Social behavior priorities

  • POSIWID, value system identification
    • Establish criteria for what done (flourishing) looks like, as POSIWID reference
  • Social status
    • Authority
    • Performance
  • Subconscious mind role, seat of intuition, gatekeeping
  • Suppressed instincts
    • Square deal, no losers, zero sum
  • Intrinsic workforce value system (Whiting Williams)
    • Platinum rule (personalization), golden rule (self-reference)
  • Adult learning, extrinsic/intrinsic
  • 2nd Law entropy extraction
  • Indifference



“The Purpose Of the System Is What It Does.” This powerful analytical tool, provided by W. Ross Ashby a century ago, is the workhorse of cause/effect determination. You take what was done (effect) and assume that was the intended goal of the activity. Then, you ask yourself, what would be a logical primary motivator (cause) for producing those consequences. Next you test your supposition. If it passes, you repeat with another candidate for plausible purpose (the process of elimination).

You take the collection of candidate causes that passed the test and repeat each candidate cause as an effect. The only stop rule is convergence on a primary cause.

Social status

In hominid society, there are two yardsticks for social status determination:

  1. Authority level, gained by public opinion based on tradition or election on lineage, personality and promises. When attained, it conveys only negative social power.
  2. Positive social power, through performance

There can be no blends of these two measures in social status formation. It’s by opinion (consumers) or by performance (producers). By taking GIGO-based action, authority, as primary cause, can only bring negative effects to the organization.

Social status by performance can only be earned by first producing positive, tangible benefits to the social system. Your social power accrues on automatic on the basis of your accomplishments or not at all. When you become the “go-to” man, you will know you’ve arrived. You have lost all dependence on authority permission to get things done by others.

Subconscious mind role

Intuition is exclusively a subconscious-mind functionality. For making important choices, intuition is considerably worse than random chance. Its vast memory bank, being adulterated with garbage information, can only make bad choices.

People in high authority asked Charles Babbage: “If I put in wrong numbers, will the machine give correct answers?”

Accordingly, basic prudence requires intercepting the task-action imperatives of your intuition, before implementation. You then take whatever time it takes to validate the particular case with reliable information. Most decision-making requires broad knowledge of cause and effect of the particular case.

Intuition is fast, too fast for prudent choice-making. It takes time to square things with the facts. When you observe reflex- speed choice-making in poorly-understood situations, you can assume their intuition has been given a hall pass.

In any social situation, continuously ask yourself: “Which mind is this dude operating on: conscious or unconscious?”

Suppressed instincts

The indifference of the head shed to intrinsic worker needs shows up in various abnormalities of instinct expression. The authorities do not support the basic instincts of:

  • Workmanship
  • The square deal, fairness
  • Social status by performance
  • Productivity
  • Curiosity, cause and effect
  • Positive social bonds
  • Responsibility

When inalienable rights are taken away, trust is lost, permanently. This sets up an adversarial relationship (++) that spawns Ca’canny as workforce operating policy. That amounts to at least a 25% drop in productivity. The reason the authorities don’t want the workforce to take responsibility is that they must grant the autonomy to perform.

Authorities support the inborn instincts of:

  • Leadership infallibility
  • Conformance to social norms
    • Fear-based baitball configuration


Most of the zero sum competitions staged in organizational affairs are fallacious. As Plan B demonstrates, the size of the pie being contested is not fixed. While social status by opinion can be a zero sum affair, social status by performance is never zero sum. It’s a call for creativity and thinking new.

In social affairs, any change that has winners and losers is bogus. As Plan B demonstrates, there are no goals outside of warfare that can only be attained on the backs of somebody else. It’s a call for creativity and thinking new. Increasing productivity is an example of an activity that is never zero sum and it has no losers.

The intrinsic value system of the workforce

One of the great riddles in the organizational dysfunction business is understanding why management resorts to extrinsic motivation of the workforce, which always fails, to the exclusion of intrinsic motivation, which always succeeds. This behavioral pattern, based on the golden rule (self-reference), is produced by invariant human nature.

Management has known about the dismal failure of extrinsic motivation for a century and a half. Yet, it is still taught in business school and universally practiced. Whiting Williams investigated the intrinsic motivators of workforces around the globe by working as part of the workforce himself. A .pdf of one of his books (1919 – 1921) about his experience is provided.

In getting his ground truth, Williams practiced the platinum rule: Do unto others what they want done for themselves. This always involves personalization, one by one. There are too many variations in the workforce to go with generalized assumptions.

While Williams’ books were popular and he was in high demand as a speaker, no learning from his ground-truth efforts took place in hierarchy operations. The contemporary Hawthorne investigations (1923 – 1937) into workforce motivation found some of the same intrinsic factors. No learning from Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne program took place either. The indifference to intrinsic motivation speaks volumes about the motivators of authority.


Adult learning

One would think that the functionality of adult learning, a social activity having enormous financial and social impact worldwide, would have been optimized by solid science by now. In fact, much research was done on the subject triggered by WWII. Studies of the intrinsic functions of adult learning were continued until the 1970s. This large body of knowledge, like intrinsic workforce motivation, never made it into standard practice.

In fact, the methods in use today for adult learning are among those identified as counterproductive.  Any objective study of teaching effectiveness in adults will find that no learning is taking place. The lesson is that the indifference to adult learning taking place is intentional. POSIWID suggests that’s the way the head shed wants it.

When Plan B came to life in 2013 and we had proof positive about the keystone species in the hierarchy, we adopted adult learning methods proven to be effective by measurements. It turned out that the research findings were generic and ontarget. We subscribe to class size, length of classroom sessions, and frequency of sessions recommended by the empirical knowledge.

The sabotage of adult learning by the Establishment is another example of maintaining class differences. The use of counterproductive teaching practices is so commonplace, the adults being cheated think that’s all there is. Rather than expecting you to follow up with the research, you’re invited to attend a Plan B session, witness the adult learning scene for yourself, and interview the veterans. Done.


Entropy extraction

There’s no more important skill in your repertoire than being able to reduce entropy in a system of your concern. The 2nd Law works around the clock to increase disorder, like it or not, and the only choice you have is to suffer the consequences of progressive degeneration or get busy restoring order in the feedstock of disorder on a regular basis . Always remember the 2nd Law is the most secure universal law in the lot.

The only discipline that hammers the 2nd Law into your skull as standard practice is engineering. The 2nd Law involves everything material with total indifference. While medicine involves the 2nd Law big time, it doesn’t explicitly teach the law itself. The upper classes deny existence of the 2nd Law because it makes a mockery of infallibility. Truth be known, it makes the same case for all species.

Learning the relationship a person has to the 2nd Law is sufficient by itself to decide his trustworthiness. If he doesn’t know the only path for extracting entropy, the chances he gets it done by instinct plummet toward zero.

The 2nd Law allows for entropy extraction activity that reduces disorder locally at the cost of increasing disorder globally. There is no conservation law for entropy as there is for matter and energy.

The formula for entropy extraction locally is to devise (invent) an organizing structure for order in the particulars and then applying the physical work (force x distance, Joules) to hang the disorder on the invented rack. When you make the bed, you are adding more heat to the room than you spent in organizing the sheets, blankets, and pillows to suit your druthers.



The indifference of the head shed to intrinsic values of the workforce and the stakeholders is necessary to support corruption.









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