root of all constructive social system arrangements is integrity, regardless of the labyrinth of relations
  • The vitality of Plan B is measured by its ability to prevent and handle disturbance in a constructive manner
  • Any advance involves practical consequences and adjustments to incompatible, personal points of view


  • The subconscious is the warehouse of beliefs
  • A person who is fractally wrong engages infinite regress, every refutation you make of wrong opinions will lead to a rejoinder
  • People confronted with awkward decisions on situations about which they are poorly informed, respond by doing nothing.
  • The reaction to an opportunity is set, not by objective assessment of the value of the proposal, but by the probable response of groupthink.
  • Your GPS device can tell you where you are but no device can pick your destination
  • That the head shed is a good judge of men is another delusion
  • The human mind accepts change to his institutions and habitual ways of thinking – seldom, slowly and never
  • Latent knowledge is there, in MitMs, waiting to be recruited
  • Responsibility for results implies requisite autonomy to deliver
  • Workers are ready enough to submit to a necessity which they recognize
  • Acceptance of a fuzzy scheme is much easier than making it deliver
  • The ascribed rank of the profit motive does not fit the facts. POSIWID

Human Resources

  • People in power are content with generalizations about prevailing conditions
  • There is no intellectual discipline in the executive suite
  • The power of the wage as a positive incentive has been greatly exaggerated
  • The lack of a robust theory about OD is no accident
  • To attempt to personalize the issue as capital versus labor or owners versus employees is muddled thinking
  • Everyone in an organization has personal, ineluctable responsibility for his outcomes
  • Management abandons responsibility for results to those who cannot escape it
  • Men know unerringly how their superiors think, POSIWID
  • Habit and custom are not reason but a cloak for current practice and the retention of social status
  • A successful organization cannot be assembled by applying one of the principles of good functioning to the exclusion of the others
  • Management runs on the superstition and folklore of earlier ages, echoing the abuse of its power
  • Discipline is the imposition of one person’s arbitrary will upon another
  • Individual human beings are the raw material of all organizational functioning


  • The quality of output is determined by the quality of input and its processing algorithm
  • Forecasting must be geared to the actual situation about which you intend to take action
  • Forecasting is the platform of coordination
  • Planning is separate from performance
  • High performance is always tandem to situation-informed planning
  • There is always a last link where authority ceases to delegate its own authority over others. That link is the vector.
  • When issues come as a bundle, piecemeal patching of consequences is a loser
  • Detachment from reality via the subconscious is indistinguishable from irresponsibility
  • The integration of theory with practice is accomplished with tools
  • Everything productive is comparison to a pre-composed standard
  • It is essential to know minute by minute which brain is predominant
  • Knowledge of social phenomena must be realistic and adapted to the material in which it works
  • The only way to make it succeed is to understand how it works
  • Resorting to coercion is failure of the methodology
  • Men cannot cooperate productively without a common purpose and method of effective goal-seeking
  • As the organizing activity is the intelligence, interacting is the control
  • Research into facts is the basis of all activity to foresee, plan and execute
  • Collaboration is an effect of congruent objectives, adopted intellectually and emotionally-high morale

Cautionary advice

  • Any society run by force is self-destructive
  • The voids left by dysfunction are filled with leak, lag and friction
  • Blind drift navigation is illogical, cruel, wasteful and inefficient
  • Large organizations are peculiarly susceptible to corruption.
  • To not accept responsibility for your task action results betrays your instinct of workmanship
  • Subconscious-inspired action runs into laws, principles and logic – and invariably falls flat in clinical experience
  • The target can always be betrayed by the way the job is done. POSIWID
  • Society submits control of their economic organizations to bureaucracies stifled by OD
  • Any marriage of minds based on illusions is doomed from the start
  • Be reconciled to the recurring insolence of office
  • People with hierarchical authority are inclined to use that authority badly
  • To deal with a conflict of views constructively, implement.
  • No one can make worse mistakes than a management blinded by assumptions they choose to not question
  • Business is speculation. It never performs as promised
  • Fuzzy purpose becomes overgrown with narrower sectional objectives, losing the legitimate goal in the underbrush
  • Without defined objectives and understood policies, the delicate equipoise of business enterprise is bound to break down
  • The traditions of an established organization channel what is possible to achieve and the time scale of the future from which it is judged
  • When the truth is revealed, conscious brain must take over decision-making
  • You cannot think politically at the same time you really need to really solve real problems


  • Rules are locked in a perpetual state of pending obsolescence
  • Management is organizational baggage, an overhead cost
  • What displays on your teleprompter is the precipitate of delusions
  • OD documentation is not uniform, clearly expressed, self-consistent, readily amenable, logically arranged or current
  • Feedback must reflect the facts before it is too late to correct adverse tendencies.
  • Keeping up with the facts changes the facts.
  • Every conceivable business decision involves some element of prognostication
  • Specialization requires more coordination, a constant responsibility
  • Reciprocity of task action changes the dynamics while it is creating the unity
  • Autonomy and outcome responsibility must correspond
  • Men will only accept a change when they can correlate it with their own interests
  • The traditions of an established organization channel what is possible to achieve and the time scale of the future from which it is judged.
  • Men cannot cooperate effectively without a purpose held in common and a trusted method of effective goal-seeking.
  • The workforce’s unity of spirit is fundamentally distinct from management’s unity of spirit, if any.
  • All task action must be scrutably connected to an objective.


  • Management allows custom and habit to deafen it to the necessaries of reality.
  • The sciences and disciplines that discount the human raw capabilities are bankrupt
  • Any forecast of disturbance must include an action plan of preparation
  • Meddling management is as irritating as it is ineffective
  • The first duty of the foreman, designer of action, is to his responsibility for good outcomes from his reports.
  • Failure to give autonomy to where authentic responsibility can take place is a signature weakness in the chain of command


  • You don’t get settled human beings to readily accept the social imperatives demanded by technological advancements
  • It is impossible to have unity of spirit – organization wide. Performance is the neutralizer.
  • Management can never be responsible for organizational prosperity
  • It is impossible to isolate human motives and deal with them in tandem sequence
  • The ablation of functions previously performed in the spirit of organizational effectiveness is fatal
  • Depersonalization is fraud committed by management on its workforce

Noble Truths

  • A law is a relationship between cause and effect that proves to be valid in all cases
  • Task action design is the running responsibility of the foreman
  • The effect of the implemented methodology is proof of the ability to make things happen with others
  • Prevention is a function of certainty, not of severity.
  • Where rule-based work is satisfactory, communication is event-driven
  • A decision is only a junction in a process
  • Building knowledge is one thing, putting it to effect is another
  • Every enterprise is a living ecosystem with its own traditions, climate of opinion, and its way of doing business
  • Coordination expresses the principles of organization in toto
  • Effective communication, like creativity, cannot be attained by force
  • Only flexibility in approach can be efficient
  • Objections from those who cannot read a map does not prove cartography is a waste of time.


  • Money, delivered by productivity, not production, is the universal solvent by which complicated transactions are put into algorithmic form.
  • All materiality resides in the transients of change.
  • Natural law is the supreme authority. To settle the questions, just attempt defiance.
  • The distinction between a principle and the manner of its application is equivalent to a goal and the approach to attaining it.
  • Order does not enforce itself, disorder does.
  • Profit through service.
  • Plan B is not a place. Generic, it is anyplace.


  • Don’t ask OD to do what it can’t. (Warfield’s dictum)
  •  Management monitors production. Vector monitors productivity. Management spending time on issues that should not be issues.
  • The MitM has the right to ask clarification questions and get answers.
  • OD appropriates more than it produces in surplus. When there is nothing more to appropriate, it dies.
  • Plan A is a state recognized by all.
  • Plan B is the functional elimination of authority.
  • Management develops policies on immediate interests.
  • The more the principles are understood and assimilated, the less the need for rules.
  • An enforced system of rules paralyzes goal-seeking
  • When insecurity prevails, nothing else matters.
  • Everyone monitors for behaviors, human relations
  • In PS3, crimes are detected as errors
  • In Plan B, by design, everyone has skin in the game.


  • The subconscious mind of everyone you engage is your mirror.
  • You are not at the mercy of your social conditioning unless you believe you are.
  • When you deploy the Rogerian triad, people change before your eyes.
  • Your subconscious mind, not the operational reality, is creating your world image.
  • Personal or social, success is a function of implementation.
  • Covering up your errors shuts out truth
  • Most workers don’t appreciate how smart, talented and brave they really are.
  • Looking to others to prove your own merit to yourself is a total loser.
  • In OD, being realistic is interpreted as planning for a miracle.
  • Facing your errors pours the foundation of your next enlightenment.
  • Angst follows insecurity and despair.
  • You reveal your understanding of the principles by your efforts.
  • In Plan B, everything is arranged so you cannot lose, except by choice.
  • Work is your self-image made visible.
  • Your ideas, unimplemented, cannot change anything.
  • The only response the head shed can come up with when its workforce abuse backfires, is to increase the abuse.
  • Authorities confined in their groupthink cage cannot reason.
  • Mathematical physics can be a great buddy
  • Measuring nothing relevant, blocking contrarian evidence, and covering up failed delusions – OD
  • No delusion can fail before it is implemented. No delusion can survive after implementation.
  • Humans have no social system dynamics that are not shared with every other species.
  • Ignoring process consequences snubs any process purpose.
  • The longer entropy accumulations are ignored the faster they accumulate
  • Entropy can only be extracted in chunks.
  • Motivational losses correlate to an individual’s decline in performance when acting as a member of a group.
  • Autonomy granted is inseparable from taking task outcome responsibility.
  • All natural law based concepts and designs, theories of performance, can be demonstrated
  • MitMs are always bigger than the social delusion problem
  • The head shed is where a hot slurry of whim, gut feelings, and delusion, is set out to harden into infallible ideology.
  • In OD, the general staff is busy mopping the floor while the faucet is still running.
  • When no one is there to tell you what you want to know to deliver success, it’s time to get at the truth.
  • I can deal with the past, and even with the present, if the future would just go away.
  • Feedback doubles rates of success
  • If you leave the future up for grabs, reality will determine your fate.
  • Any act that does not validate Plan B values is corrupt.
  • Authoritarians’ delude themselves that authority exchanges one for one with power, when in fact there is no correspondence at all.
  • MitMs are duped by a morbidly insecure aristocracy into giving up their intrinsic, non-transferrable power inherent in the foreman role.
  • All levels in the hierarchy, except the keystones, manage up.
  • All dynamic systems have stability limits.
  • It is impossible to be aligned with natural law and be dysfunctional at the same time.
  • Crusoe had his hands full thriving on his deserted island, to be sure, but social interference was never on his list of concerns.
  • Reciting the record in leadership replacement results, total failure, is another way to induce catatonia.

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