Getting to Plan B is getting over a high bar where circumstances make it easy to fail.

Foreword to Restoration

This page begins the walkthrough of the process taking the MitM, as-is, from Plan A to Plan B living. It covers the hyper-learning segment called “restoration,” starting from preparation by the interventionist, to reaching milestone two: angst blowdown and reinforcement of confidence in the process. The FLLP began with the personalization of the MitMs by the interventionist, milestone one, and it ends with the keystone-vectors restored with spare internal energy and full confidence they can promulgate Plan B – milestone two.

The FLLP knowledge-building begins with Season 1, Episode 1 and milestone two is always attained by the end of Season 1, Episode 2. The MitM develops confidence in the success of the transmutation to Plan B by testing out FLLP concepts with his revenue crew. Since the concepts work 100% of the time, testing moves at hyper-learning pace. Getting to the psychological turning point is always a pole-vault sprint, not a marathon. When high-stakes trust is established, the lag between implementation and when payoff to the keystone starts streaming approaches zero.

During this push between milestones one and two, the vector/MitM is learning how to do for his workers what the interventionist is doing for him.

The syllabus of season one of the FLLP, provided on the next page, covers the Ackoffian Triad for structuring process and the Rogerian Triad for trust-building. The Ackoff framework keeps you from making stupid mistakes in strategizing task actions and the Carl Rogers framework keeps you in a positive social relationship with anyone of your choosing. Once you learn these two gems, you will use them every day to personal benefit. You will note how the benefit of Plan B practices manifests immediately upon use.

Structuring the process by the Ackoffian Triad

Frameworks are provided here to give you an idea of the scope and extent of subject matter to come after leaving the portal. Yes, it’s more responsibility than any other role on the organizational chart. System think is the devil and without this span of knowledge your power is diminished. The roles with narrow obligations and loaded with authority are powerless to do good for society.

The Ackoffian triad, generic and nested, is used to organize the whole MitM platform:

  1. It starts with understanding the dynamics of the complex psychological problem OD, plan A.
  2. It continues with understanding the dynamics of the goal state, plan B.
    1. Using plan B performance to compare with plan A performance provides the true system scope and cost of OD to humanity. It validates why the system view is so critical to success with transmuting OD. Breathtaking.
  3. It ends with understanding the dynamical process of metamorphosis that starts with OD and ends with Plan B.
    1. Using reality-truth in implementation to move the balance of power to the place effective for organizational prosperity, etc.

The Ackoffian Triad is also used to map the process of going from one milestone to the next.

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. Arthur Schopenhauer

Natural laws prominent in organizational dynamics

  • The 2nd Law
    • Viability
    • Effectiveness, infallibility
    • Entropy extraction
  • Control theory
    • Dynamics, Ashby
      • The 36% rule
    • Starkermann
      • 2½ Rule
    • Shannon’s laws of communication
      • What “done” looks like
  • The Conservation laws
  • Connectance
Try It Before You Buy It

The difference that matters is between the workforce in Ca’canny and in creative contribution. The difference between being bogged down with problems that shouldn’t even be demanding attention in the first place, standard in Plan A, and having energy to devote to worthwhile pursuits can be 16X.

When you test the tools and realize the benefits, know that the pattern of concept and toolsmithy and testing is recursive. The endlessly-looping cycle of strategy formation and effective implementation is necessary to keep current, which can only be done by continuously making progress.

All positive progress is a “project.” You can’t maintain a social condition by the rule-based “operating” mindset. When your guiding standard is system performance rather than obedience to the rules, your thinking is in project mode (novel and temporary). In project think, the focus is on creativity. In operations-think, the focus is on blind conformance to the very same rule-set that has to be changed to maintain relative position. Gaining competitive advantage can only be attained by a project mindset lubricated by workforce creativity.

Next is the Plan B benefit package. It serves as a reference for comparison to OD to measure the full spectrum of costs associated with OD. This fact proves beyond dispute that the network of delusions that comprises the social system in OD is a psychological phenomenon.

Taking the logic that brought you safely to this landing serves as your offensive weapon for defense. Working as fast as a stun gun, it triggers self-catatonia in your antagonists. You will witness this mental paralysis whenever you use the tool.

The discernable delusion/implementation language chasm, the Grand Canyon of social behavior

  1. Engage delusion only with delusion speak. Equal opportunity fiction
  2. Engage implementation only with implementation speak. Equal opportunity transparency
  3. Refuse to introduce delusion to ongoing implementations and take responsibility for consequences
  4. Put implementation progress on the network referencing the delusions that went down in flames.

No theory is a principle of truth until its implementation is open for examination, evaluation, and emulation (transparent).

There is inherent order in the operational reality of the world and its core principles are rational. Understanding this natural order pays dividends for preparations to meet the arriving future. Dysfunctional means incongruency with natural law, the law of experience. Congruency is key, because reality can’t be anything else. When you are captured in disorder and incongruency, crippling your performance and effectiveness, conflict and stress are summoned into the mix. The responsibility/autonomy violation of human rights is the most damaging offender.

There is no opinion, however absurd, which men will not readily embrace as soon as they can be brought to the conviction that it is generally adopted. Arthur Schopenhauer

Organizational Dysfunction

Living in OD conditions, MitMs do not need elaboration on organizational dysfunction. Complaining about OD to anyone, including other MitMs, is a waste of effort, simply because no one you can complain to can do anything about what you’re complaining about (Gödel).

While it is impossible to certify the total number of MitMs in the USA, a minimum number is readily assembled. The last time the government counted foremen separately was in 1945 @ 3,154,000. A nominal 9% of the social system population are foremen. In 2012 the census bureau published that 65M people were in medium (14M) and large size (51M) organizations. This rounds out at a minimum population of 6M MitMs in the USA. It is our experience that self-designated MitMs come from many walks of life and many, many job titles.

There are several routes by which large organizations migrate to OD. While any one is enough, there are typically several routes to OD hell in use at the same time. Only the most obvious, sure-fire route is outlined here.

The lineup

  1. Hierarchical network of subconscious minds in business-as-usual mode, spontaneously creates the delusion-speak divide. The subconscious imagines any reality that suits its immediate purpose. Aristocracy and subconscious delusion are entirely compatible.
  2. Aristocracy groupthink holds its delusions of leadership as infallible.
  3. Two dialects form – delusion and implementation.
  4. The workforce, socially conditioned to support aristocratic groupthink, allows delusion-speak entry into implementation-speak, bypassing the FF, language and concept translation role. Implementation success responsibility is non-existent.
  5. When delusions fail in implementation, as they must, coverup increases in intensity,  reinforcing the cycle.

When you know what to look for, the mechanisms of action (MoA) of dysfunction is transparent and apparent. The menagerie (elephants/rooms, monkeys/backs, etc.), for example, attests to coverup of delusion speak in implementation. For another litmus test, notice that delusion-speakers always start a conversation with a lie. If you buy in to the lie as recited, you are accepted as a delusion-speak player. You can watch the MoA work in real time.

Men best show their character in trifles, where they are not on their guard. It is in the simplest habits, that we often see the boundless egotism which pays no regard to the feelings of others and denies nothing to itself. Arthur Schopenhauer

I Think, You Think, We All Think Groupthink

Individual variety in the membership of a social system brings conflicts in phobias, cognitive biases, and motives, which are impervious to counsel. The network of subconscious 90% minds’ answer to this dilemma is “Groupthink.” It is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational, flawed decision-making process. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences. The Abilene Paradox is an example of groupthink that preceded the word itself.

The phenomenon of groupthink has received a lot of scientific study and its symptoms have been widely discussed. OD groupthink is the social equivalent of the massive black hole that centers a galaxy. The theory of groupthink proved to be so effective, the social sciences disclaimed it as bogus – fooling no one.

As with any set of policies, rules, or regulations, groupthink, in order to achieve its purpose, must be considered by one and all in the group as infallible. In practice, infallibility is shielded from the inconvenient truth of implementation realities, especially the 2nd Law that destroys infallibility on a continuous basis. This obligation to block feedback is easy for delusion-speak to fulfill.

The Nash Equilibrium is a natural law driving Groupthink. Janis (1982) defined groupthink as ― “a mode of thinking people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.” Groupthink is a pattern of behavior characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics. Janis modeled groupthink as certain antecedent conditions, which lead to concurrence-seeking (or groupthink tendency), which results in observable consequences, yielding a low probability of a successful outcome.

For observable consequences, Janis included two categories:

  1. Symptoms of groupthink
  2. Symptoms of defective decision-making

For symptoms of groupthink, three categories:

Type I
  1. Overestimation of the group
  2. Illusion of invulnerability
  3. Belief in group‘s inherent morality
Type II
  • Closed mindedness
  1. Collective rationalization
  2. Stereotypes of out-groups
Type III
  • Pressure toward uniformity
    • Self-censorship
  1. Illusion unanimity
  2. Direct pressure on dissenters
  3. Self-appointed mind guards

Symptoms of defective decision-making

  1. Incomplete survey of alternatives
  2. Incomplete survey of objectives
  3. Failure to examine risks
  4. Failure to reappraise rejected alternatives
  5. Poor information search
  6. Selective bias in processing information
  7. Failure to work out a contingency plan

There are several key elements to groupthink, a process that can cause a group to make failure-prone or immoral decisions, including:

  • The group develops an illusion of invulnerability that causes them to be excessively optimistic about the potential outcomes of their actions.
  • Group members believe in the inherent accuracy of the group’s beliefs or the inherent goodness of the group itself. Such an example can be seen when people make decisions based on patriotism. The group tends to develop negative or stereotyped views of people not in the group.
  • The group exerts pressure on people who disagree with the group’s decisions.
  • The group creates the illusion that everyone agrees with the group by censoring dissenting beliefs. Some members of the group take it upon themselves to become “mindguards” and correct dissenting beliefs.

Life is short and truth works far and lives long: let us speak the truth. Arthur Schopenhauer

The lesson in groupthink is that no one has a clue about an effective fix. It is delusion-speak  and implementation-speak is considered an alien language. The tactics proffered are proven losers and everyone knows it. The stalemate condition explains groupthink’s strategy in justifying OD. It is a classic example of the Abilene Paradox.

While management groupthink remains convinced it stirs the drinks of workforce life, its ideology of delusions plays no role in Plan B implementation. The doctrine that binds things together in Plan B is foremost based on Nature’s laws.

As life in a steep hierarchy affirms, it is the head shed that chooses the visionary pursuits of the impossible for its workforce. Head-shed groupthink doctrine mistakenly holds that because it has unfettered discretion to issue commands on imagination and whim, enforced by law, it therefore has control over organizational success. It is a grievous error wrecking millions of lives.

Groupthink and the Mentor Line

The association of the mentor line with research on forecasting by “experts” has provided an independent look at the groupthink phenomenon that truncates understanding social system behavior. The research was simply a compilation of the predictions by top experts v the operational reality. The track record for expert forecasters turned out to be far worse than random chance.

The pattern of behavior when experts were faced with the truth of their forecasts is to explain away their failure and double-down on the validity of their current prediction. Oblivious to the facts, the credentialed experts invariably thought they were doing accurate forecasting. This pattern applied to experts about economic factors and to the experts advising the politicians shaping social affairs. Credentialed experts are ready to fit any sort of information into their world view.

The research included predictions made by non-experts. When open-minded people integrated the offering from several classical disciplines, systems-think, they outperformed the experts in prediction in every measure. Where experts represent narrowness (moreover), system think represents breadth (however). Since society never holds their experts accountable for their predictions, forecasts continue to be worse than useless GIGO. As truth is the heart of learning, embracing the evidence of your forecasts must be fed back to improve your forecasting. No feedback, no chance.

Human nature being invariant, management follows the same scenario exhibited by discipline-centered experts. Because the 2½ rule feeds executives garbage, garbage is used to navigate the Plan A organization. As all social system dysfunctions are driven by a prime mover system residing above the mentor line, it is foolish to expect a Plan A organization, mentally straitjacketed by the mentor line, to remedy itself.

Meddle Management

Management may want to take the lead in building company prosperity, but its delusion-based meddling in the affairs of effective goal attainment can only make matters for organizational prosperity worse. By experience with its well-meaning initiatives, the head shed eventually learns it has no real power to secure prosperity for the organization it “owns.” It finds that exercising its authority, with or without noble intentions, invariably forms a context fostering insecurity and ruin. It “lives” with its powerlessness self-image, a cognitive dissonance, by abusing the workforce, its power to make things worse. When cornered, management defaults to “We’re no worse than the others.” True.

Your brother MitMs veterans are not telling you to revolt and grab the power unfairly denied you. They are telling you that you had all the power there is the whole time. It came with your role in the hierarchy and it can’t be degraded or taken away. Everyone contains all the ingredients to do this. There is nothing to buy. No permissions are necessary.

A sad consequence of OD is that everyone in the organization is operating on the high-potency steroid testosterone. Protracted high testosterone in your endocrine system is very bad for your health, physical and psychological. Know that OD can be positively established by bloodwork alone! No one can fake their endocrine system.

The Flag of Organizational Dysfunction

The Plan B Fix

When success was finally attained in 2013, months were spent in comparing the before Plan A state to the after Plan B state. Fortunately, as success became certain, extra effort was put in to get a comprehensive baseline dataset for comparison. The corporate books on the impact of the fix on revenue-generating performance are available for independent audit.

After the initial comparative study, positive reciprocity started up and unsolicited bonus benefits began appearing, unanticipated in the initial evaluation. Fix benefits were sprawling outward to home life, community life, and bringing competitive advantage, to name a few. In the smart phone age, enthusiasm travels fast. The before and after comparison involves three categories:

  1. Recovery of the direct losses imposed by OD. The direct consequences of OD are the ones, like productivity and turnover that stand on your toes
  2. Recovery of the managerial efforts and their negative consequences to address crisis issues that only manifest in system OD. The managerial effort released by PS3 that quietly and gradually migrates to other non-implementation activities
  3. Bonus benefits that expand over time – the benefits accruing in several normally-unrelated areas mostly appearing after PS3 installation and often coming as surprises.

Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. Viktor E. Frankl

MoA for Plan B

The lineup

  • Strict separation of workforce implementation speak from top-down delusion speak
    • Vector as independent interpreter/gatekeeper/FF
    • Vector takes total responsibility for goal attainment – revenue generation
  • Workforce network is implementation-based, delusion-free
  • Responsibility for outcomes, freely taken, at level closest to the work, always connected with autonomy and independence
  • Revaluation of social conditioning
    • Replaced obedience to authority and the golden rule with the platinum rule
    • I-rights respected
  • Workforce personalization. Rogerian triad. Every member has the I-right to strive for psychological success. Every member has the right to competent leadership.
  • No drive, force, criticism, or coercion.
  • Bonus: Sharp drop in management workload


OD scope by before/after measurements

As stated above, the full impact of OD on the social system can only be measured comprehensibly by comparing the performance dynamics of OD with the dynamical effectiveness of Plan B.  Since the two physical systems are identical, the before and after measurements are unsurpassed in reliability. When the first authentic fix became reality in 2013, it was the first time the full scope of social system dynamics and OD consequences were ever measured.

The fix brings much more than reversing the direct wastage of OD, like turnover. The fix brings overwhelming competitive advantage, the skills to tackle more comprehensive opportunities, and the ability to buffer a greater range of disturbances. NCR managed to build a bunch of boats in a few hours that saved many lives when the 1913 Ohio river flood broke through the levee at Dayton, OH. Social systems, an invisible network, have no inertia.

Comparing the before to the after is the best way for MitMs to learn about social dynamics. While the idea of “system” for social behavior has been sporadically mentioned in sociology, it was never pursued in implementation.

The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true. Carl Rogers

Seeing is believing

To circumvent the grievous handicaps of “conventional” learning, active implementations are available for examination, evaluation, and benefit realization measurements. Everything proudly transparent, you can have any factor of concern demonstrated in your own shop. Most importantly, the MitMs that make it all happen, the before-and-after veterans of implementation, are available for interview. Ever try to fool a brother MitM?

For an organization handling $200M/year, the bottom-line benefit for transmuting from Plan A to Plan B is over $50M/ year windfall. The 2013 implementation, about that size, is still delivering the benefits. The facility is open for your benefits-realization audit. The beneficiaries are real MitM veterans and the windfalls are taken to the bank.

You might think that a benefit package of this magnitude would be the dream of any head-shed. You might think that when the news about Plan B got out, greedy potentates would swarm at the windfall opportunity. The demonstrable truth of the matter, previously mentioned, is the head-shed reaction of catatonia. The paralysis proves beyond doubt, for us, that the values touted by top management are covers for the paramount value: membership in the ruling class.

The takeaway from this experience is that neither the quantity of consequences of OD nor the quantity and extent of Plan B benefits has ever been part of the aristocratic groupthink value system. Clearly, implementation speak is never allowed in to embarrass delusion speak. The threat to the defense of infallibility is too high. The before and after comparison of dynamical performance:

  • Validates the system that is the social system.
    • The interrelated components, none function independently of the others
    • The entangled subconscious minds, the proliferation of delusions
  • Validates the Plan B benefit package additions to that from recovering the OD losses
  • Measures the increasing value of positive reciprocity

The offer for hands-on experience with Plan B is regularly chosen by the MitM. Influential, game-changing paradigms require strong evidence and the MitM expects implementation successes that he can directly authenticate in detail for himself. “Try it before you buy it.”

In meaningful contrast, the offer of on-site examination of implementations is always refused by delusion-speak groupthinkers (deliberate ignorance). People defending their delusions as infallible cannot risk exposure to the implementer’s operational reality. When they realize that refusal to follow up does not controvert the fact of a viable plan B, the reaction is instant catatonia.

When the subconscious brain fails to deliver a credible excuse to implementation-speak, delusion-speak can’t stand being in the same room. Every MitM has witnessed the scene where the delusionists are very uncomfortable being with implementationists. Every time they open their mouths they give themselves away.

You can recreate the catatonia experience on your own. You don’t need anything other than the offer for in situ, hands on exposure to successful implementations.  The very idea that they, armed only with delusion-speak, will be in implementation land, defenselessness, is enough to trigger the panic reflex. Meanwhile, your testing has settled questions about delusion speak and implementation speak. In one stroke you can witness how you were coerced into an angst-producing state and how deep and fundamental the language chasm is between management and labor, delusion and implementation. The Great Divide writ large.

We are not determined by our experiences, but are self-determined by the meaning we give to them; and when we take particular experiences as the basis for our future life, we are almost certain to be misguided to some degree. Meanings are not determined by situations. We determine ourselves by the meanings we ascribe to situations. Alfred Adler

As mentioned elsewhere, Welsh textile mill owner, Robert Owen, fashioned an approximation of Plan B in 1795 and became quite wealthy because of it. In 1800, he invited his capitalist peers to replicate his system of governance and operation. No one in the English aristocratic class followed up on his offer. It pays to remember that a fix for OD was never developed throughout the existence of Homo sapiens. There are no precedents, no carvings in stone. No graffiti. All sciences, disciplines and aristocracies failed.

History teaches that it isn’t the value of your proposal that matters to the head shed. What matters there is defending potentate’s groupthink’s infallibility and omnipotence, at all costs. Once you run these tests, you will be positioned to complete the metamorphosis in record time. You will understand the role of the MitM as social system vector, essential and indispensable.

Since the benefit package is extraordinary in variety and size, you can use it to run tests on your context. Only another MitM cares about the benefit package. The upper classes are aggressively uninterested, willful blindness, because while you are talking windfall revenue, they are thinking threat to social status. Whatever you portray as benefits, multiply or divide by ten, retest, and you get the same reaction. Delusionists will only entertain initiatives that offer no threat to their mandatory groupthink delusions of infallibility. How could any self-respecting aristocrat go around admitting he is fallible and prone to making errors?

Once you have measured the situation at the great divide, you know how to act. You can unerringly predict the future. After you have run these tests enough to satisfy your curiosity, your self-image and your sense of responsibility get on steroids. Testing shows you just how close you have been living next to the fix. You understand your unique role as plan B vector. You learn you were in control the whole time.

No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences, so-called trauma – but we make out of them just what suits our purposes. Alfred Adler

The metamorphosis to Plan B

The mission is to transmute Plan A to Plan B, sustainable.

Understanding the circumstances of OD, your starting condition and the goal condition, reveals nothing about how to make the trip. The millions of previous attempts to make a difference were abject failures. The implementation of lies beyond experience. Now that the route to the grail is blazed and worn smooth by MitMs, the lines between the trip and the goal state are blurred. As soon as the MitMs realize success is inevitable, the trip becomes happy and stress-free.

The cycle of concepts, toolsmithy, and testing is integral to how you get to and sustain Plan B. The transmutation for MitMs is orchestrated by an interventionist. Acting as a docent more than a teacher, interventionist, a current MitM himself, keeps things on track and the learning cycle revolving with fresh material. Learning how to get things better is the climax.

The structure and main topics of the FLLP are included to show MitMs the trip of transformation in practical detail. The initial metamorphosis takes hold during the first season of six episodes. The direct benefit package is fully delivered in six months. At this time, seven seasons of six episodes each, no two the same, have been developed and delivered. Advanced concepts and toolsmithy, many from MitM application experience, fuel updates.

As experience accumulates, it is clear that the platform for change is solid. None of the basic assumptions and modules have been found wanting. Lessons-learned feedback is always showing ways to get to the next landing on the inferential staircase in fewer steps. Big jumps in efficiency have accrued from finding out how much of this stuff the MitMs already know. MitMs are experienced in implementation and quite intelligent. Since the FLLP is mostly silence-breaking, audience reaction reveals the pre-existing knowledge. The MitMs chat about the commonly-held knowledge for a bit and the silence-breaking resumes.

The final state of the metamorphosis is not that everybody becomes an aristocrat. The climax condition finds the MitM/vectors in husbandry mode creating productivity improvements and chasing after new opportunities for the organization. Since aristocrats have no power to do good, the top tier of psychological success, Maslow’s transcendental state, can only be attained by keystones.

There is something very powerful to self-image husbandry about being able to help others trek towards psychological success. What the subconscious brain does, when transcendence has occurred, is release a surge of oxytocin, a peptide hormone MitMs find empowering and irresistible.

Every therapeutic cure, and still more, any awkward attempt to show the patient the truth, tears him from the cradle of his freedom from responsibility and must therefore reckon with the most vehement resistance. Alfred Adler

To start right, understand and accept that implementation-world is a conscious-brain-dominant domain. While there is infinite room for creativity and innovation, there is no place in implementation for GIGO, for fiction and delusion. That means you must keep your 10% conscious mind in floor-manager mode, all day long. The cognitive load is not negotiable. It is exactly how you get ahead and stay ahead of a dysfunctional social system. Intelligence is your shield and your sword. Delusion can be a poison to progress.

As you progress through the program, new modules will light your way. It’s an intellectually-arduous trek, to be sure. Different modules deliver different benefits to different people. You’re not habituated to making such persistent demands on your 10% conscious mind. It is a cognitive sprint and no one can run it for you.

In view of FLLP experience with hyperlearning methods, you are not expected to get very far just from reading the materials. We are very aware of the limitations of learning from documentation and you are not expected to make up for them. What we can do here is to apply the same strategy that works so well in the special circumstances of hyperlearning. To that end, the core concept/tool modules that best start the learning process for MitMs are presented. These modules will pay off as soon as you digest them.

Angst blowdown rarely occurs without an understanding MitM companion. You will know when and if you are ready to ramp up learning productivity and continue with a veteran. He will not let you fail. After all, he knows what it means to have a veteran of the trek watching his back.

Because getting to Plan B is a sprint, for a MitM, the most productive learning strategy known has been harnessed in a program that gets the job done. The program, assembled and delivered by MitMs, is constantly improved by our experience providing it. Hundreds of MitMs/foremen/vectors have been through the transmutation process. The benefits are being been realized on a continuing basis.

The content of the keystone program is presented in “seasons” of six “episodes” each. Each episode contains concepts and tools that can be tested by the MitMs against their experience and then in the workplace. Since the concepts and tools never fail, the episode occasions are joyful. Everyone has corroborating stories to contribute.

The topical sequence of the FLLP is next. It provides a framework of the subject matter, but shows nothing of the hyper-learning happiness that attends the occasion. It is a learning event like no other.

The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. Viktor E. Frankl

MitM Entering the Portal

Top priority, angst blowdown

It takes lots of energy to complete the trek to Plan B. To a MitM drowning in dread-driven angst, there is no internal energy available for anything but dealing with his dread of OD psychosis. Accordingly, the second milestone is taking the energy tied up in angst and venting it off. Since angst has no mass, when it vents, it’s a whoosh.

Although the climax of release is an event, expelling your angst is triggered by a step by step process that begins with trust-building. Using the standard systems-think framework from Ackoff, blowdown begins with understanding the social system mechanisms of action that delivers angst (OD). The spotlight swings to the goal state, called PS3, the condition when the transmutation process has been successfully completed, what “done” looks like. The last focus is on the metamorphosis trip from Plan A to Plan B, from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly.  Since the same physical social system starting in OD is the one ending up in Plan B, it is vital to understand system OD, in local particulars. The “fix,” to be a generic fix, also has to be native and specific and, of course, sustainable.

The approach proven effective for MitM angst blowdown is to show:

  • The Stop Rules
  • That the crime of plan A (OD) is a consequence of the aristocratic instinct of dominance enlarged by a groupthink conviction of infallibility. The madness of OD has nothing to do with the MitM. By virtue of his role-power, he is prey of the envious ruling class.
  • There is a viable plan B that works for MitMs. Veteran MitMs are the ones who built this ideology. You can try it before you buy it.
  • The size of the Plan B windfall benefit package and the absence of risk in obtaining it.
  • Because you are beyond social punishments, you do not need permission to implement what you think best.

MitM Stop Rules

Before building your structure for work on the problem, you need to filter your current practices by the stop-rules list. You need to build up your reserve of free energy and that is done by stopping your wasted efforts. Stop:

  • Harangues about OD consequences and their perpetrators
  • Remediating OD consequences
  • Pursuing the impossible, what cannot be done at all
  • Assigning blame, criticism, disciplinary action
  • Looking for cause at the level of effects (Gödel)
  • Asking them to do what they can’t (Warfield’s Dictum)

When your angst has vented off, you will be left with the confidence that this adventure in wonderland is going to work out just fine. Your concern about failure went bye-bye with your angst. You can see by the blowdown experience that from start to finish, you are in total control. No one can give you angst without your consent.

You will learn how you were diabolically tricked by the invisible network of subconscious minds that dominate society to bring angst on to yourself. The ascertainable facts about your keystone role, vector, and the power it enables are established. You have everything it takes. You are self-authorizing by virtue of your performance and responsible only to yourself and your freely-made commitments. There is nothing to buy.

Putting knowledge to work

The fact that top management has unlimited authority, protected by law, tells you nothing about the map of organizational power. As diehard implementers, we define power as the ability of power holders to make effective, proficient implementation progress, cooperatively and collaboratively through and with other people. The concept of “power” has nothing to do with authority. No level in the hierarchy has more role-power than the foreman. Not even close. The MitM exerts one kind of power over the incoming flow of delusions, the Franceschi Fitting (design, assign), and another kind of power over the task actions of his workers (amplify progress).

You’re not in competition with anyone for that social power. Management, confined to delusion-speak, can only use its supreme organizational authority to make things worse and it knows it. The revenue that sustains the organization comes from implementation, not imagination. By virtue of the foreman’s systems-view, the revenue crew has no choice but to follow through on the work orders they get from their foremen. All MitMs have been workers and know the drill. This unique role of the MitM, unalterable, is consistent with the laws of nature. The fact that management habitually attempts to defy natural law and exert MitM power just adds to their accumulation of cognitive dissonance. It is why, exactly, so many of the people in high authority are neurotic.

The MitM who understands his role power is congruent with the laws of nature, his self-image, and the operational reality. It is the understanding of his congruency with Nature that vents-off angst. The sooner you test these concepts out for yourself, the sooner your angst will depart – a whoosh.

We have been putting this bilingual knowledge to work to our benefit for several years. One vehicle is the gambit. All MitMs can deliver the same gambit. It works 100% of the time. You may not score big with every application of the gambit, but you cannot lose. To prepare, get comfortable with the two-language/culture divide in every social system. Test it in safe places, everywhere on anybody. Then, arrange for a demo implementation of your chosen thesis. You can use our stable of applications or make one up. As you will learn, the head-shed is terrorized by the idea, not the actuality that their delusions would be betrayed by implementation and revealed for the fraud they are. Their pitiful attempts to speak implementation just spotlight their clueless state. This reaction is 100% orchestrated by the subconscious mind.

Discuss that a fix for system OD exists and implementations are available for examination and evaluation. When the target refuses to follow up on your offer, he knows he has lost. What we do then is take his shopping list of wants and tell him, at appropriate occasions, that if the cause-system isn’t fixed first, remedial efforts on particulars will be wasted. If he wants more safety or quality, e.g., we tell him no, because fixing the system makes those issues disappear. Not fixing the system makes those issues impregnable. Offer to take him to an implementation site where he can audition the claim for himself. Since these are stop rules, the important posture is to stand firm. He knows that refusing to visit an application of Plan B does not controvert Plan B.

The gambit has cost you nothing and you have gained significant prestige with the workforce. The head shed will decide it’s better to leave you be. If your MitM peers choose to echo the gambit in their own sphere, they will get the same benefits. As history has shown, management cannot long stand against organized foremen. In one instance, management gave the keys to the complex to the foremen and left town. Experience with the gambit has shown that one enactment traumatizes management for the duration. It’s a gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

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