Intelligence is Appropriate Selection (Ashby)

But first:

In the early years of Plan B goal-seeking, we were regularly struck by how many ordinary words in common use and of great significance in goal-seeking were, for all practical purposes, undefined. Using words without common working definitions, in project goal statements, is the borrowing of trouble. Pandora’s Box of unanchored words Includes:

  • Communications
  • Effectiveness
  • Entropy
  • Infallible
  • Intelligence
  • Natural law
  • Process
  • Productivity
  • Quality
  • Responsibility
  • Safety
  • Success
  • System
  • Trust
  • Truth
  • Utopia
  • Zero-sum

Testing for the irrationality of the definitions espoused by those who have strong reasons to know better, quantitatively, what those words mean in application, can be done by asking for a definition of any word in the list from anyone you encounter. There is a procedural tool, designed for this peril to progress, we call “penetrations” that is used by the interventionist early in the project process to deal with several issues at once. This tool, a member of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) family, is used to uncover system integrity discrepancies. In every case this tool is applied, the participants find out, to their horror, that the variety of misaligned definitions used by their cohorts is the root cause in half of their stated troubles. Because emotions often get out of hand during this shocking revelation, “penetrations” is started just before a lunch break so as to inject a cooling-off period. By staying with the objective “penetrations” protocols, the interventionist keeps the focus on clearing up the errors and away from the passions of unwanted enlightenment about mismatched communications that defeat progress.

Experience has shown, for instance, that people do not want to know a valid definition of intelligence – one you can take to the bank. While the word Utopia evokes the same terror of objectivity, its definitions ride off in all directions, no two anywhere near the same. Only after building real Utopias and taking measurements of their dynamics over time, did we discover the shroud of very wrong concepts about what Utopia is that envelops the P2U. Since no Utopia describer has ever been to his Utopia, the definitions of Utopia cover the vast range of ungrounded human imagination free from the gravity of truth. So, in the name of prudence, it’s best to start towards Utopia with a worktable definition of Utopia.

Interestingly, the entire, decades-long quest to deliver a Utopia was completed without ever using or hearing the word Utopia. None of our early-days books on Amazon contain the word. The pilgrimage from dystopia to the ultimate purpose of the pilgrimage is still conducted without using the word. After all, what use do you have for definitions of the word dystopia when you’re living in one?

Since Plan B is the name of the objective, it’s best to know the destination well enough to recognize it when you arrive there. The most success-killing notions about Plan B include:

  • It’s a place on the globe, a remote island, a community that flies in an untethered balloon above dystopia.
  • It’s a perfect society. No problems occur because harmony is perfect and no one dies. Change is unthinkable.
  • It’s a society that can fulfill its material needs awash in GIGO.
  • Behavior is identical. With no problems and perfect accord, personality variations converge on eternal unity.
  • Building Utopia is displacing one infallible dystopia with another using the dystopia template, hopefully with less baggage.

Having any of these notions about Utopia guarantees that you will never encounter your Utopia.

When you ask a person for his definition of Utopia in concrete terms, what you get is a shopping list of the problems he has living in dystopia as he perceives them. Accordingly, the individual defines his Utopia as his dystopia but without the plagues on his shopping list. His Utopia appears already operating, out of the foggy mist, through the efforts of a person everyone calls “supreme commander.” As soon as Thomas More defined Utopia in functional terms, a definition we honor 500 years later, he went straightaway to his 1516 AD shopping list. Chris Argyris, to his credit, defined his Utopia in objective terms (1960 AD) one could test in any reality – timeless. And, we did.

Dystopia, running most things social on the planet today, is a package deal. It has prevailed for the last 10+ millennia. Most importantly, system dystopia has the power of auto-regeneration. Whatever bad attribute you might amputate will, like a salamander’s tail, grow back by itself. Dystopia blazes on oblivious to events and disturbances. To become one with Utopia, you have to abandon mental-model “system dystopia” and start with a clean slate and an open mind.

Building, operating, and improving a Plan B is also a package deal but without auto-regeneration. With Utopia, anything awry in the system package flames it out. Utopia can maintain itself viable against disturbances with a competency far above dystopia but, like everything else about Utopia functionality, it requires eternal vigilance and intellectual effort. Everyone in Utopia is part of the viability husbandry workforce. The keyword to the pragmatic definition of Utopia is “real.”

Package Utopia must be as real as package dystopia and as real as the pathway taken by the pilgrims to arrive there. Real, realness, reality represents the distinguishable differences between fiction and fact. Only real can control real.

As soon as Utopia is taken out of the shadows of fiction into the spotlights of real stuff, the wheels of prior deceptions fall off. The great destroyer of fantasy is the 2nd Law. In one stroke of Nature, 13.8 billion years ago, the notions of perfection, harmony, infallibility, and changelessness bit the dust. All attempts to form a perfect, infallible society, whatever that is, become miserable, high-angst affairs doomed to fail. Infallible is very counter-instinctual to defend and uphold. In Utopia, fallible is accepted as a societal norm. Every day, for everyone, is a day of run, break, and fix (RBF), of trial and error. Social viability can be husbanded in no other way.

When you get started on the pilgrimage, the first thing you learn is that Utopia is a happy, Oz-like scene – errors and all. Its people are happy, proudly doing the things it takes to keep Utopia viable and prosperous. Felicity is an effect of that collaboration. Ever try to force happy?

Yes, realness can do a big number on your self-image. Yes, sustaining realness means a lot of cognitive effort and physical work. You live by your error detecting and removal systems. You will find additional perspectives on “realness” throughout this tome.

Dystopia is real and its realness is self-sustaining, auto-regenerative – whatever you do, including nothing at all. Utopia is real and its continued realness demands intelligent maintenance – a combination of knowledge, cognitive effort and making material changes. Those who are not self-motivated to the Utopia way of living will return to dystopia on their own.

Details of our definition of Utopia are constantly shaped by what we learn from operating the transformative pilgrimage and in working in Utopia during its reciprocity mode. To us, Utopia is an exquisite combination of individuality and sociology directed to maintain a prosperous Utopia through time (for the sake of our progeny). Utopia works on the principle that groups of humans can attain heroic goals, like Stonehenge, individuals alone cannot. In Utopia you can satisfy your social instincts, your personal instincts, and enjoy prosperity at the same time.

Foremost is honoring individuality. Then comes intelligent collaboration of idiosyncratic individuals to a goal shared in common. Artifacts like Stonehenge attest that human instincts requisite to maintain Utopia culture are innate. Utopia never sacrifices individuality in the name of a social benefit. The individuals will figure out how to deliver the benefit by their own volition.

The first structure the Egyptians built and operated on the construction site of the great pyramids at Giza was the workforce beer factory.

Stipulations forwarded from Books

The first three in the set of four (Pilgrimage to Utopia) books provided description and derivation of the mechanisms of action of dystopia and Plan B. The concepts of the Pilgrimage to Plan B as well as the toolsmithy for putting them into effect were presented. Like everyone else on earth, you have lived in dystopia all your life. You have, somewhat unknowingly, engaged fleeting Utopias. What you have never ever done is mutate from dystopia, where you are, to a self-sustaining Plan B, where a rational you would be much better off.

This book covers the fascinating details of the connecting tissue, the pilgrimage of transformation itself, the perilous yellow-brick road going from dystopia to Plan B and, in the final stage, the incredible wonder of positive reciprocity radiating out from Plan B to dystopia societies. Science fiction has never been able to approach the excitement in facilitating a real Plan B. The stuff they teach you about sociology is not all wrong; it’s incomplete.

The derived and validated facts and knowledge of Plan B and its objective, brought forward as irrefutable stipulations, classify into 3 general categories.

  1. Unique
  2. Real
  3. Generic, Huge, and Happy



The P2U is novel in several dimensions. The title of the first three episodes of the pilgrimage, Shock and Awe, is appropriate. You will find out what that means in the first convocation with the interventionist. Pilgrims welcome the fireworks.

Try as you might, there is nothing in your experience and repertoire for useful navigation towards Plan B. Only one route succeeds. Since you cannot imagine what Utopia dynamics are really like, fictional accounts are no help, you cannot conjure a pathway from dystopia that will take you there. If you engage an approach that has been tried before, highly likely, all you will see on your trip is the litter of human debris. Persist in this folly and, in time, your body will be added to the heap of your predecessors.

The P2U is not organizationally-neutral. The playing field is severely tilted towards dystopia. People have been brainwashed to believe that dystopia is the only social system possible in the universe and it is the only one they know by experience. Do not expect such mal-socialized persons to conjure up a social system opposite and complementary to the system they inhabit. The inertia of dystopia is gigantic and no one knows where to begin. Plan B is not dystopia with surgically-removed tumors. To make progress with P2U requires an open mind. Don’t worry, the mind is plastic; it won’t shatter.

The entire focus of the P2U is on the individual, pilgrim by pilgrim, individualized and personalized. Begin, knowing it is all for you, and you will soon discover the lasting delight of Plan B for real. From that first way station on, your mind will stay open by itself.

The path from dystopia to Plan B was undiscovered

  • No precedents, no map, no artifacts, no selfies
  • Only failed attempts
  • Only fiction, wrong assumptions
  • No species before, ever, using individual intelligence in collaboration, mutated their paradigm of social behavior from self-destructive to socially productive. All civilizations fell. The Greeks, the inventors of democratic civilization itself, blew themselves up in less than a century.

The paradigm for Plan B husbandry and reciprocity-feeding was never developed

  • No practical definition of Plan B; what “done” looks like. No one was ever “there” to experience its dynamics.
  • No theories of the mechanisms of action that comprise Plan B and those essential for its continuation and expansion (Argyris exception).

Exciting, risky

  • First high-stakes, high-voltage, social-system “game” ever, strong emotions from the closed-minded, tension
  • For the socially oriented, it is the ultimate in win-win interaction. First-ever control over the positives
  • No precedent in organizational psychology, sociology, parapsychology. Sciences, ever worshipping the intellectual solid state, are hostile to Plan B. Those who you think should be eager to help, start shooting at you.
  • Transformative, incontrovertible, transparent, accessible. Plan B is a sandbox for you to build your castles as you wish.
  • First paradigm ever that enables direct examination and evaluation of a social system in transformation from Hyde to Jekyll.


  • The first time in any species where its intelligence and ingenuity resources could freely innovate under the creativity-encouraging Plan B context rather than squashed under the creativity-destroying environment of dystopia. With control of its fate restored to the population itself, the future of possibilities for the people of Plan B is very different than the future of humanity possible under dystopia. Human society never before had a chance like this to permanently transcend its hideous history. Plan B is not the promise of eternal youth, but it has, beyond dispute, opened up the opportunity window for attaining social system immortality. Could there be a better legacy for your progeny?

Positive reciprocity

  • It is the first time ever that an “instrument” has been devised to study positive reciprocity inside of and between social systems. It can now be demonstrated that the creation of positive reciprocity via the P2U, leverages the greatest amplification factor of social system “good” in the solar system. At about four orders of magnitude, it is the ultimate in output effect for intelligent input effort. So much benefit for so little exertion! And, it’s available to everyone.

By leveraging individuality in a collaboration aimed at husbanding a prosperous Plan B, the opportunity to transcend the hell-pits of dystopia is a viable-species first. No other species on the planet was ever able to change within its social-DNA ideology, away from the path to extinction and default to the path of social system immortality available to it.



As introduced above, Real is a four-letter word, like Work, and it commands the observable universe. Real forms a Great Barrier Reef between fiction and fact. Your ship will be grounded on the reef no matter which way you attempt to cross it. In the end, all the heat and commotion about social system dysfunction renders down to a simple query. In pragmatic detail please, “How do you handle the inroads of the unrelenting 2nd Law assault?”

For a package deal, never claim the attribute of “real” for anything before you have your act together. Nobody can fake “real” for long. That is why the attribute of realness is central to the P2U. We claim real for the paradigm benefit package, incontrovertible grade. That stipulates everything to be transparent and accessible to falsification. If the claim of real cannot be refuted by dynamics data, taken during your visit to a Plan B, the claim stands. Anything real, Emperor’s Clothes, cannot be controverted by opinion. Real is standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon.

Plan B is real, transparent, accessible, and incontrovertible

  • Real means, in social-system world, that a second genus of stable social system exists – one opposite and complementary to dystopia. There is a Yang for dystopia’s Yin. Well, there is.
  • Real means you can go there, equipped with More/Argyris’ specification of Utopia functionality, and audit the paradigm dynamics for yourself, directly and hands on. The people of Plan B, looking just like your neighbors, welcome your examination. Openly assail the character of the interventionist and observe the response.
  • Real means demonstrable, pieces and wholes. Only real can be win-win.
  • Real is requisite for positive social-system reciprocity to commence. For that, oration doesn’t work.

The pathway connecting dystopia to Plan B is real and incontrovertible

  • The real pathway to Plan B, the pilgrimage, is not difficult but it is extremely non-obvious. The only route possible doesn’t abuse common sense but it is not organizationally neutral.
  • Several factors have to be functional and coincident, a critical mass, for the transformation to take place.
  • Real means you can witness the process of and participate in the pilgrimage. Critics of the process are valued resources to improve the paradigm.

Realness of Plan B automatically involves a myriad of husbandry issues

  • “For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
  • Realness seals the deal. It is impossible to fake productivity increases. If you claim “real” and fail any of the slew of realness tests, you score fiction, where, GIGO-mediated, anything goes and lies don’t matter. If your claim passes all the realness tests, all the other measures of effectiveness will attest on their own, automatically. Once the critical mass ignites, the loose ends are cleaned up all at once. The benefit package delivered by the P2U is entirely real, making it pointless to quarrel with the in-your-face realization of benefits. Plan B is a package deal. No piecemeal functionality (turnover).
  • Realness is the impetus for positive reciprocity. Only when an individual sees the real benefits he can obtain, benefits being enjoyed by someone he knows personally, can positive reciprocity radiate. Realness only transmits at the workforce level via trust. What can the head shed know of real?

Attributes of real

The instant you leave the intangible world of anything-goes fantasy and enter the tangible real world, the operational reality, the requisites of realness apply. The instant you claim “real,” as in ascertainable truth, you are fair game to be held accountable to the following standards of realness.

Statics and configuration:
  • Material, tangible, visible
  • Observable, photographable
  • Architectural coherency
  • Accessible
  • Obtainable
  • Falsifiable
  • Specifications
  • 2nd Law
Dynamics and viability:
  • 2nd Law
    • Entropy extraction and relocation
  • Viability husbandry
    • Intelligence
    • Trial and error
  • Transparency, information quality, truth
  • System process specifications
  • Measurable productivity
  • Dynamic simulation
  • Falsifiable, accessible
  • Teachable


When the realness specifications are met, no small feat, the spotlight moves from the examined to the examiner. Plan B, practical to install, is a choice that brings individual and social system values under the looking glass. Considering the vast productivity and effectiveness advantage of Utopia over dystopia, the “new” choice of a markedly superior social system penetrates Homo craniums, landing at its primitive places of instinct, reflex and impulse. The stakes could not be higher.

When there was only one choice available, the choice made spontaneously by every social system on the planet, questions about moral backbones and true intentions never come up. “Yes, things are going badly regarding poverty, civil unrest, genocide, and wars, but it’s the only social system architecture we have and we’re doing the best anybody could do with it.” Now that a choice exists, a real social system to actualize, capable of solving those plagues of mankind, what you choose opens a public window on your value system. If you choose to go Plan B, so that you can attain your honorable goals productively and effectively, your moral system, as espoused and portrayed, is validated. It shows that you really care about your self-worth, your progeny, and your society.

What if you choose to remain operating in dystopia, rejecting the Plan B value-system attainment package? It becomes instant public record that the moral system you espouse does not correlate with the moral code that actually guides your actions. The advent of real Plan B exposes Homo moral standards to a degree of inspection mankind never had to confront before. The choice of social system is especially relevant to projects. It becomes ludicrous to state project goals and then choose to run the project in the context of organizational dysfunction. Since all problem solving is a project, the choice of dystopia over Plan B is significant in the extreme.

Ponder on these facts a bit and the hostile attitude of management towards Plan B, in all its forms, becomes predictable.  It is entirely rational for the head shed to proclaim “Death to the invaders,” trying to change a social system that elected them to high office. The advent of Plan B has shown that people are choosing their leaders possessed by a moral code that exhibits, in operation, outcomes opposite to their welfare.


Generic, Huge, and Happy

Plan B is huge foremost because it is generic. Gross global impact of Plan B develops big numbers because there are so many individuals and social systems on the planet individually accessible to the benefits package. The “market” for Plan B is not made by Plan B, because it is so good, but by dystopia, because it is so unnecessarily destructive. The commitment to mutate requires an interventionist to arrange the necessaries and trigger the chain reaction of positive reciprocity. Insiders can’t do it (Warfield’s dictum).

Plan B is huge, secondly, because it impels a powerhouse breed of good system to bad system reciprocity seldom, if ever, recorded in human history. Few sights on planet earth are more transcendental than watching positive social system reciprocity in action.

You might think that P2U’s giant, self-expanding benefit package would create great demand for it. In fact, the opposite is true. The reality of Plan B, by itself, has no emulation incentive. You can run this test and see classic catatonia for yourself. The people are caught between the social conditioning of a single social system (dystopia) and the blunt reality of its prosperous counterpart Plan B. Its realness triggers denial at a primitive level.

The attribute of generic was the sought-after payoff from grounding everything in the paradigm to mathematical physics, delivering a key pillar of project success called scrutable connectivity. In the end, the discovery of the pathway to Plan B was guided more by natural-law-driven dynamic simulations enabled by powerful computers than by empiricism. Many reasonable (at the time) assumptions made via empiricism turned out to be false. They acted as a barrier to finding the way. What could be easier to test out than generic?

Plan B is a happy, thriving scene. The Utopians are happy because their “good” instincts are free to deliver benefits to themselves and their social system. Their operational reality is comfortable and consistent with objective knowledge. The differences in attitude, same people, jumping between the two attractors (packaged systems) is striking. Personality changes exhibit as context benefits are realized.

In partnership with alignment to omnipresent natural law is the constancy of human nature. Every argument for the infinite variety in human behavior is matched by an argument for the singularity of human nature. So much of our human nature endowment, the standard issue of instincts coded in our genes, can be found throughout the animal kingdom. Sociological research continues to show the dramatic distinctions between individual behavior, in isolation, and individual behavior in social systems. That proclivity is ubiquitous among viable creatures. Even trees behave differently in open fields than they do in dense groves.

Nothing in the P2U experience suggests variability in human nature. The P2U exploits the genetically-endowed instincts and proclivities to win the desperate race between benefit manifestation and turnover. Slow means no. Only fast can last.

The P2U is generic

  • Any social system can benefit. That means your social systems are in-scope.
  • “Try it before you buy it” risk removal for all.
  • Incontrovertible, transparent, accessible.
  • Because it applies to all social systems, it applies to most individuals.
  • The snap-action release of good instincts, already in place when the trigger point is reached, makes the transformation quick and abrupt. It is the spring-loaded instincts of viability maintenance that plummet turnover before it erodes the tactical gains.
  • Every P2U can climax at positive reciprocity radiation. It is infectious, powerful, and so incredibly beneficial. This is unknown to the social sciences.

Scope and significance of the P2U is huge

  • Individual x # of individuals
  • Social system x # of social systems
  • National x # of Nations
  • Global x # of earths
  • Universal x 1

The variety and size of the benefit package for transforming from dystopia to Plan B is unprecedented in a scope and size that auto-expands via reciprocity. It equals the functional performance differentials between the two kinds of social system. One kind, Plan B, does the husbandry necessary to keep its flourishing, felicitous way of life viable. The other kind, dystopia, also a package deal, is unavoidably self-destructive. The quantum, joint-restriction difference between the two disparate functionalities applies to every social system on earth. Incontrovertible. The rest is arithmetic.

P2U is happy

Have you not noticed the joyless, angst-ridden state of organizational dysfunction? Ever encounter a happy dystopia, a happy bureaucracy? In Plan B, angst cannot accumulate because what you encounter there makes “common sense.” There’s a lot of personalized kidding in Plan B. It’s how you know you have been accepted as a member in good standing. Everyone has the best interests of their collaborators at heart. In Plan B, there’s time to be happy. Mutual concern for well-being is why operating losses drop in half. Want to double the losses in any social system? Depersonalize the workforce.


Elaboration on unique

Plan B, sustained, opens up a future of possibilities that is far beyond what is possible under dystopia. This opportunity is a planet-earth first. From implementing the P2U we learn that the capability of Homo sapiens that makes it unique in the universe of viability, aliveness, is that only species Homo has sufficient intelligence to change its social system functionality, within the original endowment, into a complementary but opposite system of social interactions more appropriate to fast-changing times. How can you think happy future for your offspring with a corrupt society, one that understands and accommodates only corruption?

Among viable species, only Homo can switch away from a social system ideology that the ages of “progress” have rendered counterproductive, into a social system paradigm that offers a prosperous immortality no matter how the times may change in the future. It is the difference between reacting to the arriving future and shaping it to suit, preemptively. It is the difference between defending organizational ideology as infallible, keeping business as usual constant, and incessantly changing during the passing now to arrange for a better future. The difference is a doubling of productivity and prosperity.

Any time your primary operating strategy is emergency response to crises, you will encounter disturbances, sooner or later, that will do you in. When your basic strategy is viability husbandry, you are continuously scouting the arriving future so you can intelligently prevent what you don’t want and lay the foundation for what you do want coming at you. Firefighting reaction to events has its place, but not at the head of the ideological lineup in Plan B. Anticipation and prevention top the list. The spotlight focuses on actionable quality information (AQI), i.e., truth.

Yes, there are many species that can adapt to a range of new circumstances, in Darwinian fashion, after the fact, brain-off, and remain viable for a while longer. Only Homo can adapt its social system to changed conditions in anticipation, on the fly, brain on. In Plan B, preemption and adaptation by design in advance of future’s arrival is the way of life. As the record shows, without this ability, unique to Homo, all species go extinct.

History makes it clear also that having this matchless capability to shape the future does not mean Homo will apply its unique intelligence enough to use it before Homo, too, goes extinct. How intelligent is it to possess this exclusive capability for attaining social system prosperity, felicity, and immortality and spit in its face?

If they erect a futuristic-looking building and call it Utopia, does that mean when people inhabit the building they will automatically form society Utopia? Why are all Star Wars and Star Treks about dystopias? Why does starship Enterprise devote so much of its limited payload to defensive and offensive weaponry? If home base earth is smart enough to build an Enterprise, why isn’t it smart enough to be on top of intergalactic sociology as well? There is nothing in natural law that presumes dystopia. Nothing. Exactly like Utopias, dystopias are man made artifacts. Dystopias need an intellectual alibi to cover up their dysfunction. Plan Bs don’t need to deceive by alibi because there’s no zero-sum gamesmanship in Plan B. Social system prosperity is never zero sum.

The most awesome feature of Plan B? Positive social-system reciprocity. It is exceptional in reach and power. Everyone has experienced negative social system reciprocity, a defensive instinct, as the gateway to full stadiums, war and genocide. Everyone has experienced the flashover of aggression. Everyone has experienced individual positive reciprocity, “It’s a wonderful life,” in movies if not in reality. You have felt your Ten-Commandment’s (fourth) duty of gratitude and honor towards your parents. Positive reciprocity proves beyond dispute that Plan B is not a zero-sum affair. It costs nothing to reap its benefit and you can’t buy it. Positive social system reciprocity radiation is so exclusive to P2U that no one has even heard of it – in sociology or psychology.

Speaking to both sides of the equation, there is no way a dystopia can transmit anything but dystopia to another society. How could a corrupt Establishment possibly convey the virtues of truth, trust, and collaboration to another Establishment? Everything is at negative voltage.

Only a viable, robust, self-sustaining Plan B can possibly radiate Plan B benefits to other social systems. Because it has to be real, all positive radiation transmits at the workforce level or it doesn’t transmit at all. Positive social system reciprocity in action is an OMG wonder like no other. A slow excitement, but excitement still. Remember, half of the issues killing you are effects caused by your choice of social system operating package.

Since it has never been thought to exist, even as subject matter, no one has any idea about Plan B’s unique power to benefit. What we can claim unequivocally, based upon considerable experience with P2U, is that if the social systems of the world were in positive reciprocity mode, at least half of the problems each has to face to flourish and survive would disappear on their own. Through implementing P2U we now realize that if global issues like climate change and environmental destruction are to be addressed effectively, positive reciprocity is the only way it’s going to happen. Maintaining a healthy earth is not zero sum. Force cannot work. It’s unfortunate that the head shed, by role, is so hostile to this truth.

Not like Plan B, which can be examined and evaluated on site in a day, auditing positive reciprocity takes calendar time. It is entirely spontaneous and uncontrollable. The dynamics of reciprocity coincide with the dynamics of trust. While it may take a year to manifest, once reciprocity kicks in its signals flash immediately. Smart phones have speeded up the rates of positive reciprocity radiation.  Once ignited, reciprocity travels fast because it is free energy and the benefit it communicates is real.

Summing up, characteristics of positive reciprocity include:

  • Once ignited and sustained at the workforce of origin, positive benefits radiate out spontaneously. You may need patience, but you don’t have to paddle.
  • No aspect of this benefit radiation is zero sum. There is always room to increase the benefit package by implementing the paradigm. There are no losers. Even the counterproductive, Plan B-hostile head shed is a beneficiary.
  • Every wave of benefits radiated out has a feedback component that eventually returns to benefit the source. When the community benefits, for example, it reflects back positively on the workforce.


Elaboration on real

Conceptualizing an army to engage in warfare for defense or offense is easy and quick. Since it is a zero-sum game anyone can play, the final selection for implementation is typically made by the exalted potentate. Once the official army concept is made and the command comes down to make it real, nothing from then on is easy, simple, or quick. Building a real army for deployment in real battles is a collection of individual, game-like activities few can play well. No one can play them all.

Field a real army? An army that has a chance to win battles?  A real army that can really win real wars? Bring your big checkbook:

  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Training and experience
  • Leadership
  • Food, shelter and clothing
  • Healthcare, field hospitals
  • Communications
  • Transportation
  • Welfare
  • Remuneration

By day 6 after the D-Day invasion, the allied army ran out of bullets and shells. The British ran out of soldiers. These logistical failures cost lives as the war was unnecessarily extended. Once the army becomes real in the field, the 2nd Law takes precedent in army husbandry. Food and ammunition deplete, equipment breaks down, clothing wears out, soldiers die. The difference between army conceptual and army real is precisely the difference between fiction and the truth of sustaining reality. Wars in science fiction don’t have to worry about logistics. Nobody has to eat or to wash their skivvies.

The same deal to real applies to any viable system, Plan B included. Any claim for realness must come with invitations to visit and conduct all of the tests of realness. Authenticating realness includes, in particular, how entropy extraction and relocation is done. Everything process-wise must be transparent.

While it may be possible to fake system Plan B for a day, using trained actors, it is impossible to fake husbandry of its viability. Like fielding an army, there’s far too much involved in husbandry to fake. You’re better off searching for the fountain of youth.

Plan B, like every other social system, is defined by how its people behave in disturbance. Behaviors can be measured quantitatively, just like boxes of Cheerios. As material dynamics, human behavior is subject to universal law.  When society attempts to defy a natural law, by habit or otherwise, nature applies real punishments that can be measured as material dynamics. If you neglect infrastructure husbandry, it falls apart or down, take your pick. How do you hide a bridge that has collapsed into the river it was supposed to cross?

Since only two kinds of stable social system are possible, the validation of one precludes the other. As attractors in joint restriction, each social system type comes as a set of behavioral patterns composed of sets of behavioral patterns – each one detectable. This attribute makes determining which is which easy and error-free. As discussed earlier, the advent of a real, accessible Plan B brings everyone’s moral code into public evaluation. You can’t claim to care about your stated goals and continue to operate in dystopia. If your care is real, you’ll double your effectiveness by operating out of base Plan B.

You can tell a dystopia simply by observing its cover-up mechanisms in action. No organization can hide its depersonalization, its abuse of the workforce, its turnover. Dystopia at large is ashamed of itself – and for good reason. The harm it causes is unnecessary.

You can tell Plan B simply by observing its cooperative ongoing efforts to increase productivity. The benefit package of Plan B is very real, material. It is composed of things you can count. You won’t have to struggle to find relevant information. Plan B is proud of itself – and for good reason. The good it does has legs. Realness, sooner or later, carries the day. The difference between fiction and real is implementation power.

The people of Plan B, all real, speak for themselves. Responsible and autonomous, they cannot be coerced to act outside of their reality. The people of dystopia, all real, voice from a teleprompter run by people they don’t know. They cannot be coerced to break silence.

Finally, the people mired in dystopia have no way to imagine the realness of Plan B. All of their standards, norms, and benchmarks are dystopian. One thing Plan B is not, is dystopia populated by highly moral, ethical people of the “right stuff.” It is not helpful to expect people who have only experienced real dystopia to invent the template of Plan B. The public library contains several million books about dystopia, fiction and non-fiction. The library has, at the most, ten books on Utopia and all of those are heavily labeled fiction.

The real Plan B is occupied by former dystopians because that’s all there is to work with.

Enter the 2nd Law

Dystopia has big problems with truth and intelligent maintenance. It has no truth and it has no actionable-quality information (AQI) to fuel effective husbandry. Thereby dystopia has no need for trust, collaboration and responsibility. The pilgrims that mutate from dystopia to populate Plan B instinctually change their way of life. Seeking truth is how they got there and truth-seeking is how they stay there.

Real is the kingdom of the 2nd Law. The impact of the 2nd Law on everything real, atoms to galaxies, makes it the most secure law in the universe. You are viable real in this universe only at the pleasure of the 2nd Law. The power of the entropy gradient made you from dust (Gibbs) and it is the power of the same gradient that reduces you to dust. You are not in charge of your viability; the 2nd Law is. You only control how you relate to the 2nd Law. As the pharaohs learned, you can’t force viability.

Real, material always means exposure to 2nd Law action and that always means cognitive and physical exertions. Unreal always means GIGO mediated. Fiction is its own world, not necessarily harmful, but seldom helpful. Reality is the world we observe. Whether or not reality is to be harmful or beneficial is completely dependent upon the truthfulness of the alignment of man to the operational reality. Nature will remain indifferent. Human nature will remain constant.

At one time we assumed that everybody understood the significance and fundamentals of GIGO, a law of the universe. At a basic level, if you have Garbage-contaminated information coming In to your arena of problem solving, you are doomed to deliver Garbage-contaminated Outputs (GIGO). The great emphasis of the paradigm on developing actionable-quality information (AQI) is to keep the lies, distortions and deceptions out of the arena of work. We assumed anyone with their eye on the goal would rather do the work it takes to develop ground truth than fail the mission with fiction. These assumptions as universal are no longer valid

The lie-based social system that is dystopia has become so ubiquitous and accepted as the only social system available, people no longer think that truth and reality are necessary to really solve its real problems – even when they don’t get solved. There are many ways to test this newish, profound attitude. When people no longer think that lies interfere with developing fit solutions, what are the stop rules? Why should I trouble myself to develop the truth when it’s going into a pot of lies? Accepting lies as a social norm on the basis that it doesn’t impede goal-seeking and operational productivity is, perhaps, the ultimate in self-delusion. Running a lie-based social system instead of a trust-based social system is OK? By what safeguard would all the police forces required be trustworthy?

So you have formed a Plan B and want to sustain it? Success in that task depends entirely on how you cope with the decay caused by the 2nd Law. Fiction can’t sustain real. How could a species call itself sapient and think that real can be controlled by fiction? Only real can sustain real.

Plan B society is a group of people, like-minded regarding the 2nd Law, which finds it more advantageous and effective to husband their society in prosperity mode by relating to the 2nd Law as a collaboration than as individual Crusoes. Plan B is a system of behavior that continuously raises productivity (material) which then translates into effective viability husbandry (abstract). As the 2nd Law is deaf to persuasion, there’s the niggling question of timely truth, local and particular. Then comes that nagging question about structure and work. As you are forced to acknowledge as you age, 2nd Law action is very personal as well.


Realness rules

Auditing real Plan B, a package deal, you witness the trusting collaboration of productivity betterment that makes viability husbandry successful. When it comes to dealing with the vicissitudes of reality, you witness Utopia running circles around dystopia. Incontrovertible.

The advantages of real Plan B are many and real. There are so many realized benefits, economic and humanitarian, and so much attending them, it is impossible to miss the materiality of it all. Stay with the specifications of “real” and you prevent navigational errors. Stay with real. Yes, it can hurt. For your way of life? Stay with real.

Elaboration on generic, huge, and happy

The attribute of huge is an effect, not a cause. Huge is simple arithmetic. It takes the difference in performance between dystopia and Plan B times the number of instances. The paradigm does not make the difference big. Dystopia does. Generic does not make P2U benefits huge. The number of social systems running in dystopia mode does.

Developing a generic paradigm that covers the pilgrimage to Plan B and its husbandry turned out to be critical for success. Without attaining generic grade, the hit and miss method collides with unavoidable lags. By the time you get the second pillar in place, the first one has degraded. Until paradigm success has fixed the turnover restriction, turnover undoes your transformation work as fast as you complete it.

By rooting everything in P2U in universal law and the singularity of human nature, the speedup in getting to critical mass beats the lags. The tie to reality engenders trust, and trust multiplies knowledge transfer. When healthy instincts are released to flourish, ignition of Plan B is soon triggered. When benefits begin to manifest for real, the lag obstacles melt away. If the paradigm wasn’t generic and human nature a constant, positive reciprocity would never happen. Turnover kills you.

Generic means that the mechanisms of action of the social system attractor, being tied to natural law and human nature, can be dynamically simulated using mathematical physics. That means if your dynamic simulation studies show the idea you have doesn’t work on the computer, the chances are it will not work in reality. There is no way for empiricism to compete with dynamic simulation for navigation purposes. In the empirical world, you can’t control the test conditions and you can’t afford to make enough tests to validate your candidate concept. Turnover kills you.

View the P2U scenario from the stratosphere and the order of battle is simplicity itself.  Observe the chosen people being brainwashed by the Establishment until their concept of their unique role in the hierarchy as foremen is distorted beyond role-functionality. Witness the clash between their instincts of role and the script forced upon them by the head shed. Observe the unmitigated angst that results. Discern the organizational decrepitude that always increases in dysfunction.

Notice the interventionist culling the foremen out from the rest of the herd and beginning the process of annealing the distortions of their socially conditioned instincts. Eyewitness angst blowdown and the moment of mutation that follows. See the same magic performed on a diverse array of individuals. Detect the manifestations of the benefit package.  Come back in 6 months and perceive positive social system reciprocity in action, everywhere you look. That’s happy.

Happy is an effect, not a cause. It isn’t Plan B without felicity. Happy is when you can honor your self-image and contribute to your society at the same time. This requires that Utopians have a wide tolerance for individuality. While the principles of husbanding Utopia viability remain constant, the variety of personalities shows up in differences in how productivity advances are made. Change the personnel and you change the productivity increase materiality. They tolerate your idiosyncrasies, you tolerate theirs – kidding and wise cracks allowed.


General Remarks

Getting to system Plan B and maintaining its viability is a “critical mass” affair. There are essential functionalities that must be in place concurrently to reach ignition. Once ignition occurs, Plan B produces surplus over its operational consumptions. Yes, like nuclear power plants.

Trying to “fix” dystopia is the pursuit of the impossible, a waste of time. If you desire a “better way of life” and a happy, prosperous working environment, you have three worthwhile goals to pursue.

  • Define your “Utopia” in material and functional terms – what “done” looks like.
  • Develop a feasible plan to migrate from where you are to your Utopia.
  • Develop a practical plan to husband the viability of your Utopia after you arrive there. Utopia is a video, not a snapshot.

With good acting, it might be possible to get into a real, pre-established Utopia society on lies. But you will not be able to maintain your status in Plan B on lies. What deals can lies make with the truth? What benefit does a lie have to offer a truth? In a society where errors are a norm of advancement, an unavoidable price of viability husbandry, there is no need to cover up the uglys of reality. Trust sustains Plan B: force perpetuates dystopia.

The fictional way of life in dystopia can get by with everything but real issues. Is your socially-mediated status in dystopia, where viability continuance doesn’t matter, more valuable than a performance-based status in Plan B, where viability husbandry is paramount? Finding lies don’t work, the only choice society thinks it has is to act like the problem isn’t there or worth fixing. Freedom from the realness criteria may have appeal to the potentates, but there is always a day of reckoning for dystopia society, such as mergers and acquisitions, where collapse takes place.

How can a society support a corrupt Establishment and, at the same time, ask it to solve the real problems of running a prosperous society in a world of dysfunctional societies? What can a social system predicated on lies do with solving real problems? The 2nd Law kills dystopia with its own attempts to defy Nature. How remarkable, indeed, to observe a species claiming supreme intelligence, thinking it can handle the 2nd Law disturbances to status quo by denial. Can any species rank itself sapient that knows the laws of the universe and then sets out attempting to defy them?

While every fictional account has Utopia as an island, sealed-off, real Utopia is anything but.  It is the lighthouse at Alexandria. Plan B triggers reciprocity by setting a practical example to be experienced by all who engage it.

Nobody can act their way through the requisites of realness. You cannot build anything real with unreal. Fail any specification of realness and you have your dystopia. In effect, you make dystopia packages by choosing to not go to the toil and brainwork trouble to make Plan B.

Introducing lies into Plan B is a great test of authentic Plan B. Bringing lies into Plan B exhibits how the Utopia way of life perpetuates itself. Being lie-intolerant, by definition, a genuine Plan B will detect your lie as an error and compensate for it as an error, not a willful obstruction. If you continue such testing, you will eventually see little point to it.  Your lies have changed nothing. You have not harmed Plan B, preoccupied as it is with husbanding realness matters, and you have wasted your time.

Before the pathway of the pilgrims was developed, it was assumed by virtue of the disastrous record of failed attempts to build one, a route from dystopia to Plan B did not exist. Well, there is a route and, as far as we can contemplate, no other route is possible.

The key agent in the mutation is the Front Line Leader. Plan B can only be constructed by the workforce foremen and only the foremen can husband its viability. No one at lower rank can install a Plan B because an unenlightened foreman, emulating standard management practice, has too much power to squash worker initiatives. No one at higher rank can install a Plan B because an unenlightened foreman has too much control over withholding workforce efficiency. Obeying the riverboat armada foreman is, exactly, how George Washington crossed the Delaware.

No matter how you slice and dice the hierarchy, there will always be a level where the worker digs the ore under a foreman right there physically with him at the workface telling a group of his fellow workers where they are to dig and handling the paperwork. No matter how you carve up the hierarchy, there will always be a level under the head shed necessary to translate the generalizations of executive commands into terms the workers know how to implement. Because of the 2½ rule, that MitM level can only be the front line leader. All else defaults to dystopia.

There are instances in history where the people wished for a Plan B, without ever defining it. People think Disney theme parks are Utopias. They think there their rubbish disappears on its own. There are no instances in history where the people wanted a real Utopia. What they really want is their dystopian ideology, as-is, on a planet consisting of nothing but Disney-style theme parks. The ancient graphics of Utopia speak to that notion.

What’s the downside to Plan B? Well, to people who relish using their intellect and their hands to make their future better, there is no downside. You assure a prosperous future for your progeny by attaining it for yourself and your society. What is the upside to dystopia? Impoverishment? War? Genocide? Extinction? POSIWID.

As indicated earlier, the demonstrable fact of the P2U benefit package is unwelcome information to dystopia, a hostility that deserves your understanding. The aggressive refusals to examine a Plan B signal that the Establishment hold on dystopian culture is tight indeed. Neither the amount of damage wreaked by dystopia nor the size of the benefit package available in Plan B engenders the slightest motivation to transform. The bellicose reluctance to leave dystopia has many fuel supplies.

In Plan B, depersonalization is treason. There is no double legal standard, one for the elite and one for the workforce. Double standard is a lie that betrays depersonalization and coupled with the zero-sum strategy it means genocide. There is no legal immunity for one caste and none for the others. Depersonalization is the precondition for savaging the workforce. In that stage, the instinct of domination of the head shed is unleashed to menace society with impunity. A double standard social system, while popular with some castes, is not sustainable.

There are several pillars of the P2U that you can test in your own social spheres. You can run the tests quickly and safely, at your convenience and opportunity. You do not need permission and you control any reporting of results. When you are functioning in Plan B, you are not constrained by dystopian barriers to innovation. Your future is not confined to a future mediated by dystopia’s caste architecture. Your future can be whatever you can imagine that is good for you and good for Utopia society.

One foolproof test of the organization is its training practice. First, learn the proven technique of effective adult knowledge transfer (journal section). Research on it is readily available. Then, check out what the training department in your target actually does. Mention the discrepancies to those that train and you will learn all you need to know about your local dystopia. Some trainers, aware of the effective ways to train adults, are frustrated by a rank-pulling management. Ineffective training is a symptom, not a cause. In Plan B the laws of effective adult training are prominent.



From the discipline: “In social psychology, reciprocity is a social rule that says people should repay, in kind, what another person has provided for them. That is, people give back (reciprocate) the kind of treatment they have received from another. By virtue of the rule of reciprocity, people are obligated to repay favors, gifts, invitations, etc. in the future.” Reciprocity in society dates back to Hammurabi with his “eye for an eye” laws. The concept of reciprocity is an instinct, not something that has to be learned. The final phase of the Pilgrimage to Plan B odyssey is positive, outward-radiating social system reciprocity, and it reverberates.

Reciprocity is the essence of effective safety, loss prevention, health and welfare, our original compelling purpose. “Got your six” is the hallmark of Plan B and every other effective organization in society, such as Special Forces. Without mutual “Got your back” support, safety and quality training programs of any stripe are a waste of time. The measured difference between reciprocal safety and personal-only safety on the bottom line is over two to one. That is why, exactly, Utopia is installed before training about safety. Workforce internal reciprocity cuts losses and waste in half by itself and it comes free with Plan B prosperity.

When social system reciprocity appears in the scientific literature, it is always the negative form. The reason is simple.

  • Positive reciprocity, unlike negative reciprocity, cannot happen on its own.
  • For social systems, positive reciprocity requires the Plan B-dystopia gradient.
  • The only way to build a self-sustaining Plan B is the FLLP.
  • Since the positive reciprocity benefit is spontaneous, it cannot be forced. Trust is a precondition for reciprocity.
  • The scientific community has never had or even postulated an on-demand Plan B-dystopia gradient to work with before.
  • The world the organization lives in is mediated by the foremen. The foreman is the prime mover origin of all positive reciprocity in social systems.
  • Any initiative towards positive reciprocity, not foreman-originated, will wither and die by leak, lag and friction of the 2nd Turnover kills you.

Regarding positive transfer of P2U benefits, always spontaneous, implementing a self-sustaining Plan B is the only source of sufficient, persistent motivation. Plan B is a deliberately-designed artifact alright, and in constant need of husbandry, for sure, but reciprocity is an order-of-magnitude multiplier of the P2U benefit package for zero additional effort. Benefit-wise, nothing can compare to the radiation power of positive reciprocity. Social system reciprocity is a 3-D affair. That means each ring of reciprocity multiplies benefits by the cube of the previous ring.

The reciprocal action of behavioral transformation, like osmosis, requires a potential energy differential. We arbitrarily call the difference social voltage. Without sufficient voltage differential, no amount of amperage can jump the gap. Since all dystopias are, by definition, running with the same ideology, the variations in dystopia operations do not transfer from better to worse. The losers of a war never change their ideology to match that of the winners. Everyone has been a member in an organization that made a rapid change to a more harmful form of dystopia. Mergers and acquisitions never fail to provide examples. These accelerations towards collapse are not by reciprocity. Social system voltage for running Plan B is generated by running several functionalities in tandem, like putting batteries in series:

On/off, Yes/no reciprocity voltage checklist

  • Truth
  • Trust
  • Culture paradigm, attractor Plan B/dystopia
  • Applied intelligence
  • Morale
  • Creativity
  • Open/closed minded
  • Responsible
  • Autonomy, discretion
  • Reciprocity previous
  • Instinct
  • Angst
  • Zero sum
  • Incontrovertibility


The only way to obtain positive reciprocity in action is by establishing the Plan B to dystopia gradient. That is, one side of the connection must be Utopian in functionality. The differences between attractor dystopia (Yin) and attractor Utopia (Yang) always exceed the threshold voltage differential. The setting also has to be just right, and the setting is non-obvious, for reciprocity to spark the benefits. Motivational speakers can never get near the conditions of mass positive reciprocity. If it is not spontaneous, it doesn’t happen at all.

Scientific knowledge about positive reciprocity is so sparse and unreliable it is impossible to predict the reciprocity factor in the P2U. What experience we do have shows that the reciprocity effect on expanding the benefit package begins early on, locally, inside the workforce. In the smart phone age, the cascading effect of outwardly-radiating reciprocity can be quite powerful and abrupt. Positive-transfer reciprocity only occurs between persons who know each other on a personal basis. No potentate can command positive reciprocity. Pilgrims are the prime-mover headwaters of all positive reciprocity.

Since the work scene defined by the foreman defines the worker, when the worker situation goes Plan B, reciprocity spread enters the family scene in a positive way. Feedback indicates the lag is about 2-3 months from work to home. How do we know? The interventionist gets invited to home cooking by the cook.

Reciprocity effects from the workforce to general staff and out to vendors and suppliers is a more gradual proposition. The lag is highly dependent on the particulars. The further the distance from Plan B central itself, at the workforce level, the longer the lag between Utopia ignition and benefit expansion by reciprocity. The lag is a little over a year. Reciprocity can work on the same population from different angles and speed things up. There is no direct control for this process.

The lag in positive reciprocity that ripples out to the community, public relations, is about two years. Although management is an immediate, direct beneficiary of the P2U windfall$, its reciprocity lag lies between 3 years and never. While the onset of reciprocity is easy to detect, it is impossible to predict the extent. When everything clicks reciprocity-wise, it radiates outward to double the size of the P2U benefit package with no added effort. Reciprocity is a dynamic factor that feeds on the dynamics of husbanding Plan B. The vector by which reciprocity initially radiates out from its source, ground zero, is the Rogerian triad.

Our studies of positive social system reciprocity, while reliable, are rudimentary and opportunistic. We basically take a series of status snapshots when benefits manifest and plot them. Since no one can force reciprocity, there is no way to control experimentation. We assume reciprocity is coincident with trust. As all know, trust can be lost in an instant. Rational people, one would think, because its high ground is so hard to attain, would do whatever it takes to sustain reciprocity gains. Dystopia, hooked on zero-sum, knows nothing of positive reciprocity. Evil spreads by itself.

Healthy reciprocity begins when the foreman mutates to Plan B. His workers notice the change, of course, and after a few tests here and there, reciprocate by returning the efficiency they reluctantly withheld eons ago in conformance with the workplace norms. When the workforce goes Plan B, everyone notices the new attitude norms. Soon the next ring of engaged people are faced with the same choice. When they release their withheld efficiency to the workforce of origin, everyone notices. When the workers liberate themselves to their instincts of workmanship, they find the change quite beneficial to their way of life. Doing good, useful work is natural instinct. Withholding efficiency is not.

Reciprocity eventually can spread to the public in the form of splendid community relations and it is free. Good relations with your organizational neighbors is a bankable asset. As a rule, top management is the last group to recognize the P2U benefit package. It usually activates only after the public image of the organization has changed for the better and the head shed cannot figure out why.

Having met the challenge of initiating workforce reciprocity, the spotlight of knowledge development is how to assist the outward radiation of benefits. It is clear the reciprocity starts from a central Plan B. As the benefits of Plan B spread out, benefits begin to reverberate back to the workforce. When the workers find that their families are better off, they are incentivized to husband its viability. When the families find that their status in the community is enhanced because of the employer organization, the families are incentivized to support the breadwinner. When the communities find enhanced prestige with other communities because they host the Utopia organization, like NCR in 1895 Dayton, OH, they are incentivized to cooperate with the workplace.

When you aggregate the influence of positive social system reciprocity triggered by P2U, you can be informed of its significance, reach and grasp. At some point it will dawn on you that staging this grand opera did not involve the head shed.

  • The P2U benefit package is undeniable. The windfall$ are bankable.
  • The non-dependency upon a management action is undeniable.
  • Notice where the role of management in forming Plan B, inert baggage, leaves you in understanding the role of management in dystopia.


Pre-launch preparations

No one captured in the gravitational pull of dystopia can do the requisite groundwork for the P2U (Gödel). It is in setting the stage for the paradigm play where success is either assured or prevented and only the interventionist, as outsider, can get the job done. All interventionists are grizzled veterans of the P2U.

  • Prequalification
  • Productivity benchmarks
  • Stop rule signoff
  • Trust, 1 on 1, 1 by 1


We’re in this P2U affair for manifestation of the Full-Monty benefit package, nothing short of that. Residency at Maslow’s transcendence level demands it. Before setting up the circus tent, the interventionist takes a day on site to scope out the situation at the ground-truth level. This step prevents making a large error, one that would prevent realization of the benefits package. There is no way the interventionist can be fooled by the organization.

The group of pilgrims making the trip is special on many fronts. Included:

  • There are no individuals in the group lower than foreman level.
  • There are no individuals in the group higher than foreman level.
  • Foremen have been socially conditioned to believe their role is lesser in significance than management.
  • They have been maltreated and burdened by the organizational head shed.
  • They have nothing to lose in social system (dystopia) status. MitM.
  • They have a full complement of good natural instincts anxious for liberation.
  • Those that qualify as pilgrims, by hierarchical role, do not need permission from anyone to mutate. All others that think they need permission to pilgrimage, can’t get it.
  • There are no academic qualifications

This “special force” is the prime mover of Plan B. The foreman, by role, is the productivity gatekeeper and productivity protagonist. Because of the 2nd Law, there is no Plan B without his paradigm-guided leadership.

Productivity benchmarks

Planning for success requires a full, quantified accounting of P2U benefits realization. It is the before compared to the after that answers the mutation questions. This determination is what keeps management honest with the stop rules. Increasing productivity is how Plan B viability is husbanded. How else?

The perilous part of this task is that dystopia never tracks its productivity. It only tracks production (revenue). Dystopia doesn’t want quantification of its losses, waste, and turnover. By ducking the quantification issue, management avoids having to deal with productivity problems. The interventionist formulates productivity parameters, quietly, with the help of the workforce. Only after the pilgrimage is over does the accounting of realized benefits take place. At that point, management objections about tracking productivity become moot.


The pilgrimage necessaries are called stop rules because if one is broken, the benefit package evaporates, with no doubts about responsibility. By deliberately breaking a stop rule, management examples that the only operational result it can confer on the workforce is to harm it. All managements that deliberately break the stop rules do so only after the benefits of the P2U begin to manifest and reciprocity triggers. Does one need to know anything else about management?


If you’re writing Utopia fiction, what does reader trustworthiness matter? Fantasy makes no demands for congruency with the laws of the universe. Since you’re fantasizing to the reader, why does he have to be trusted? The instant “real” enters the stage, the spotlights of reality come on you. No place to hide. Incongruency with natural law is fatal to reader influence.

It isn’t just nice to have trust and be trustworthy, it is the gateway to all other virtues. While truth is essential for trust-building, it is also true that trust is necessary for getting at some of the truths. Building trust comes first before everything else in the P2U. Trust and truth are integral with “realness.”

In building trust from scratch, the interventionist establishes himself as one of them, by role. He is totally competent with the Rogerian Triad. Rogers is a one on one proposition and it takes place where the pilgrim works. There is never a time limit on building the relationship and it is totally controlled by the pilgrim and totally confidential. This phase is typically where the pilgrim vents his angst into the interventionist receiving tanks. Angst vented, he is left with surplus internal energy to continue the pilgrimage towards Plan B.

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